Shocked Face – Liberal Women March Against Trump – Then Leave Trash Heaps for Someone Else to Clean Up They could use a few manners lessons from the Tea party folks.


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Bill Maher self identifies as an intellectual lightweight: Maher: Trump Voters Are ‘F*cking Drug Addicts’ – Breitbart

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated, “let’s stop calling Trump voters idiots and fools and call them what they are: f*cking drug addicts.”

Hopefully Progressives will never learn…

Dim's convince reluctant voters they made right choice


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Both hands clapping – Trump: If You Thought I Was Kidding, Think Again! | Power Line

Donald Trump’s inaugural address was historic. Not because it was good, although it was very good indeed. But because it didn’t give an inch. Trump’s message to the world was: if you thought I wasn’t serious; if you thought I might go native; if you thought the weight of responsibility might force me to accept the conventional wisdom; forget it. I meant every word I’ve been saying for the last


Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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How can you get to be Mayor and be this stoopid? – Philly Mayor Blames ‘Price Gouging’ for Outrage Generated by City’s New Soda Tax – Hit & Run :

Businesses are passing along the cost of the tax to consumers, because that’s how taxes work. Someone get Jim Kenney an economics textbook.

Oh, we need to know this stoopid idiots full name. That would be Mayor Jim Kenny. LMFAO at how stoopid he is.

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The Master Persuader Scrambles the Frame | Scott Adams’ Blog

What was Trump’s biggest persuasion problem in the election?

Answer: His opponents did a great job of framing him as some kind of Hitler. Do a Google search on Trump and Hitler and you get an avalanche of comparisons. It was sticky persuasion, and it still hangs over the country like a chorus of stale farts. I’ve said before that half the country believe they are living in 1930s Germany and the other half think we got a better economy and some free entertainment. Those are two completely different movies running on the same screen at the same time. So how does the Master Persuader deal with the second-largest case of national cognitive dissonance in our history? (Slavery was first.)

Read the whole thing!? Required reading for Boulderites?


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Who IS covered by Obamacare?

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With Trump looking to call on other reporters, Jim Acosta yelled out, “You are attacking our news organization, can you give us a chance to ask a question, sir?”

‘You Are Fake News!’: Trump and CNN’s Jim Acosta Get Into Shouting Match at Presser | Mediaite And That’s Why Trump Won #ATWTW


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A visit from a plumber left ThinkProgress senior editor Ned Resnikoff “rattled” due to fear that the plumber may have voted for Donald Trump.

Two words of advice, “Grow Up?” ThinkProgress Senior Editor Is Scared of His Plumber

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‘You’re a real class act aren’t ‘ya? Now you’re afraid to show your face?’

Actions have consequences – Jesse Watters Confronts the Man Who Yelled at Ivanka Trump

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“Depressed” Millennials Are Convinced The Trump Economy Is Going To Implode | Zero Hedge

When asked about the economic outlook for America, millennials were the only generation to predict 2017 would be worse than 2016. As Bloomberg reports, the feeling of impending doom wasn’t exclusively reserved for 2017: about a third of millennials surveyed said they don’t think they’ll have enough money to comfortably retire at all.

Millennials (born ~ 1982 – 2004) are getting somewhat screwed by the system but here’s my advice. Stop your whining and get to work.

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“making campus a hostile environment”

Young Americans for Freedom | hate group | UW Madison I always wanted to know what “haters” looked like.

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Let me help you arrogant piles of dung out. Very simply, you’re not that f*cking important. Can’t wait – Celebrities Call For A Massive, All-Round Strike In Hollywood “Until The Fascist Trump Resigns”

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Oh my, missing a little education on probability are we? She was angry she always lost. So this woman threatened to kill lottery officials, police say. – The Washington Post

“You can’t look at it and say, ‘This is just somebody venting,’ ” Lower Swatara Township Police Detective Robert Appleby told The Washington Post. “To go as long and hard as she did, you start to wonder if she was going to go any further.”

A Pennsylvania Lottery representative said officials at the agency do not comment on pending cases.

Appleby said Shields seemed to believe that the lottery was conspiring against her — playing her numbers in other states where she didn’t play. He said she insisted that state lottery officials owed her money for the games she had lost because of that. (emphasis added)

“Most people know when they play the lottery, they’re not going to win,” Appleby said. “She seemed like she had a sense of entitlement — that she was supposed to win the lottery.”

Police said in a statement that from April through December, Shields “repeatedly made death threats and harassed employees” at lottery headquarters.

Quite the fantasy world Towanda Shields lives in. I’m guessing dealing with the realities of her actions will prove challenging.

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The thought as Hollywood doubles down on stoopid….

Hollywood Morons

and the parody video from which it came…

and a bonus parody video….

Added, College student outed as Trump supporter, roommate requests transfer and tires are slashed:

#ATWTW, Outed Trump College student



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Shocked face time – Schumer calls flight attendant who told him to turn off cell phone ‘bitch’ | New York Post

The attendant accepted his apology, Schumer’s office said. Schumer went back to Washington from La Guardia on US Airways yesterday. A flight attendant said he behaved himself.

“He was quiet. He wasn’t on his cellphone or anything,” she said. But other flight personnel said Schumer has a reputation.

“He’s not nice,” said a flight attendant who has served the senator before. (emphasis added – Ed)

I believe the flight attendant is being very politically correct.

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These Painkilling Marijuana Tampons May Be The End of Period Cramps : The Hearty Soul

However, it is probably best known for its use as a painkiller. Marijuana it is used to relieve many different types of pain, including pain caused by chemotherapy, inflammatory diseases and injuries.

Thanks to a new invention developed by Foria, a company focused on producing innovative cannabis products, marijuana’s pain killing properties may mean the end of period cramps as well.

Although the product being sold by Foria, called Foria Relief, aren’t typically considered to be tampons, they are suppositories that are inserted in a similar fashion. They can even be used along with tampons to maximize their comforting effects.

The suppositories are made out of only three natural ingredients: organic cocoa butter, THC oil, and CBD isolate. According to Foria, the combination of both THC oil and CBD isolate is meant to “activate certain cannabinoid receptors in the pelvic region when introduced into the body.”

Any users care to report on their experience?

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Caldara: Counting those “and that’s why Trump won” moments

So, and I’m not proud to admit this, watching the leftist meltdown following the election is one of the greatest spectacles I’ve ever enjoyed.

I admit to being totally shocked by the reaction of the side that, in retrospect, obviously never expected to lose again, ever.

Caldara continues:

Watching this meltdown, it’s clear the anti-Trumpies aren’t just poor losers. They don’t get that Trump won because, in great part, they had been such poor winners. The hard-edged progressive left just can’t help but do a dance in the public policy end zone. The Trump victory was the ref’s flag for “excessive celebration.”

It’s not that the left won gay marriage (which I support), it’s that they destroyed bakers who, for their religious convictions, wouldn’t bake cakes for the victors.

It’s not that they passed a federal takeover of health care, it’s that they just had to force nuns to pay for birth control sinful to their core beliefs.

It’s not that they imposed massive environmental and energy restrictions, or even that they went around the Constitution to do it by presidential fiat. It’s that they insultingly label those who’ve come to a different conclusion on global warming as “deniers.”

I could go on and on.

Every time I witness another example of how Trump-phobes help Trump, that little thought surfaces and rings like a bell – “And that’s why Trump won.”

It happens so often now I’m launching it as its own hashtag, #ATWTW. (emphasis added – Ed)

My daughter comes home from school and tells me how the teacher taught how we need raise taxes, and the bell rings, #ATWTW.

I hear reporters and activists talk about the need to “end gun violence” instead of saying what we all know they mean, “gun control,” #ATWTW.

Boulder passes a soda tax, #ATWTW. “Minorities can’t be racist,” #ATWTW. University speech codes, #ATWTW. “There is a consensus on climate change,” #ATWTW. (If there really was a consensus, he wouldn’t have won.)

And That’s Why Trump Won. #ATWTW

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So Boulder – Defying Trump, Boulder declares itself a sanctuary city – Boulder Daily Camera

Stunned, speechless.Words to express my surprise escape me.

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Pretty much sums up my dissatisfaction with Jeff Session for AG – Donald Trump & Jeff Sessions: Attorney General Nominee’s Record Troubling for Libertarians | National Review

He’s a big fan of civil asset-forfeiture…

Moreover, as George Will has pointed out, Sessions also opposes the reform of asset-forfeiture laws. He has defended these laws, which are considered by most observers to be widely abused, as a means of taking money from people who have “done nothing in their lives but sell dope.” He’s even advocated allowing the federal government to step in and seize assets when state law-enforcement agencies won’t.

Other points of contention include:

  • criminal justice reform
  • medical and recreational marijuana use
  • defense of ability of NSA and other agencies to spy on Americans
  • protecting jobs of federal whistle-blowers

So there isn’t much I like about Mr Sessions except that he’s not Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch.

I am not a particularly big fan of recreational marijuana. On the other hand, I am much less of a fan of the tools law enforcement is capable of using, including civil asset forfeiture, to control the marijuana trade. When I put these two different sides of the coin on my scale of justice, it’s quite easy for me to support legalization of marijuana. It seems the odds are high that Mr. Sessions could stall this movement in it’s tracks if not make time go backwards. That would be unfortunate.

I look forward to stiff questioning from both Republican’s and Democrats on the above issues. I do hope the Democrat’s can let go of the racism issue, which has been pretty thoroughly debunked.


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Rewind – House Republicans back off gutting ethics watchdog after backlash from Trump – The Washington Post

The president-elect took to Twitter to criticize the move against an independent ethics panel.

Bitchslapped by the Trumpster, they’ve been sent to timeout. I’m not sure if the ethics panel actually serves a useful purpose or not, but it’s a shame the House republican’s revealed their tone deafness so quickly.

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