Freakout in Alabama | Power Line

Left-wingers associated with the NAACP are occupying the Mobile, Alabama office of Senator Jeff Sessions to protest Sessions’ nomination as attorney general.

Freakout in Alabama | Power Line

In other words, the sit-in is a publicity stunt. The publicity likely will turn off most Americans, but make its seekers feel better about themselves.

I am no fan of Jeff Sessions due to his positions on Civil Asset Forfeiture, but then again, the Democrats had 8 years to fix it, so I’m no worse off with Mr. Sessions than someone else.

Regarding the idiotic protestors


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Shocked face time: Food Stamp Enrollment In Arkansas Dropped This Year | The Daily Caller

These seem like reasonable requirements…

Food stamp enrollment dropped by 25,000 people in Arkansas in 2016, after the state reinstated work requirements limited individuals to three months of benefits unless they found or trained for a job, Arkansas Online reports.

Common sense.

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Drew Litton’s touching cartoon on Kubiak stepping down |

As word of Broncos Head Coach Gary Kubiak stepping down came out this weekend, cartoonist Drew Litton summed up many people’s feelings with a touching image.

Drew Litton’s touching cartoon on Kubiak stepping down |

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Hopefully the tendency to criminalize mundane activities or even charitable giving itself can be arrested before anyone else finds themselves on the business end of the growing regulatory state.

5 Blood-Boiling Cases Of Government Overreach | Zero Hedge

  1. Single mom faces possible jail time for selling $12 worth of ceviche to an undercover police officer.
  2. Federal prosecutors threaten Aaron Swartz with a life-crushing sentence for downloading academic articles.
  3. Government claims ownership of all water, jails Oregon man for 30 days for collecting rainwater on his own property.
  4. Maryland church ordered to evict homeless people from its property or pay a $12,000 fine.
  5. San Antonio chef fined $2,000 for feeding homeless people.

Government thuggery everywhere, sometimes local other times the strong arm of the Feds.

In regards to #2 and Aaron Swartz:

The CFAA (Computer Fraud and Abuse Act – Ed) is a particularly cruel piece of legislation, as it carries severe mandatory minimum sentencing requirements, resulting in Swartz facing up to 35 years in prison for a nonviolent crime.

Many legal observers at the time pointed out that had Swartz robbed a bank, aided al-Qaeda, or produced child pornography he would have faced a more lenient sentence.

The problem I have is the Federal prosecuters are sleeping with a clear conscience after Aaron’s suicide. Here’s a trailer to a movie done on Aaron Swartz’s life:

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Something Boulder and BoCo should try – Flash – Iceland’s ‘crazy’ year ends without a government – France 24


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To the poor losers, go find your safe space and have a primal scream. No, Media, the Election Wasn’t ‘Hacked’ — Stop Saying It Was | Heat Street. Of course, Boulder is one giant safe space full or poor losers.

To be perfectly clear, there is zero evidence of actual election hacking, such as the hacking of voting machines, paper ballots or voter fraud on the part of Russia in an effort to install Donald Trump into the White House. There’s no evidence Russia employed a massive cloaking device from a secret submarine in Lake Erie, over the state of Wisconsin, where Hillary Clinton did not campaign once during the general election.

There’s no evidence Russia influenced Clinton campaign operatives to steer SEIU members on the ground away from Michigan. As of yet, there is no proof it was Russia who directed Lena Dunham to campaign in North Carolina, or the aged cast of the West Wing to stump in Ohio. There is no evidence that rural voters in Pennsylvania, whom Mrs. Clinton ignored in the final weeks of the campaign, are actually Russian spies. It is still not known whether Katy Perry is in fact a Russian agent.

If any actual electoral fraud was engineered by Putin and Russia, giving Hillary Clinton almost 3,000,000 more votes than Donald Trump is an amazing cover.

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Return of incandescent light bulbs as MIT makes them more efficient than LEDs

Ever since the EU restricted sales of traditional incandescent light bulbs, homeowners have complained about the shortcomings of their energy-efficient replacements.

Both hands clapping.

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Ed Driscoll @ Instapundit commenting on the MSM’s “promises” to provide better election/political coverage – You almost wish they’d run an Onion-style headline instead: DON’T WORRY COCOONED READERS, WE’LL STILL BE TOTALLY IN THE TANK FOR THE NEXT DEM CANDIDATE AND WE’LL STILL HALF-ASS IT IN 2020.

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Trump Stock Rally Spooks Liberals | Power Line

No one knows what the future holds for the stock market, but the spike in consumer confidence is significant in a couple of respects.

First, the press tried to hype the anemic recovery of the Obama years, but the public knows better. The U.S. economy has been stagnant for years, and many people expect different policies to bring better results, while hardly anyone (other than Paul Krugman) expects the opposite.

Second, it is remarkable how little impact the press’s war against Donald Trump has had. Reporters and editors have told us relentlessly that Trump is as dumb as Ronald Reagan and as evil as Richard Nixon, but people aren’t buying it any more today than they did on November 8. Less so, in fact.

When is the press going to realize they showed up to a gun fight with a water pistol? They’ve been neutered and don’t have a clue. More importantly, I guarantee you that when they start to figure it out, they’ll blame Trump instead of looking in the mirror.

Taking a step or two back, being able to admit one made a mistake is a talent that has long been lost. In fact, it was lost many years ago when I practiced engineering. I’m sure it’s been lost longer than that in journalism.


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Who cares? Mother’s little helper | Power Line

I wrote here about some worrying trends among whites in America. I noted: The out-of-wedlock birth rate for whites is higher now than the black rate was in the 1960s when illegitimate births among blacks so alarmed Daniel Patrick Moynihan. We also know that drug abuse plagues white communities as well as black ones. And whites reportedly are contributing more than blacks to the epidemic of disability claims which is

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Nothing to see here, move along – 6 Syrians, 1 Libyan arrested in Berlin for attempting to set homeless man on fire on Christmas Eve –

Chancellor Merkel, call your office.

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Posted by Rowdy Conservatives on Monday, December 26, 2016

h/t to Rowdy Conservatives.

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Why? Colorado is exploring how to keep its Obamacare marketplace after Obamacare repeal – Vox Their website is the equivalent of using MS-DOS.

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New Tab

Seen on facebook:

You know, I was NOT a fan of Trump. I kept looking for a reason to support Hillary, but in the end, could not find it. So I reluctantly voted for Trump. Was hugely surprised that he won. (And I am pleasantly surprised by his Cabinet choices.) But the reaction of the Dems afterward has been unbelievable. From the recounts to harassing electors to attempts to interfere with the inauguration – how in the world could they think that these tactics will help them gain voters next time around?

I couldn’t have said it better. Same song, different verse….

Dim's convince reluctant voters they made right choice

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So Boulder – My Fellow Liberals, I’m Tired Of You’ | The American Conservative  I wonder if more than 11% of her fellow citizens voted for Trump? I’ve got to believe that the Boulder environment is at least as toxic as where she lives if not more.

By all rights, I should be a member in good standing of their tribe, “liking” their Facebook posts and joining their candlelight vigils against the evil Trump Administration. But November 8 and its aftermath revealed to me that I am just so tired of these people. I can’t be like them, and I don’t want my kids turning into them.

I am tired of their undisguised contempt for tens of millions of Americans, with no effort to temper their response to the election with humility or empathy.

I am tired of their unexamined snobbery and condescension.

I am tired of their name-calling and virtue-signaling as signs of supposedly high intelligence.

I am tired of their trendiness, jumping on every left-liberal bandwagon that comes along (transgender activism, anyone?) and then acting like anyone not on board is an idiot/hater.

As they say, read the whole thing.

There was some discussion on the fb page where I originally found this article that it’s “not real.” You can use that as an escape hatch to avoid any self reflection if you so choose.

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Obama countdown. News Boulderites can use….

Obama countdown

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Mandatory political re-training for the three BoCo precincts that went for the Trumpster – Boulder County goes blue in election, with pockets of red – Longmont Times-Call

Boulder County turned overwhelmingly blue in the last presidential election, with only three voting precincts choosing President-elect Donald Trump.

The City of Boulder groupthink is strong:

Boulder: Clinton: 80.8%, Trump: 10.9%

What a well rounded group of elite progressive thinkers. Truly, Boulder is a stoopid place….

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Let them (re)turn to dirt – Colorado Supreme Court denies request to review subdivision roads rulings – Longmont Times-Call

Wibby added: “Today, the reality remains exactly the same as when the lawsuit was first filed. The subdivision roads were built to county specifications by the residents of the subdivisions and then given to the county for free in exchange for a commitment by the county to maintain the roads,” which he said “are continuing to deteriorate every day.”

A sad day when the county reneges on its obligations. Well, from that point of view, they been reneging for a long time. This success by the county government in the legal system will have unforeseen repercussions for generations to come.

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Look out of any window
Any morning, any evening, any day
Maybe the sun is shining
Birds are winging or
Rain is falling from a heavy sky,
What do you want me to do,
To do for you to see you through?

Phil Lesh & Robert Hunter

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Hidden Figures the movie.

Hidden Figures the book.

(broken down car on the side of the road)

Police Officer: You have identification on you?

Hidden Figures: NASA sir (as she hands him her badge)

Police Officer: NASA! Had no idea they hired…

Hidden Figures: They’re quite a few women working in the space program…

Police Officer: The least I can do is give ya’ll an escort

Hidden Figures (in the car): Three negro women are chasing a white police officer down the highway in nineteen sixty-one. That is a God ordained miracle.

The colored women bathroom sign comes down….

Hidden Figures colorado women bathroom sign coming down

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