“Damn” was her audible response
I recently heard a surprising story: A female CEO was briefed on a stellar candidate for a top job at her company. “Sounds ideal,” she said to the group in the room. “Male or female?” Male was the answer. “Damn” was her audible response. The guy wasn’t even interviewed. Why Are Men SilentSearch BIS
Goolag T Shirt
Men On Strike
- “This has been the coldest season with the most ice since we started Arctic Watch in 2000. Almost no whales. The NWPassage is still blocked with ice. Some of the bays still have not melted!”
Richard weber, owner/operater Arctic Watch Generation Screwed
And rather than follow the conventional path of indebting yourself for 13-years so that you can attend university for four, and then fork over the bulk of your pay to the government, instead focus on learning tangible, valuable skills overseas.Government Cheese
Boulder County Fairness in Road Maintenance (FIRM) On November 5, 2013, residents and property owners of subdivisions in unincorporated Boulder County will go to the polls to vote on 5C. A group of your fellow citizens has banded together to provide you, our neighbors, with facts and information about why you should vote NO on this tax increase. To learn more, click on the button below.-
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Tag Archives: enviro-wacko
The only issue I have with Bob Greenlee’s editorial taking Boulder City Council to task regarding their electric power municipalization is that the ‘g’ in god should be capitalized – Bob Greenlee: It’s time to re-think Boulder’s muni scheme – Boulder … Continue reading
Boulder Energy Future propaganda website: Energy Future In the technology world they have a saying, “Good, Fast, Cheap, you can only pick two.” But when it comes to municipalization in the People’s Republic of Boulder, there are no tradeoffs. From … Continue reading
Energy Future Home – What could possibly go wrong? For Boulder, it’s an opportunity to create our own electric utility—one that runs on cleaner energy, is cheaper, supports innovation, and serves the public. It will NOT be cheaper without substantial subsidies … Continue reading
Well Observe Earth Day When the EPA Observes the Law, Small Business Federation Declares | MRCTV. The EPA recently submitted to the White House its final rule expanding the Clean Water Act, adopted by Congress three decades ago to protect … Continue reading
Green lightbulbs and crony capitalism
Lights Out For America’s Favorite Light Bulb – Reason.com. The ban is crony capitalism in its most seductive form—when it’s disguised as green. Major light bulb manufacturers supported the ban from the outset. The profit margin on old-style bulbs was … Continue reading
Colorado Middle school: ‘What the Frack!’
‘What the Frack!’: Colorado School Kids Made to Participate in Anti-Fracking Rap During Assembly | Video | TheBlaze.com. The rap demonized the process of hydraulic fracturing — “fracking” — to extract natural gas from rock, saying it “poisoned the water, … Continue reading