This kind of primary care allows patients to bypass insurance and pay a flat rate to see their doctor for basic services.

Direct Primary Care: A Better Way to Pay for Healthcare? – NBC News – video at the link

Dr Cunningham left a traditional practice. He sees fewer patients and makes less money. But says it’s worth it to avoid insurance companies dictating how he treats patients.

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 NASA ‘sting’ operation against 74-year-old widow of Apollo engineer draws court rebuke – Washington Post

hey then planned a sting operation on the 74-year-old woman.

Jeff arranged to meet with Davis on May 19, 2011, at a Denny’s Restaurant in Lake Elsinore, Calif., for purposes, she was led to believe, of finalizing the sale of the paperweights.

Davis went with her second husband, Paul Cilley.

Greeting Davis, who is 4-foot-11, were three armed federal agents, with three Riverside County Sheriff’s officials present but not visible, apparently as backup.

The court opinion described what happened next:

Davis placed the paperweights on the table. Jeff said he thought the heat shield was worth about $2,000. Shortly thereafter, Conley announced himself as a “special agent,” and another officer’s hand reached over Davis, grabbed her hand, and took the moon rock paperweight. Simultaneously, a different officer grabbed Cilley by the back of the neck and restrained him by holding his arm behind his back in a bent-over position. Then, an officer grabbed Davis by the arm, pulling her from the booth. At this time, Davis claims that she felt like she was beginning to lose control of her bladder. One of the officers took her purse … Four officers escorted them to the restaurant parking lot for questioning after patting them down to ensure that neither was armed.

She kept telling the officers she needed to use the bathroom. Undeterred, they continued walking her to the parking lot for interrogation, however, the court said. She then “urinated in her clothing.”

She was soaked in urine, visibly, the court said. Still, they continued interrogating her in the restaurant parking lot for between an hour and a half and two hours. They read her Miranda rights, ultimately allowed her to leave and referred the case to the U.S. attorney in Orlando.

There never was a crime, of course. She didn’t steal the artifacts. Ultimately, the investigation was closed when the prosecutor in Orlando declined to bring a case.

Read the whole thing as Joann Davis is trying to fight back against these thugs. Keep in mind we pay them.


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Seniors at Notre Dame University are suffering from painful emotional boo-boos over Vice President Mike Pence.

So what – Notre Dame Students Say Mike Pence Makes Them Feel ‘Unsafe’ | MRCTV
To the snowflake Seniors at Notre Dame, you are sissies. Pure snowflake sissies. May the cold cruel world make you kneel down and beg for mercy. If you were working for me and started acting like this, you’d be out the door before you can blink your eyes. You are not that special, in fact you’re not special at all. Better to learn it now. BTW, how much is tuition at Notre Dame?

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Title IX is being used to sidestep a male’s right to due process

PJ Media – Student Commits Suicide After Alleged Title IX Railroading

University officials are alleged to have not followed their own policies in part due to an alleged close relationship between the accuser and Associate Vice President of Student Affairs Heather Snow. Snow reportedly drafted the complaint, and bypassed the school’s Title IX officer. Further, Klocke is said to have received no hearing.

That’s not all, however:

Read the whole thing.

However many heads roll and however much monetary reward is provided, it won’t be enough. Title IX is being misused. Perhaps some insurance company will start selling Title IX insurance.

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Boulder: The Consciousness Capital – Ultra Spiritual Life episode 53– Awaken with JP.

An excerpt….

Everybody in Boulder is all about community. My favorite thing to do there is to get together with like minded people as a community, call ourselves a community, and then talk about how we can build more community. It’s basically like Boulder’s a giant cult. Only it’s different because everyone there is free to think that they’re free thinkers. But it’s also exactly like a cult.


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An idea so simple, it just might work – An antidote for Obamacare: Cash only medicine with transparent pricing and no insurance – the future of medicine? – AEI

How does Clinica Mi Pueblo offer these medial services at the “most affordable prices possible”? Here’s how: the clinic operates on a cash-only basis, with transparent prices that are listed both on the clinic’s website and on the wall at each clinic. Further, the clinic accepts no insurance, and it will not submit insurance claims on patients’ behalf. If patients have insurance, they can easily take the paperwork the clinic provides and file an insurance claim on their own. Reducing the costly, time-consuming mountain of paperwork associated with insurance, Medicare and Medicaid is one of the main reasons that cash-only medical clinics can keep their costs down and prices so low and affordable. That’s the same business model that keeps surgery costs so low/affordable at the Surgery Center of Oklahoma, the “free market-loving, price-displaying, state-of-the-art, AAAHC accredited, doctor owned, multi-specialty surgical facility in central OK” that has been featured on CD many times over the years.

We need more of this. One offshoot of this is the Direct Primary Care business model which I have posted about, however that only addresses primary care. Facilites such as Clinica Mi Pueblo and the Surgery Center of Oklahoma address a much broader range of needs. I’m not sure what the pain threshold is such that doctors start doing more of this, but we’ve got to be close. Mountains of paperwork, selling their practices to large conglomerates… that seems to be a changing landscape that would make going to work everyday less fun.

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But does anyone care? – Poor White Americans Are Dying of Despair | Reason

What is killing poor less educated whites? Deaths from despair are largely increasing due drug overdoses, suicides, and alcoholic-related liver mortality. In addition, Case and Deaton note that declines in heart disease and cancer have also slowed considerably. They suggest that increases in obesity and diabetes can also account for some the increase in mortality among whites. Although Case and Deaton don’t mention it, the incidence of cancer is associated with obesity.

They report that this increase in mortality among less educated American whites began in the southwest, where it was centered in 2000, and then spread first to Appalachia, Florida and the west coast by the mid-2000s, and is now country-wide. It is now both an urban and a rural epidemic.

Despair is an addicting drug.

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Coming soon to a stoopid city near you – Back to the Future: Wind ‘Powered’ South Australia to Run on Diesel Generators – STOP THESE THINGS

“First Jay Weatherill forced individ­ual consumers to buy back-up diesel generators, now he’s forcing the entire state to be reliant on back-up diesel generators,” Mr Marshall said.
“Since Jay Weatherill forced the (coal-fired) Northern Power Station to close down, South Australians have suffered blackouts, price hikes and now tax rises to pay for that foolish decision.”

Of course, the great elite progressive minds of Boulder will do it better. These are the same great minds that didn’t understand they couldn’t just plug into the Xcel power grid at the city borders. In other words, these minds have no idea what they are doing. Yet, they will do it better than Tasmania.

You can’t make this stuff up.

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This really shouldn’t be news, but in todays crazy mixed up world, unfortunately it is… Harvard Professors Sign Statement Endorsing ‘Freedom of Expression’ | News | The Harvard Crimson

Eleven Harvard professors and one fellow have signed a statement affirming a commitment to engaging with—and opposing efforts to “silence”—those with opposing views.The statement, entitled “Truth Seeking, Democracy, and Freedom of Thought and Expression” is co-authored by African and African-American Studies Professor Cornel West and Robert P. George, a Princeton professor. It was published on the program’s website on March 14, and over 600 professors, students, and college affiliates have signed the statement as of Sunday.

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Oroville dam.

The damaged spillway is open again at Oroville dam as the operators lower the water level in anticipation of spring runoff. If you wish to come up to speed from a reliable source, I recommend Juan Browne’s you tube channel.

Below is latest update from March 17th, I expect another update anytime now.


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John Hinderaker – My Conservative Vision For All Americans | Power Line

Liberals in Minnesota are alarmed about their loss of support in the rural and small-town parts of the state. The same phenomenon that is occurring across the country–everyone is abandoning the Democratic Party except urban dwellers–is going on here. Two Sundays ago, the Minneapolis Star Tribune ran an op-ed by two liberals about how ‘city mice’ and ‘country mice’ can get along better. The key, they suggested, was for all

My suggestions to Boulderites, follow the link and take a whiff…

Conservatives have a vision of a Minnesota whose citizens are united by a love of liberty, an ambition for prosperity, and an appreciation of our state’s natural resources and beauty — not by a shared goal to become government dependents.

Although Mr Hinderaker is talking about the twin Cities vs Minnesota, it sure could apply to Boulder and the Front Range vs. Colorado.


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Life Liberty And Resilience

Denver-based journalist and author Steffan Tubbs presents Joe’s story with gripping detail and emotion with stories spanning the course of eight decades. Learn how an ice cream cone, a street sweeper and a movie usher changed the direction of a man’s life forever. Travel back to Mississippi, Louisiana and Iwo Jima and experience some of the darker moments in our nation’s storied history. A grandson of a slave and a pioneer in his own right, Joseph LaNier’s story is one of resilience, of hope, and of love regardless of injustice. He believed in this country when he fought in World War II and still believes in it today.

Life Liberty And Resilience

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‘Everyone clapped and applauded’ after student tells Trump voters ‘you better be f***ing scared.’

You will be assimilated – Conservative students say they have been ‘violently threatened’ at Lutheran college – The College Fix

Both hands clapping for the courageous college Republican’s. This same progressive group think will follow them into the workplace, so this is good training.

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May the force be with them Petition · Philip Hanlon: Take Back Dartmouth ·
Them is:

Danny Reitsch ’16 – Senior Class President
Michael Beechert ’16 – Senior Class Treasurer
Robert Scales ’16 – Moderator of the Palaeopitus Society
Dari Seo ’16 – Vice President of Student Assembly
Elisabeth Schricker ’17 – Junior Class President

They take dead aim at a bloated administration, however I like their shots at safe spaces…

Instead of making a sincere and concerted attempt to resolve the issues mentioned above, the Dartmouth administration has spent its time policing student life. Buoyed by the idea that the College should support exclusionary “safe spaces” that act as a barrier against uncomfortable ideas (11), administrators have assumed the role of paternalistic babysitters. By effectively taking sides in sensitive debates and privileging the perspectives of certain students over others (12,13), administrators have crossed the line between maintaining a learning environment that is open to all and forcing their own personal views onto the entire campus. In doing so, they have undermined the value of civility, harmed the free exchange of ideas, and performed a disservice to those students who see their time in college as preparation for success in the real world. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, which aims to protect free speech on college campuses, accordingly lowered Dartmouth’s speech code rating from green to yellow in the past year (14). The Greek system, which has historically provided students with a social arena relatively free from the control of administrators, has been subjected to increasingly strict administrative control as well (15-17). We believe that the administration should treat students like the legal adults they are and cease chipping away at free speech, free thought, and free association. The energies of President Hanlon and Board of Trustees, as discussed above, are needed elsewhere.

Sounds like the Dartmouth administration along with almost every other higher ed administration in the United States (and most likely the planet) have gotten way off track.

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Dumber than a box of rocks – U. Chicago Divinity School: We support free speech, unless it’s too offensive – The College Fix

You don’t have a right not to be offended, apparently most of the Professors at the University of Chicago Divinity School don’t get it.

You don’t need free speech for inoffensive speech. How offensive is too offensive? There are lines to be drawn for sure, but if we’re going to err, in should be on the side of being offensive. Snowflake college students running for their safe spaces is orders of magnitude away from being offended. Apparently Professors are just as bad, plus arrogant to boot.

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Bernie Sanders skewered on Twitter for his towering hypocrisy.

The twitterverse calls out Bernie – Senator Who Owns 3 Houses Rails Against Americans Who ‘Worship Wealth’


A man who owns three houses — including the recent purchase of a vacation home for $600K — and pays a smaller percentage of his income in taxes than most middle class Americans, should not be taking a dump on America in a glass house.

There are two possibilities for Sanders’ obvious cluelessness; 1) he knew full well the kind of reaction he would get and was looking for attention; or 2) he really is oblivious to how incredibly hypocritical his words are.

I’ll take door #2, “Really is oblivious.” Obviously his policies were never going to apply to him or his fellow elites. Shut him down and take away the keys. Heck shooting fish in a barrel is more challenging than demonstrating Bernie’s hypocrisy.

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Also, rumor has it that another Seagate layoff’s on the way. I’m sorta out of the loop so no info here. I’ll start asking, but if you work at Seagate, you’ll know more than me.

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Rumor has it that Seagate is going to “unlimited” vacation. If you think that’s a ‘win’ for you, think again. Without question, it’s a ‘WIN’ for Seagate.

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Why send your daughters to Duke? Duke Reports a Sexual Assault Rate 5 X as High as Our Most Dangerous City | Minding The Campus

But 88% of Women Feel Safe

Why send your sons there?

Why would anyone pay $280,000 to send their children to such bastions of sexual assault?

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Inquiring minds want to know – The IRS Scandal, Day 1408: Why Won’t The Media Cover It? | Tax Prof Blog 

Sometimes the most insidious attack on our individual liberty arises not from the government’s wholesale trampling on those rights, but instead from a widespread chilling effect, in which individuals “self-police” or regulate their behavior out of fear of the government’s retaliation.

The government is not your friend?

Just this past week, the IRS revealed that it had found nearly 7,000 documents potentially related to the targeting of tea party groups. Yes, the agency that has stone-walled Congress for four years, lost computers and hard drives and tens of thousands of emails, just discovered 6,924 documents in response to an ongoing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from Judicial Watch.

Mainstream media outlets have barely reported on this latest revelation at all. And why should they? It’s only the latest chapter in a tome the media has made clear it has no intention of sharing with the American public. …

Two hallmarks of a free society are that individuals do not have to live in fear that their political views or activities will cause them to be subjected to abuse by the federal taxing agency, and that the press holds government accountable when it becomes abusive to its citizens. It seems, in both areas, we have a lot more work to do.

First we need to shift from reverse into neutral and if we’re really luck start going forward. At the best we are slowing down going backwards.

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