So if you’re mad and on the streets
concerned about this overreach
Well where’ve been
It isn’t all that new yeah

But Hallelujah

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Both hands clapping for the godfather of blogging, Glenn Reynolds: Statement from Dean Melanie Wilson about Professor’s Tweet

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Trigger warning for the snowflakes…

Trigger warning Hillary vs Donald

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Time Warp: Molten Salt Reactor Experiment—Alvin Weinberg’s magnum opus | ORNL

During the 1968 event, Weinberg dubbed MSRE the “Mighty Smooth Running Experiment.” As he addressed a gathered crowd, he motioned to nearby barrels containing processed salt carrier and spent fuel.  The barrels had no radiological protection and needed none.

The reactor went on to log 11,515 hours of critical operation during its brief run.  It was shut down ceremoniously in 1969, having achieved all that was asked of it. The graphite bars that lined the reactor core as its moderator showed little to no damage, whether from heat, radiation or chemical corrosion.

The molten salt program ended in 1973, with the Atomic Energy Commission deciding to focus on other designs. Both government and industry are now reevaluating molten salt technology as an answer to the global energy challenge. It’s a conversation built on what Weinberg considered one of ORNL’s greatest technical achievements.

And we dropped the ball. If you believe in abundance, at least of energy, instead of the upcoming era of expensive and scarce energy, molton salt reactors will pay a large part.

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If you believe in this….

The you should be supporting this: China Details Next-Gen Nuclear Reactor Program

Xu detailed a multi-stage plan to build demonstration reactors in the next five years and deploy them commercially beginning around 2030. The institute plans to build a 10-megawatt prototype reactor, using solid fuel, by 2020, along with a two-megawatt liquid-fuel machine that will demonstrate the thorium-uranium fuel cycle. (Thorium, which is not fissile, is converted inside a reactor into a fissile isotope of uranium that produces energy and sustains the nuclear reaction.)

In all, there are 700 nuclear engineers working on the molten-salt reactor at SINAP, Xu said, a number that dwarfs other advanced-reactor research programs around the world. The team has a preliminary design for a 10-megawatt thorium-based molten-salt reactor, and has mastered some of the technical challenges involved in building and running such reactors, such as the preparation of high-purity molten salts and the control of tritium, a dangerous isotope of hydrogen that can be used in the making of nuclear weapons. Limiting the production of tritium is a key research goal for the development of molten-salt reactors.

While most of the audience at Oak Ridge was familiar with the outlines of the Chinese program, the level of sophistication and the progress to date were startling to many listeners.

“It’s very surprising how far they’ve come in four years,” said John Kutsch, the vice president for business development at Terrestrial Energy, which is developing its own version of a molten-salt reactor. “That shows you what throwing hundreds of researchers at a project will do to speed progress.”

This technology should be rapidly developed. It’s a tragedy the US is not leading the way in a technology they initially developed in the 1950’s.

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Inquiring minds want to know why this female, whose name has not been released, is still allowed to attend Auburn University – Female Student Admits to Incredible Lie That Got Auburn Football Player Kicked Off Team

Even worse than the unnamed women who has demonstrated remorse, is Auburn’s Title IX coordinator Kelley Taylor. After being informed the story was a lie, she nevertheless wanted to proceed..

Taylor contacted the woman later that same morning, letting her know that Malzahn wanted to “take some precautionary steps” but that the university couldn’t do anything until Taylor had spoken with her. Taylor asked for pictures of her injuries as well.

“Me knowing that it wasn’t true, I never did [send Taylor pictures],” said the woman in an interview with

Indeed, the woman soon confessed to Taylor that she had made up the story. Interestingly enough, according to the woman, Taylor seemed interested in proceeding anyway:

(Taylor) really wanted to make it a big deal, after I told her basically that I lied,” the accuser told “I can see her calling me one time after I said it, but two times and then a week later? That kind of made me wonder, why was she trying to do that?”

Hopefully Kelley Taylor will soon be looking for a new job, or a pox on Auburn’s administration.

Who is the victim here? The author, Robby Soave at believes it to be Jovon Robinson… preserved the woman’s identity, for reasons I don’t understand. She is a student, but by her own admission, she is not the victim of any crime. On the contrary: Robinson is the victim.

I agree.

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The Obamacare Death spiral picks up steam:

A few comments:

No health insurer fell in line behind Obamacare and drank more of the Kool-aid than Aetna. Talk of consideration to leave the Obamacare marketplace is a stunning change in position. It can only be interpreted that Aetna’s views the possibility of future profits to be minuscule.

Aetna’s shift represents a significant revision to its previous position on Obamacare. In April, the insurer said that after a loss last year, it was aiming to roughly break even on its exchange business this year and move toward profitability in 2017. Then, Mr. Bertolini called its position in the ACA marketplaces a “good investment.” The five new states in which Aetna was considering expanding were Maine, Oklahoma, New Jersey, Kansas and Indiana.  Not so much anymore: according to Bertolini, “we are evaluating our footprint as it exists today to understand what solutions we can put forward to either fix the business or exit the business.

Of interest to Colorado readers, you know who you are, is the large increase in premiums Anthem has filed for 2017. We’re talking 25.8 percent. What you don’t see mentioned in the press is they are also withdrawing their PPO plans, leaving the Colorado individual market with only HMO and EPO plans.

Considering the following picture of the Colorado marketplace:

  • United Health and Humana are leaving the marketplace
  • Rocky Mountain is leaving the marketplace, except for Mesa County (Grand Junction where their HQ is). Also, Rocky Mountain is being purchased by United Healthcare
  • Anthem is increasing premiums by 25.8 percent and no longer offering their PPO plans

Folks, this is what a death spiral looks like!

The low cost providers in the individual market will be Kaiser and Cigna. Keep in mind that Anthem is trying to merge with Cigna. There is nothing pretty about the individual insurance market.

Posted in ObamaCare | 1 Comment

Glenn Reynolds @ Instapundit: “Fracking means cheap energy for working people. Naturally, all the best minds are against it.”

So Boulder County, which is filled to the brim with psuedo-intellectuals that believe they are the “best minds,” wants to ban it – Boulder County boosts push to put anti-fracking measures on ballot

Just say YES to fracking and NO to high minded Boulderites.

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How Seagate’s stock reacted to announcement of 14% reduction in workforce.


Hey this probably messed with the Long WDC Short STX trade that I’ve forgotten to update. I’ll get it updated over the weekend!

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The farmer leased his land for fracking purposes. Emma Thompson and her Greenpeace friends decided they wanted to disobey a court injunction and proceed to protest. The farmer, not having any of that behavior, decided to pull out all the punches… er poops.

Love that sh*t.

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Starbucks Employees Aren’t Happy About Their Coming Raises

Still, he struggles with the fact that while he works for Starbucks full time, his partner has a better paying job and covers a bigger share of their bills. “It definitely sucks knowing I don’t contribute to the household. I’m working full time and I can barely cover my own bills, let alone mutual house bills,” he said.

So his partner has a better paying job, most likely not at Starbucks? Take the hint, the solution is to get a different job if you want to make money.

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Silly me thought it was settled science – ‘Avoiding the sun is as dangerous as smoking’

Our research indicates that people who are both non-smokers and non-sunbathers have the same risk of death as those that are both smokers and sunbathers. Avoiding the sun thus puts you at as great a risk of dying as smoking does.

We also find that women who avoid the sun double their risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, strokes and blood clots. Twice as many who don’t sunbathe also contract “other” illnesses, such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis and lung disease.

I’m so confused.

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Paul Danish for Boulder County Commissioner – When it comes to sustainability, roads are more important than compost

“Sustainability” is one of those words that can mean all things to all people. The current Commissioners define it in terms of programs like recycling, composting, energy conservation, bus shelters and bike lanes (all of which currently receive County funding). While widely popular, their contribution to sustaining Boulder County’s quality of life and economic health occurs only at the margin.

I’d argue that the single most important thing County government can do to sustain Boulder County’s quality of life is maintain a road network that is adequate to meet the needs of its exploding number of residents and the traffic they generate — and do it in a way that doesn’t require the County to pave over paradise.

While Danish has name recognition I’m skeptical that BoCo residents as a whole believe in his vision. I hope I’m wrong. The other problem is he’s an evil REPUBLICAN.

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Regulating in Today’s Amerika – Officials ‘Drone’ on About Issues They Don’t Understand

One of the most frustrating things about America circa 2016 is there is virtually nothing any of us can do—start a business, invent a technology, remodel our house, become a barber, go to the beach—that doesn’t come with a long set of rules enforced by myriad branches of government.

Check out the “prohibited” sign at the entrance of any park you visited on Independence Day. And that “become a barber” thing isn’t a joke. If you want to cut hair for a living, you better check with the California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology, which governs everything down to the proper display of a “barber pole.” This is true for almost every trade and profession.

Members of both major parties are equally zealous over what rules they want to promulgate and enforce. The only difference between both sides these days is which particular rules they like and which particular ones they don’t like.

Too many people sorta believe in small government.

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North Korea – Information Warfare: Phone Calls That Kill

Can’t let the peasants know there’s a better life on the other side of the border….

One major reason for this obsession is the many North Koreans who escaped to South Korea. These refugees use Chinese cell phone service along the North Korea/China border to connect with current North Korea friends and family and give convincing proof that life is much better outside North Korea. To the North Korean government this is tantamount to organizing a revolution against the Kim dynasty and the police state that keeps the Kim family in power.

Stop the free speech…

People can say whatever they want using Chinese cell phone service, and the government is determined to stop this dangerous outbreak of free speech. There are believed to be dozens of the German detectors currently in use, with teams (consisting of several dozen secret police agents) moving through neighborhoods and hauling away those found with cell phones. The new detectors are small enough to fit in a pocket, so the secret police teams are fairly inconspicuous. The cell phone users are usually engaged in commercial activities, or simply communicating with friends and family but any unauthorized communications is considered treason.

Some North Koreans have established a lucrative business by selling North Koreans access to relatives in China, South Korea or elsewhere, via calls on these phones. The government wants to stop all of this. So far, the effort has been unsuccessful, even though punishment for illegal cell phone use has been increased year by year.

One wonders if German companies knew where the cell phone detectors were being shipped to or if these transactions were “laundered?”

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This should be an absolute non-starter…..

Obama's federal police

I’ll take states rights for $100 Alex.

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What’s the point? Backers turn in signatures to put City Council term limits on Boulder ballot

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Good luck to Seagate employees. Doesn’t look like tomorrow (almost today) will be a fun day.

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Here taste in men must suck – Michelle Obama Claims Men ‘Don’t Have to Balance Anything’ in Their Lives.

What man in their right mind wants to hang out with a women who thinks like that about him, not to mention stereotyping.

Recommended reading:

Men On Strike

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News college conservatives can use – Campus Conservatives, You Are Not Alone

When I graduated from Harvard’s Kennedy School in 2009, I launched a parting shot at faculty and administrators in our student newspaper. After two years of them making me feel largely unwelcome on campus because of my conservatism, I called out the school for prizing all diversity save intellectual diversity and its insistence on teaching complex policy issues exclusively from the Left.

Republicans, especially conservatives, were regularly mocked in class. There was no real attempt to understand who we were or what we believed. Rather, we were typically presented as caricatures and our arguments as stupid or malevolent. There was no sense of goodwill and definitely no presumption of qualitative thinking. As I wrote in 2009:

I often find myself in classes hearing my political party and its members caricatured. Last year, a professor informed one of my classes that Mike Huckabee would be my party’s nominee, because we all take marching orders from the Christian Right. I’m not sure he knew there was a Republican primary voter in the room, that I’m a practicing Jew, or that my brain likes exercise.

But that professor, like many others I had, was never one to let facts stand in the way of a good stereotype.

Read the whole thing. And… of course there was no effort to understand who Republican’s are. The progressive elite know what’s best, you can joint or get out of the way.

I believe the University of Colorado at least has college Republican’s, certainly this is news they can use. Well, they at last have a facebook page!

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