A Kean University graduate was sentenced to 90 days in jail, followed by five years probation and an agreement to repay more than $80,000 in damages caused by her fake tweets threatening to kill black students.
Kayla McKelvey, an African-American activist….
Update on Oklahoma’s use of card reader for civil asset forfeiture: Oklahoma governor suspends use of controversial card readers.
“The Department of Public Safety needs to formulate a clear policy for using this new technology,” said Fallin. “It can be a viable tool for law enforcement only if authorities are able to ensure Oklahoma motorists and others driving through our state that it will be used appropriately.”
The Oklahoma Highway Patrol was given the devices to freeze and seize money loaded onto prepaid debit cards by alleged drug traffickers, with the potential to net up to $8,000 per portable scanner.
Supporters of the program, which had only been in the field for about six weeks, say it’s an important tool for law enforcement agencies to interrupt the flow of illegal drugs into Oklahoma.
Note they are seizing money from “alleged” drug traffickers. If you’re mindset is that an innocent person simply drops by the highway patrol’s office to pick up their wrongly seized assets and money, you are gravely mistaken.
If your car has Colorado plates, I’d avoid Oklahoma if I were you.
Oklahoma Highway Patrol (OHP), stay away, very far away. In fact, boycott Oklahoma. OHP Uses New Device To Seize Money During Traffic Stops – – Oklahoma City, OK – News, Weather, Video and Sports |
You may have heard of civil asset forfeiture.
That’s where police can seize property and cash without first proving a person committed a crime; without a warrant and without arresting them, as long as they suspect that the property is somehow tied to a crime.
Now, the Oklahoma Highway Patrol has a device that also allows them to seize money on prepaid cards.
It’s called an ERAD, or Electronic Recovery and Access to Data machine, and OHP began using 16 of them last month.
Here’s how it works. If a trooper suspects a person may have money tied to some type of crime, the highway patrol can scan and seize money from prepaid cards. OHP stresses troopers do not do this during all traffic stops, only situations where they believe there is probable cause.
It’s worth repeating myself, boycott Oklahoma.
Corrupting the foundation of America, one cake at a time. – How The IRS Used Civil Asset Forfeiture To Ruin The Lives Of Two Connecticut Bakers | Zero Hedge
The gift that keeps on giving…
For the past three years, the brothers have been fighting to get their money back, maintaining they’d done nothing wrong. The IRS has responded by subjecting David, 53, and his brother Larry, 69, to a series of increasingly aggressive legal maneuvers — including threats of significant prison time and additional fines — in an attempt to strong-arm them into permanently forfeiting their assets.
On Tuesday, the Institute for Justice, a libertarian public interest law firm, filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut on behalf of Vocatura’s Bakery, demanding that the IRS promptly return their money. The suit argued that the Vocaturas were just the latest example of the government hastily seizing property, and then going to extreme and even unconstitutional lengths to justify it after the fact.
Hours after the suit was filed, the IRS said it would finally give the Vocaturas their money back. But the prosecutor didn’t drop the case. Instead, he now plans to mount an expansive investigation into the bakery’s finances, looking for a reason to bring criminal charges against the brothers.
At issue in the Vocaturas’ case are hundreds of deposits between March 2007 and April 2013 that ranged from $7,000 to $9,900 — a total of around $2.8 million. The Vocaturas say the deposited money was from the bakery’s sales, as they were doing mainly cash business at the time, and they have a less suspicious explanation for why the deposits were so close to the reporting limit. David Vocatura says a representative from their local bank told him that an employee had to fill out forms each time they brought in more than $10,000, so he decided to make life easier for the bank attendants by making smaller, more frequent deposits.
If the IRS has proof that the Vocaturas were deliberately structuring payments or hiding illicit proceeds, it hasn’t provided it.
You can’t make this stuff up.
Laid-Off Americans, Required to Zip Lips on Way Out, Grow Bolder – The New York Times
Prediction: These companies are so stoopid and arrogant that they will take former employees to court for violating their employee agreement and criticizing the company. Heck, they may win in court but believe me, they’ll wish they hadn’t.
Of course, company management, especially HR and their $500/hr attorney’s are dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to common sense.
Former Seagate and WD employees, send a copy of your termination agreement, after making it anonymous, to me and I’ll post it on line. e-mail is boulderisstupid AT I will proofread to make sure there is no identifying information. Also, if you believe there is anything custom in your agreement (i.e. any identifying info that the box of rocks can use to figure out who you are), please don’t send.
Shocked face – Facebook admits rogue employees may have shown bias against conservatives – Washington Times
This ranks right up there with – Disney boss says George Stephanopoulos isn’t biased. Bob Iger, let me make one thing perfectly clear, if you believe your own bullshit, then you’re stoopid and I’m not.
The garbage that comes out of the mouths of the so called elites is why people are voting for non-establishment candidates such as Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. So called business geniuses Bob Iger and Mark Zuckerberg are both too stoopid to figure that out.
Just catching up with reality over at the Fiscal Times – It’s Time to Blame Obamacare for Losing So Many Full-Time Jobs | The Fiscal Times
One data point in particular might give at least some indication why. The number of part-time workers in jobs for economic reasons shot up by 468,000, apart from the 458,000 that left the workforce altogether. Slack work or business conditions accounted for 181,000 of these jobs, while another 77,000 could only find part-time work.
Analysts at Goldman Sachs have noticed this trend for some time, and put the blame on Obamacare.
“The evidence suggests that the [Affordable Care Act] has at least modestly elevated involuntary part-time employment,” Goldman Sachs economist Alec Philips wrote in a research note published on Wednesday. Obamacare had the greatest impact on industries that traditionally do not offer strong health insurance coverage, such as retail stores and the hospitality industry. Phillips noted that these have the highest levels of involuntary part-time workers, and believes that the ACA has forced “a few hundred thousand” to take cuts in hours or accept part-time work as a result.
It’s great that the geniuses over at Goldman Sachs had done the homework, but all it takes is commons sense to see this one coming. Otherwise, I’m an effing genius and should be working at Goldman Sachs.
News you should be aware of – It Begins: One European Bank Fails, Another One Needs An Urgent Cash Injection! | Zero Hedge
The situation is so bad the regulator has already immediately tasked the special fund organizing the Deposit Guarantee Scheme to start paying out the clients of the bank, even though Optima Bank hasn’t filed a bankruptcy procedure just yet. The urgency of the need to pay the clients does indicate the situation is extremely bad and even though it’s a very small one (it had closed the savings accounts division last year), there are two more important things you need to keep in mind.
Nothing to see here, move along like a mind numbed robot.
Obama: ‘We’ are to blame, not Islamic terrorism, for massacre | New York Post
So determined is the president to avoid the subject of Islamist, ISIS-inspired or ISIS-directed terrorism that he concluded his remarks with an astonishing insistence that “we need the strength and courage to change” our attitudes toward the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.
That’s just disgusting. There’s no other word for it.
America’s national attitude toward LGBT people didn’t shoot up the Pulse nightclub. This country’s national attitude has undergone a sea-change in the past 20 years, by the way, in case the president hasn’t noticed.An Islamist terrorist waging war against the United States killed and injured 103 people on our soil. We Americans do not bear collective responsibility for this attack. Quite the opposite.
The attack on the Pulse nightclub was an attack on us all, no less than the World Trade Center attack.
To suggest we must look inward to explain this is not only unseemly but practically an act of conscious misdirection on the president’ s part to direct out attention away from Omar Mateen’s phone call.
I want nothing to do with Obama’s version of reality. Of course, if you live within the People’s Republic, your mileage may vary.
Of course, you have to not trust the government. Are YOU there yet? Paul Singer Joins Icahn, Soros; Warns “It’s A Very Dangerous Time To Be In The Market”, Buys Gold
Odds are high the answer is “No.”
I was at Barnes and Noble today, just glanced at the business/investment books and none I saw looked like the words “gold” or “precious metals” would have even be mentioned.
Subsidy Cliff – Is Obamacare a Disincentive to Earn More? …and yes it is. I’ll post some examples of the subsidy cliff here in Colorado over the weekend. Note, it will only get worse with the proposed rate increases. Those who actually receive a subsidy are partially protected, those who don’t receive the full force of the rate increases and the best they can do is change providers and most likely doctors. You do remember… you can keep your doctor, right? Also, on much of the Western slope, the only provider will be Anthem BCBS.
The picture says it all –White House Spokesman: Obama’s Support For Hillary Clinton Won’t Impact FBI Investigation – Breitbart
White House Spokesman: Obama’s Support For Hillary Clinton Won’t Impact FBI Investigation
Poll: Colorado voters mostly unaware of health care mergers – Denver Post
Nearly eight in 10 Coloradans were unaware of moves by major national health insurers to merge, according to a poll done by a group that contends the mergers would harm health care statewide.
The mergers are:
Anthem and Cigna are in the individual market and if the merger goes through, the plan offerings from both companies would be combined into one. This will not happen for 2016 but is certainly likely for 2017.
Skeptical: Boulder, Xcel in talks to end city’s bid to create municipal electric utility – Boulder Daily Camera
Boulder and Xcel Energy on Wednesday announced they are discussing a possible settlement to ongoing litigation that would end the city’s push to form a municipal electric utility.
Boulder politicians getting cold feet? Perhaps temporary insanity. No worries, they are still leaving themselves an out to move forward.
The city’s bid to municipalize is not being suspended, however. Boulder now heads on a dual path, on which it continues to work on its application to the state Public Utilities Commission to acquire certain Xcel facilities and create its own utility, while also engaging in settlement talks with Xcel.
So far, the elite, progressive (but I repeat myself) Boulder politicians have spent $10.4 million of the citizens money. Idiots.
Waitress assaulted on French Riviera for ‘serving alcohol’ on first day of holy month of Ramadan
The waitress, a French 30-year-old of Tunisian origin, said she was serving drinks at Monday lunch on the terrace of the Vitis Café on Nice’s rue Lamartine, near the rue d’Anglais, when two men started haranguing her, insulting the young woman because she was serving alcoholic beverages to customers.“I was all alone in the bar when two passers-by suddenly appeared. They pointed to the bottles of alcohol behind the bar, then one of them told me in Arabic: ‘You should be ashamed of yourself serving alcohol in the Ramadan period.’
You would think “they” owned the country or something. Oh, wait…
It’s called common sense – Goldman Sachs: Obamacare forcing hundreds of thousands into part-time work | Washington Examiner
Goldman Sachs reviewed the industries with the most workers without health care coverage working for firms with at least 50 employees, such as bars, restaurants, and retail stores.Those industries, the analysis found, have higher numbers of workers working part-time involuntarily.
Good luck with that – The Web’s Creator Looks to Reinvent It – The New York Times
Tim Berners-Lee and other computer scientists are pondering newer technologies to create a web with more privacy and less government control.
There are powerful people who don’t want him to succeed. Not to mention, most of the minions really don’t care.
From the trial and tribulation of moving, to family dynamics to capitalism, no one can tie it together like writer Sara Hoyt. In Between | According To Hoyt
The office is almost done. The bedroom is half unpacked. We have a fridge, but I need to go and remove all the protective plastic from everywhere. Village Inn will be disappointed.
We still don’t know where younger son is going to live. He doesn’t like the longer drive. I don’t like (or think we can afford) his living alone. We’re… negotiating. Given that this is the kid who takes after me from the top of his little horns to the bottoms of his little woofkins that he don’t got, our negotiations are somewhat like the old talks between the US and the USSR when tensions were running high and both sides playing hardball.
and finally…
I find capitalism, in dignity, very compatible with equality. Take the men who delivered our fridge this morning. I didn’t consider them — nor would it occur to me to consider them — my inferiors. Surely, I wouldn’t ask one of them to help me with the novel, but truth be told, I’d die if I were asked to carry a refrigerator. And society would come to a half without people like them faster than without people like me. OTOH without people like me, a society of people like them might (note I said MIGHT) well stagnate and never be capable of adapting. Without people like my husband and sons, more than likely, it would come to a grinding halt and technology would deteriorate and back slide.
I big h/t to Glenn Reynolds over at Instapundit for bringing Sarah to my attention. I don’t always have the time to read her longer posts, she IS a writer after all, but when I click on to the next page, it’s with a sense that I’m leaving an insightful nugget behind.