Googlebots are stoopid. It’s amazing how the Googlebots flock to my blog when I start calling Google and Facebook stoopid in the keywords section.

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It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic – Facebook Enlists Eric Holder’s Law Firm to ‘Advise’ on Anti-Conservative Bias | Breitbart

I heard on Fox Business (I think) this morning that Facebook was going to allow you to delete any of your data they have stored on you. I must have misheard.

On the flip side they have apparently enlisted the Heritage Foundation as well.

Personally, I’ve stopped posting on FB except to share occasional posts from my FB business page and special occasions. An example of a special occasion is livestreaming burning charcoal in the Weber grill on Earth Day.

Also, the pick up in activity on this blog is definitely related to not posting on FB.

Posted in freedom, freedom of speech | Leave a comment

Faster please – Danish Thorium Molten Salt Reactor receives pre-seed funding |

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Apparently the only good man is a pussy of a man – New Program at University of Texas Conflates Masculinity with Sexual Assault

In Texas!?

Helen Smith - Men On Strike

Posted in Men's rights | 1 Comment

Tick tock – WhatsApp CEO Jan Koum quits Facebook due to privacy intrusions | TechCrunch

Koum sold WhatsApp to Facebook in 2014 for a jaw-dropping $19 billion. But since then it’s more than tripled its user count to 1.5 billion, making the price to turn messaging into a one-horse race seem like a steal. But at the time, Koum and co-founder Brian Acton were assured that WhatsApp wouldn’t have to run ads or merge its data with Facebook’s. So were regulators in Europe, where WhatsApp is most popular.

A year and a half later, though, Facebook pressured WhatsApp to change its terms of service and give users’ phone numbers to its parent company. That let Facebook target those users with more precise advertising, such as by letting businesses upload lists of phone numbers to hit those people with promotions. Facebook was eventually fined $122 million by the European Union in 2017 — a paltry sum for a company earning more than $4 billion in profit per quarter.

Facebook is evil. I also didn’t realize that WhatsApp had been sold to FB (duh). I had it downloaded at one time but used it rarely. It’s not on my new phone and it will stay that way.

Posted in Facebook is stoopid, privacy | Leave a comment

So Boulder – Yikes! New Seattle Bike Lanes Were Supposed to Cost $860k per Mile. Some Are Costing $13 Million Instead. – Hit & Run :

Yet another Seattle transit project goes off the rails.

Seattle has a road and a bike lane problem. In Boulder, they would just neglect the roads, wouldn’t they?

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, So Boulder | Leave a comment

Someone tell a true believer, oh I mean almost anyone in Boulder or attending a snowflake university – Global Warming: New Study Says Models Exaggerate Warming By Up To 45%

Settled Science: A new study published in a peer-reviewed journal finds that climate models exaggerate the global warming from CO2 emissions by as much as 45%. If these findings hold true, it’s huge news. No wonder the mainstream press is ignoring it.

In the study, authors Nic Lewis and Judith Curry looked at actual temperature records and compared them with climate change computer models. What they found is that the planet has shown itself to be far less sensitive to increases in CO2 than the climate models say. As a result, they say, the planet will warm less than the models predict, even if we continue pumping CO2 into the atmosphere.

I sure hope Nic Lewis and Judith Curry have tenure. Well, I know Judith Curry doesn’t anymore as she left Georgia Tech where she was the chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.

Posted in #GREENFAIL, climate change, global warming | 1 Comment

Not capitalism – Another Socialist Success: Venezuela Imports Oil from U.S. – Hit & Run :

Venezuela Imports US Oil: “They are importing barrels that cost $80 to $90 and are selling them at $0.”

I wonder where they are getting the money to pay?

Posted in capitalism, socialism | Leave a comment

The business of America – | Railroads offering up to $25,000 in signing bonuses for new hires


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Shocked face – Heather Mac Donald and John Stossel discuss the free speech crisis on campus.

Today, there is an enormous bureaucratic infrastructure dedicated to teaching students that they’re victims.

The Diversity Bureaucracy.

UCLA has a Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. That Vice Chancellor makes $445,000 per year. The Berkeley Division of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion has a $20 million budget.


There’s a co-dependency between the exploding diversity bureaucracy and these narcissistic, delusional students who act out little psycho dramas of oppression before an appreciative audience of diversity bureaucrats.

Spoiled brats. They all need to be sent to time-out and the thugs can serve their time out in jail.

Posted in Snowflakes, So Berkeley, you can't make this stuff up | 1 Comment

What a bunch of bullshit – So you say your company is using 300% renewable energy? Impressive

Companies at the 100% level include Intel, Microsoft, Apple and Cisco, which is impressive enough. But major department store Kohl’s managed to clock in at 115%. (!?!) But that’s nothing compared to Netflix, who used 298% renewable resources and Ikea managed 310%. That’s right. Ikea is listed as having consumed renewable energy at a rate more than three times the total amount of energy they actually consumed. It’s a Festivus miracle!

In actuality, these companies are using the same energy as everyone else, and less than one-fifth of it comes from renewables. If they actually want to get to 100% they need to move their facilities next to a waterfall, a very sunny desert region or a high ridge with a steady breeze. They can put up their own generators and create their own electricity in as green of a fashion as they like. And I’ll cheer them on for doing it! I believe in an all of the above energy strategy and if you can take some of the strain off the grid by brewing your own juice and cleaning up the planet, I say go for it. (I promise to not even complain about all the birds your wind farm is killing.) Just stop yanking our chains with your 100% renewable energy claims until you actually do it.

RE100 is what allows companies to play this game.

I feel the need to repeat myself but will refrain.

Posted in #GREENFAIL, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Drill baby drill – Oil Hedge Fund Manager Andurand Says $300 Oil ‘Not Impossible’ – Bloomberg

Pierre Andurand, one of oil’s most prominent hedge fund managers, said the current reluctance of energy companies to invest in new production meant $300 a barrel was “not impossible” within a few years.

Color me skeptical but stranger things have certainly happened.

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As to manipulating people, we don’t need to wait, we already have Google. Oh the irony. – Google boss warns over evil ‘sci-fi style’ robots that could ‘manipulate people’ and steal your job

Perhaps Sergei is worried the robots will take over Google?

Posted in the weekend, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Amen – Stupid Question’: Donald Trump Shuts Down ABC News Reporter Jon Karl

Karl asked Trump whether he was considering a pardon for his personal lawyer Michael Cohen, after he was raided by the FBI.

“Stupid. Stupid question,” Trump replied at Karl, glaring at him.

Jonathan Karl can do without his White House press privileges for a few weeks or a few months. I’m sure Jon thinks this is a “badge of honor.” It’s really a badge of “tone deaf stoopidity.”


Posted in media bias, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Drain the swamp with the light of day – Members of Congress Who Questioned Mark Zuckerberg Had Received $641,685 From Facebook | Lifestyle

According to The Verge, since 2014 Facebook has contributed $641,685 to the members of Congress who questioned Zuckerberg. The top recipients include Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), and Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA).

The hostility of the questioning did not appear to correlate with the contributions. Sen. Orrin Hatch — who has received $15,200 in donations in the past three years, the sixth largest amount — asked purely softball questions. Sen. Booker — who has received $44,025 since 2014, the largest amount — asked some of the toughest questions. While these donations are perfectly legal, perhaps committee members should be required to disclose them at these hearings.

Facebook has just disclosed that its D.C. spending is on the increase. The company just announced that it spent $3.3 million on its U.S. lobbying effort during just the first quarter of 2018. This represents the largest amount that the company has ever spent in one quarter.

But it doesn’t end there. Enter Amazon, Apple and Google…

Over the full year of 2017, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google spent a record amount — about $50 million — on lobbying. So far in 2018, these companies are on track to beat that record. In comparison with other industries, Exxon spent $11.4 million and Merck & Co. spent $6.2M in 2017.

Drain the swamp.


Posted in Drain the Swamp, politics | Leave a comment

A TWOFOR – Make America Great Again as well as create financial pain for other oil exporting countries such as Russia, Nigeria and OPEC in general. Trump’s revenge: U.S. oil floods Europe, hurting OPEC and Russia

Now, the relatively high prices brought about by that pact, coupled with surging U.S. output, are making it harder to sell Russian, Nigerian and other oil grades in Europe, traders said.

“U.S. oil is on offer everywhere,” said a trader with a Mediterranean refiner, who regularly buys Russian and Caspian Sea crude and has recently started purchasing U.S. oil. “It puts local grades under a lot of pressure.”

U.S. oil output is expected to hit 10.7 million bpd this year, rivaling that of top producers Russia and Saudi Arabia

US Oil Exports to Europe

And exports are growing…

Trade sources said U.S. flows to Europe would keep rising, with U.S. barrels increasingly finding homes in foreign refineries, often at the expense of oil from OPEC or Russia.

In 2017, Europe took roughly 7 percent of U.S. crude exports, Reuters data showed, but the proportion has already risen to roughly 12 percent this year.

Top destinations include Britain, Italy and the Netherlands, with traders pointing to large imports by BP, Exxon Mobil and Valero.

What’s not to like? Oh, and I thought Europe was 100% green or something.

Posted in energy, fossil fuels, MAGA | Leave a comment

Make America Great Again – 14 states hit record-low unemployment | TheHill

Colorado’s unemployment rate is just 2.6 percent, among the lowest in the nation, and a third of the 8.9 percent peak it hit in 2010.


Colorado’s unemployment rate is just 2.6 percent, among the lowest in the nation, and a third of the 8.9 percent peak it hit in 2010.

Posted in Get more Trump, MAGA, unemployment | Leave a comment

There’s gotta be a Colorado county that will step to the plate – Effingham County a ‘sanctuary’ for Illinois gun owners; citizens ‘tired of being pushed around’ – Washington Times


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There twitter goes again – Twitter Censors Mainstream Conservatism | Power Line

I tweet pretty regularly, almost always my own Power Line posts, but I never actually go on Twitter, in part because Twitter is a cesspool. Profane language is common, I often read about calls by liberals for conservatives to be murdered, and outrageous hate speech like the tweets I wrote about here is common. If you are on the Left, anything goes.

So you have to wonder why Twitter prevented this from appearing:

The tweet promotes a video and a paper I posted about a few days ago. What the hell, let’s do it again:

And you can download the paper, Energy Policy in Minnesota: The High Cost of Failure.

Coming soon to a city/state near you. You’ve been warned.

Posted in #GREENFAIL, Boulder is stoopid, climate change, global warming | Leave a comment

Heck, embrace capitalism if you AREN’T concerned about climate change – Earth Day: Embrace Capitalism If You Are Concerned About Climate Change | SEPARATE!

If you are troubled by the impact of human activity on the climate, then become an advocate for Capitalism. It is the only political and economic system that allows human invention and ingenuity to flourish by respecting our individual rights to manage our resources efficiently, while granting the same rights to our fellow men. It is the only system under which it may be even remotely possible to move the needle on climate change.

So un-Boulder.

Posted in #GREENFAIL, Boulder is stoopid, capitalism, climate change, global warming | Leave a comment