So what – Joy Behar Says Melania and Donald Trump Aren’t in Love

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Sorry, can’t help myself with this shallow meme. It’s just too easy.

Rachel Maddow Trump Tax returns stupidity

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We say, ‘Here’s the price. Here’s what you’re getting. Here’s your bill” – What Happens When Doctors Only Take Cash |

Uugh… good things happen? Just guessin’ (not really).

The catch is that the whole facility is cash-based. It doesn’t take insurance of any kind. Not Aetna. Not Cigna. Not Medicare or Medicaid. Patients or their employers pay whatever price is listed online, period. There are no negotiated rates, no third-party reimbursements and almost no paperwork. “We say, ‘Here’s the price. Here’s what you’re getting. Here’s your bill,'” says Keith Smith, who co-founded the Surgery Center in 1997 with fellow anesthesiologist Steven Lantier. “It’s as simple as that.”

To Villa, the model seemed refreshingly subversive. The Surgery Center would charge $19,000 for his whole-knee replacement, a discount of nearly 50% on what Villa expected to be charged at his local hospital. And that price would include everything from airfare to the organization’s only facility, in Oklahoma City, to medications and physical therapy. If unforeseen complications arose during or after the procedure, the Surgery Center would cover those costs. Villa wouldn’t see another bill.

Rotator Cuff surgery repair is $8250. I had biceps tendon surgery in Longmont with a bone spur removed from my rotator cuff (which was the cause of the problem). The total cost was around $11,000, which seems fairly reasonable.

What’s not to like? Well, at the moment you have to pay unless you can convince your employer’s insurance plan to pay. Plans that are self insured should be most open to this idea.

How easy would it be to create insurance plans that encouraged the use of this type of service? Inquiring minds want to know.

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Leftist minds want to know – Post-Preet, Can America Survive? – WSJ

In the Trump era, routine events like the replacement of the previous president’s appointees with a new administration are treated as Nixonian power grabs on cable outlets like MSNBC. But it’s not just the media fringe raising warnings about President Trump’s personnel management.

Me, I’m not so worried.

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Brewdog Hotel in Columbus, OH – This Hotel Wants to Be a Disneyland For Beer Lovers – Eater

Like Icarus with malted-hop wings, the owners of BrewDog are ascending to the heavens of beer geekdom — but are they in fact soaring too close to the barley-colored sun? The Scottish beer maker just unfurled an ambitious plan for a combination hotel/restaurant/brewery in Columbus, Ohio, where the beer will flow freely from almost every corner of the space, and many of the objects inside the rooms will also be made of beer.

Click on the link above to see all the beer themed amenities they are planning.

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American Health Care Act


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The Week in Pictures: Repeal & Replace Edition? | Power Line


Much more at the link…

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“If only journalists had done their jobs during the Obama years, perhaps we wouldn’t be in this situation now.” – Jake Tapper At SXSW: Trump Requires More Fact Checking Than Obama Did | RedState

Read the whole thing….

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ACLU Lawyer Comes Under Fire For Suggesting Milo Has Free Speech Rights

ACLU Lawyer Comes Under Fire For Suggesting Milo Has Free Speech Rights

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Stoopid politicians and the people who vote for them – After Passing Soda Tax To Curb Habit, Dems Insist Retailers Are Price-Gouging

Philadelphia’s soda tax should influence the conversation over the endless spiral of taxing and spending in America’s mismanaged, one-party big cities.

Don’t be as stoopid as Philadelphia voters…

There were some twists along the way. City Council reduced the tax to 1.5 cents per ounce, which decreased the amount expected to be raised to $91 million. The money-for-schools rationale was also jettisoned, to some extent, as the council re-allocated half the money to other programs (including city employee benefits,) most of which had nothing to do with education. And that public health angle? That got thrown out the window, too, as the city legislators decided to tax diet soda, also.

Pass This Tax Before People Know What It Does

In three months, the soda tax had gone from a public health initiative that would raise money for public schools to a tax that was purely about raising money, some of which might get to the kids, but most of which funded whatever the city wanted. Unsurprisingly, public support for the tax started to decline as Philadelphians recognized it for the naked money grab it always was. When it went into effect in January, people freaked out.

Perhaps you could say that Philadelphians made a mistake in waiting until a tax went into effect before learning about how it would affect them. Maybe an informed populace would not have let things get this far before trying to stop it. But given the ever-shifting justifications for the tax, even someone who read the newspapers fairly regularly might have been confused. That was by design. Philadelphia’s Democratic leaders wanted to pass the tax before the people found out what was in it.

In one viral tweet, Pennsylvania journalist Salena Zito showed a picture of a receipt on which a $5.99 12-pack of Propel Water was whacked with a $3.04 beverage tax. Now the people were getting the picture, and as H.L. Mencken might have said, they were getting it good and hard. But the increased prices were part of the point of a soda tax, weren’t they? Wasn’t the whole idea that Philadelphians should be “nudged” toward healthier choices in their diets? Aren’t higher prices a feature, not a bug?

Not so fast, said Kenney. According to the mayor, retailers who raised prices were “gouging their own customers.” Because the tax was levied on distributors, rather than at the point of sale, Kenney expects a previously credulous populace to believe that only those fat-cat corporations would have to pay it.

But when the price of a product doubles at one spot on the supply chain, you would have to be willfully blind not to see the cost increase would trickle down to the end user. All taxes, even corporate taxes, are ultimately taxes on the consumer. Kenney and Philadelphia Democrats knew this, even if they will no longer admit it. (emphasis added)

Are they pretending to be dumber than a box of rocks or are they really dumber than a box of rocks? Tough call.

Related: Boulder ponders how to spend upcoming soda tax money

The tax goes into effect July 1st, 2017.

Posted in big government, nanny state, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

So Boulder- Purple America Has All But Disappeared | FiveThirtyEight

The electorate’s move toward single-party geographic enclaves has been particularly pronounced at the extremes. Between 1992 and 2016, the share of voters living in extreme landslide counties quintupled from 4 percent to 21 percent.
November’s election was an exclamation point — or perhaps a flashing danger sign. Legions of big counties were won in a landslide (by at least 20 points): The counties containing Ocala, Florida; St. Cloud, Minnesota; Utica, New York; Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania; and Charleston, West Virginia, were Republican routs for the first time in a generation. Meanwhile, San Diego County, California; Montgomery County, Pennsylvania; and Henrico County, Virginia — all GOP landslide counties in 1988 — became Democratic landslide counties in 2016.
Those examples prove that communities can change allegiances over time. But most places just aren’t budging — in fact, they’re doubling down. In an increasing number of communities like Baldwin County, Alabama, which gave Trump 80 percent of its major-party votes, and San Mateo, California, which gave Clinton 80 percent, an entire generation of youth will grow up without much exposure to alternative political points of view. (So Boulder – Ed comment) If you think our political climate is toxic now, think for a moment about how nasty politics could be 20 or 30 years from now. (Bold added as well-Ed)

The issue is people living in these landslide counties don’t realize there’s another point of view, or if they do, they have no reason to view positions different than there’s as legitimate. As a reminder in the People’s Republic of Boulder the Presidential election results were:

  • Clinton: 70.34%
  • Trump: 22.0%
  • 3rd party: 7.64%

So BoCo just barely escaped the landslide victory category where the margin of victory for the 2 parties was 50% or greater by less than 2%.

Also, pretty soon the candidates will only need to campaign in a few select counties.

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Scott Johnson – Analyze this [updated] | Power Line

The mainstream media have pursued patently inconsistent story lines in the matter of Donald Trump, the Russian connection and law enforcement surveillance of same. Either they are really, really stupid or they think we are.

I don’t view that choice as mutually exclusive. I am pretty damn certain that the MSM is not only stupid, but arrogant in only the way that stupid people can be. When it comes to “we the people,” I suppose there’s room for debate.

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News organizations? Surely you jest – Almost half of voters think journalists ‘make up’ anonymous sources | Washington Examiner

Almost half of U.S. voters believe journalists fabricate their anonymous sources, according to a new poll. A Morning Consult/Politico survey conducted Mar. 2-6 and published Wednesday asked registered voters if they think it’s likely that journalists make up anonymous sources for their stories. Most, 56 percent, either said it wasn’t likely, or that they didn’t know or had no opinion. But nearly half, 44 percent, said they believed it to be likely. Republicans, who tend to harbor more distrust of the news media, were more likely to say they believed journalists made up their anonymous sources. Sixty-five percent of GOP voters said they think that’s the case, nearly two-thirds. Among Democrats, just 24 percent said journalists likely made up their unnamed sources and 42 percent of independent voters agreed. President Trump has maintained a combative relationship with the press. He has called specific stories and news outlets fake news, and has claimed that sources in critical news stories are made up.


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Actually, Trump was trying to encourage news organizations to do their jobs, not deter them.

News organizations? Surly you jest – Trump Isn’t Intimidated, Either | Power Line


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Goodness, liberals unwad your panties about Jeff Sessions – Did the Attorney General Commit Perjury? | Power Line

Either Eric Holder was suffering from acute memory loss at a young age, or he committed perjury. But, because the press was slavishly devoted to Barack Obama and his minions, no matter how corrupt or dishonest they may be, hardly anyone knows about this shameful episode.

And here’s where I say, read the whole thing.

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As ESPN morphs into MS-ESPN the answer is YES –  Is ESPN unraveling? | Power Line

Nor could it reasonably be expected to work. Alienating half or more of your audience with left-wing clap-trap and non-stop obsessing over race is hardly a sound plan for maintaining market share. In the words of Michael Jordan, Republicans buy sneakers too.

Given the irrationality, from a business perspective, of moving leftward, I suspect that Skipper did it because that’s where he wanted ESPN to be, not because he thought it would help his company.

ESPN’s decline and potential unraveling could have major implications for the salaries professional athletes make. The enormous contracts pro athletes receive are underwritten by television revenue

The goose that laid the golden egg is done.

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Source: Instapundit » Blog Archive » RICHARD FERNANDEZ: KING VS. KING: The most singular thing about Donald Trump’s wiretap accusation…

Glenn Reynolds comments:

One of the ways American political culture prevents such a fight is to have only one king at a time. Former presidents are expected to retire and vanish. Obama, however, decided to stay in DC and try to destroy Trump’s presidency. That was a choice that showed little concern for America, but then, the lack of such concern has been a hallmark of Obama’s career.

And who was foolish enough to think that Trump would respond to attacks by playing small ball

Source story: Long Knives


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Obamacare repeal and replace begins – Read the GOP’s new health care plan

Explore the Republican plan to repeal and replace Obamacare and deliver on President Trump’s proposed health care reforms.

I haven’t had time to read the bill yet, but the link above summarizes some high points. I liked this particular feature:

During the transition, Americans will continue to have access to their existing health care options.

We even take steps to immediately provide more flexibility and choice for the people who purchase insurance through the individual marketplace. For example, individuals and families will be able to use their existing subsidy to purchase insurance—including the catastrophic coverage that’s currently prohibited—off of the exchanges. (emphasis added)

This very simple feature is an attack on the exchange system. At the present time, if you have a tax credit, or intend to claim one on your tax return, you must purchase the plan from the exchange. No longer (once the bill is passed). Also, Catastrophic plans, available to those under the age of 30 are not currently eligible for a tax credit

Both hands clapping.

Posted in healthcare reform, ObamaCare | 3 Comments

A Man’s Guide to ‘A Day Without Women’ | Dr. Helen

Maybe “A Day Without Women” will give men a much needed day off.

A Man’s Guide to ‘A Day Without Women’ | Dr. Helen

What’s not to like?

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Pres. Trump’s Address to Congress Watched By 43.4 Million on TV | TVNewser

9:15-10:15 p.m. ET | Total Viewers / A25-54 demo

Fox News: 10,765,000 / 2,784,000

NBC: 9,144,000 / 3,286,000

CBS: 7,156,000 / 1,897,000

ABC: 6,065,000 / 2,074,000

CNN: 3,944,000 / 1,517,000

FOX: 3,076,000 / 1,383,000

MSNBC: 2,683,000 / 669,000

FBN 593,000 / 118,000

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