All Hail Breaks Loose | City Journal

The trial lawyers reap an undeserved windfall, and insurers simply raise premiums to recover their losses.

When lawyers are involved, common sense is not part of the vocabulary.

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If Obamacare was a car….

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You voted for Trump? No heat for you this winter | Power Line

Oh, this will end well… You voted for Trump? No heat for you this winter | Power Line

Michael Turner, owner of Turner LP Gas in Skowhegan, Maine, recorded a voice mail greeting that leaves little question as to his feelings for those in his community who supported Trump.

“Thank you for calling Turner LP gas. If you voted for Donald Trump for president I will no longer be delivering your gas — please find someone else,” the message states.

It’s astonishing how blind Obama supporters have been to the ~apx 50% of the population.

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NOT – Michelle Obama says America is entering a time of hopelessness

As she often did while campaigning for Hillary Clinton, she didn’t mention President-elect Donald Trump by name. But she alluded to the contrast many in the country are feeling since he won the election last month. “We feel the difference now,” she said, noting that her husband had succeeded in keeping his campaign promise of fostering hope. “Hope is necessary. It’s a necessary concept,” she elaborated. “And Barack didn’t just talk about hope because he thought it was a nice slogan to get votes. He and I and so many believed that … what else do you have if you don’t have hope? What do you give your kids if you can’t give them hope?”

Hope is more then words, a pen and a phone, and government cheese.

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So Boulder – Enough talk on Denver sidewalk woes, time to walk sorta like BoCo roads.

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Hey, Merry Global Warming Christmas…

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Glenn Reynolds: Yeah, this month-long national freakout makes me wonder if Democrats are actually ready for democracy.

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Allow me to translate. The media is going to start doing their job now that a Republican is in office – Press encouraged to turn up heat on Trump | Washington Examiner  Fine by me, just wish they would do it all the time.

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COBRA, should you take it or leave it? You can’t leave COBRA whenever you feel like it and enroll in an Obamacare plan. If you elect COBRA, you can ONLY change to an individual Obamacare plan during open enrollment or when COBRA ends (typically 18mo).

What you can’t do is wake up one morning and decide that your tired of paying COBRA, terminate the plan and enroll in Obamacare: Not Allowed. That is a voluntary loss of coverage and NOT a Qualifying Life Event (QLE). I write about this more here.


P.S. Don’t get advice on COBRA from your HR department, in most cases they’re dumber than a box of rocks.

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The first snowflake of winter…..

The First Snowflake of Winter

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Go ahead, make my day – Time Urges 65 Million Americans Who Voted For Hillary Not To Pay Taxes | Zero Hedge

The IRS can find a great safe space for them…

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Seagate traffic is spiking again. It means layoff time (I guess). I did hear rumors of layoffs on Friday and a visit to appeared to corroborate the rumors. The traffic spike on the blog certainly corroborates them.

Here’s my 2 cents. When management is continually having layoffs, they are laying off the wrong people. To Seagate management here are a few words of wisdom, if you want to see the problem,

Look in the Mirror….

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Oh, Hell Yes! | PJ Media

Dr Helen – Oh, Hell Yes! | PJ Media

A new study shows women swear more than men. The election results prove this to be true because all I can say as a female small business owner is ‘Oh Hell, yes.’

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Has Al Gore been sighted in Hawaii? Hawaii expected to get 3 feet of snow. You read that right.

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Coming soon to a state near you – Stanford Study Reveals California Pensions Underfunded By $1 Trillion Or $93k Per Household | Zero Hedge

Earlier today the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research revealed some fairly startling realities about California’s public pension underfunding levels.

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This is like shooting fish in a barrel…

To say you won't respect the results of the election, that is a direct threat to our democracy.

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The $15 minimum wage isn’t free – The Faces of 15

Unions and activists say the costs of minimum wage hikes are negligible. But the real faces of $15—and of other dramatic hikes in the minimum wage—are the employers who struggle to offset those costs. As these stories show, their actions often mean fewer opportunities for the employees these laws are meant to help.

I’m for a minimum wage of $0/hr.

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Common sense is not so common – Thanks To ‘Fight For $15’ Minimum Wage, McDonald’s Unveils Job-Replacing Self-Service Kiosks Nationwide

It’s not just McDonald’s that has embraced job-replacing technology. Numerous restaurant chains (both quick service and full service) have looked to computer tablets as a solution for rising labor costs that won’t adversely impact the customer’s experience. Eatsa, a fully-automated restaurant concept, now has five locations—all in cities or states that have embraced a $15 minimum wage. And in a scene stolen from The Jetsons, the Starship delivery robot is now navigating the streets of San Francisco with groceries and other consumer goods. The company’s founder pointed to a rising minimum wage as a key factor driving the growth of his automated delivery business.

Of course, not all businesses have the capital necessary to shift from full-service to self-service. And that brings me to my next correct prediction–that a $15 minimum wage would force many small businesses to lay off staff, seek less-costly locations, or close altogether.

Tragically, these stories—in California in particular–are too numerous to cite in detail here. They include a bookstore in Roseville, a pub in Fresno, restaurants and bakeries in San Francisco, a coffee shop in Berkeley, grocery stores in Oakland, a grill in Santa Clara, and apparel manufacturers through the state. In September of this year, nearly one-quarter of restaurant closures in the Bay Area cited labor costs as one of the reasons for shutting down operations. And just this past week, a California-based communications firm announced it was moving 75 call center jobs from San Diego to El Paso, citing the state’s rising minimum as the “deciding factor.” (Dozens of additional stories can be found at the website

Is this called progress? Only time will tell. Color me very skeptical.

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Stay classy Google – Google Maps Briefly Renames Trump Tower To “Dump Tower” | Zero Hedge

On Saturday night, anyone seeking to find the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York was met with an unexpected result: the Trump residence and transition campaign HQ was briefly renamed “Dump Tower” on Google Maps. The unofficial new name didn’t last too long, however, with the president-elect’s transition headquarters completely removed shortly after.

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