The unnamed teacher must have been confused and thought she was in Boulder County – Weld County teacher accused of letting students smash pinata with Trump’s picture | FOX31 Denver

WELD COUNTY — Weld County School District RE-5J issued a statement on their Facebook page Saturday evening addressing accusations that a teacher allowed students to celebrate Cinco de Mayo by smashing a pinata with President Donald Trump’s picture on it.According to the statement, photos circulated by students show the piñata, the piñata tied to a tree, and a student with a bat in hand near the piñata.


Superintendent Dr. Martin Foster said “This was an incredibly disrespectful act that does not reflect the values of Roosevelt High Schoolor the school district.”

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Rich spoiled brat whiner with a side of stoopid – Cher: No Money to Treat My Asthma after House Obamacare Repeal

The pop icon was one of numerous stars to use social media to voice their displeasure with the House passage of the American Health Care Act.

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Lot’s of “hits’ from Seagate. What’s going on over there aside from “unlimited” vacation?

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Asking the important questions, are Democrats teenagers? House Dems respond to passage of AHCA by singing | Power Line

After the House passed the AHCA today, Democrats broke into song. They sang “Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye!” and waved bye-bye at GOP members. That’s an odd response to the passage of a measure Democrats claim will wreck health care in America and, indeed, kill people. Republicans didn’t sing ‘good-bye’ to Democrats when the Dems passed Obamacare.

How immature, the last time I heard this song at a public setting was a high school basketball game.

You can hear the Democratic children/teenagers in adult bodies for yourself:


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Shocked face – Bret Stephens Is Surprised When The Mob He Fed Turned On Him

The New York Times ran Bret Stephens’s first column, and it sent the climate mob on a virtual stampede to the Times’ headquarters with torches ablaze.

So Brett Stephens is either too smart for his own good or dumber than a box of rocks. I’m guessing the former, although I wouldn’t put a lot of money on it.

Stephens is not a sympathetic figure. But to his credit, by unleashing the demagogic fury of the climate mob (which undoubtedly voted for the same candidate he did), Stephens has exposed their utter totalitarianism on the subject. No debate or dissent is allowed, regardless of how mild or banal it might be. The science is not just settled. It is an orthodoxy not to be questioned or challenged, even by an anti-Trump soulmate.

That climate mob is So Boulder.

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The Wesleyan Argus | Male Privilege in the Classroom, From an All-Girls Grad
I’m speechless.

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“You cannot be an ostensible paper-of-record and allow a science denier to spread propaganda.”

So Boulder – Times columnist blasted by ‘nasty left’ for climate change piece | New York Post

As a noted “never Trumper” and climate skeptic, he has seen his fair share of hate mail and Twitter trolls over the past year-and-a-half — but nothing like what he’s endured since his article was posted, he says.

“After 20 months of being harangued by bullying Trump supporters, I’m reminded that the nasty left is no different. Perhaps worse,” Stephens tweeted Friday afternoon, as the hateful messages kept rolling in.

“Go eat dog d—s,” fumed one Twitter user.

“When is the Times going to get rid of you?” another asked.

Stephens even managed to tick off fellow journalists.

“You’re a s–thead. a crybaby lil f–kin weenie. a massive twat too,” tweeted Libby Watson, staff writer at Gizmodo.

“I’m gonna lose my mind,” seethed Eve Peyser, politics writer at Vice.

“The ideas ppl like @BretStephensNYT espouse are violently hateful & should not be given a platform by @NYTimes,” she said.

In the column, Stephens never states that he believes climate change is a farce. He simply asserts that people should look at claims from both supporters and deniers, in the attempt to get all the facts.

Ahhh, the arrogance of the true believers. Bret Stephens, meet Judith Curry.

And to the New York times, does it bother you at all that your readership has self selected?

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That’s the long version of last year’s “He fights!”

Instapundit » Blog Archive » JOSH KRAUSHAAR: Trump Voters’ Loyalties Run Deep.

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Why Boulder hates fracking – Energy Revolutions Hidden In Plain Sight: Part 1 of 3 — Shale Crushes Solar | RealClearEnergy

Meanwhile, solar and wind power are the two most discussed “disruptions” to our energy supply. It is true that solar/wind costs have gone down dramatically in the past decade. At the same time there’s a policy revolution in subsidies (more about policies in part 3 of this series) leading to a cumulative $100+ billion in the U.S. for solar/wind. The effect of this combination has been to proliferate solar panels and wind turbines sufficient to drive a nearly 10-fold increase in combined energy supplied from those sources.

While that’s quite remarkable, wind and solar together still supply less than 1.5% of America’s energy. Fast growth from a small number is like winning $100 in Vegas on a $10 bet. Nice, but not life-changing.

To find a “radical and pervasive” change in energy markets we have to look elsewhere. Over the same decade noted above, the amount of energy added to America from shale hydrocarbons was 2,000% greater than the additional supply from solar and wind combined. That actual revolution also happened because of the maturation of new technologies. But, notably, in this case it took place without the stimulus of special subsidies.

And what does the future hold?

But many still believe that a future energy revolution depends solar and wind. Of course those technologies will get far better. But, as is clear from NREL data, both wind and solar are now experiencing a declining rate of improvement as those technologies start to approach their limits in terms of what physics permits. They still improve each year, but now necessarily at a slower rate than in the past.

Shale technology is a long way from its physics limits. In fact, the industry is at the beginning of what I’ve earlier termed Shale 2.0. Only now has the industry just begun to embrace the kinds of software and digital solutions that common in other industrial domains.

No wonder Boulderites hate fracking. It disrupts their beautifully choreographed narrative of the future of green energy. There’s little doubt that Boulder will have expensive energy if they meet their goal of 100% green energy by 2030.

If that happens, elite Boulderites will be purchasing natural gas turbines from Enviro Power instead of solar panels to reduce their energy costs.

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Juan Brown reports – Oroville 26 April DWR Reports Explained

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali – Activist finds silence on genital mutilation case depressing, predictable – Chicago Tribune

Where is the outrage over a Michigan physician charged in a federal indictment with conspiring to perform female genital mutilation on young girls?

Ms Ali goes on to say…

“It’s all so very sad and depressing. I find this silence extremely painful,” renowned feminist and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali told me in an interview. “It’s been inculcated into them (the left) not to engage.

“The left can easily and comfortably condemn the misogyny of white men, but not of men of color, not of Muslims,” Hirsi Ali said. “They are afraid of being shunned. They’re afraid of being put into a basket of deplorables. So they’re silent.

“And what are they being silent about? They are being silent about the mutilation of young girls.”

I wish I could say “knock me over with a feather,” but I have to say I’m shocked by the silence.

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Unfortunately, Boulderites were already brainwashed, the misleading Obama administration propaganda just cemented the religion – Former Obama Official: Climate Data ‘Misleading’ | The Daily Caller

Former Energy Department Undersecretary Steven Koonin told The Wall Street Journal Monday that bureaucrats within former President Barack Obama’s administration spun scientific data to manipulate public opinion.

“What you saw coming out of the press releases about climate data, climate analysis, was, I’d say, misleading, sometimes just wrong,” Koonin said, referring to elements within the Obama administration he said were responsible for manipulating climate data.

Uh, read the whole thing, especially if your from Boulder, Berkeley, Twin Cities, Seattle and the list goes on, oh and let’s not forget Algore.

Posted in #GREENFAIL, climate change, Obama is stoopid | Leave a comment

You can’t make this stuff up – Tennessee Reins In Horse Massage Licensing Laws – Hit & Run :

Two Tennessee women will be allowed to continue operating their horse massage businesses without the threat of fines and jail time—at least for the next 15 months—if Gov. Bill Haslam signs a bill that cleared the state legislature this week.

Who is so concerned about unlicensed horse massage?

In February, Reason brought you the story of Laurie Wheeler and Martha Stowe, two women who received cease-and-desist letters from the Tennessee Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners because they were massaging horses without a license to practice veterinary medicine in the state. It didn’t matter to the board that Wheeler was licensed to give massages to humans (she was offering their services to high performance horses and equestrians in tandem), or that both women had been certified by private organizations in the practice of equine massage. All that mattered was the lack of state-issued permission slip, which meant Wheeler and Stowe had to choose between giving up their business and facing the threat of punishment.

Don’t tell me there isn’t room to cut government spending. Seems to me there should be some bureaucrats in the unemployment line.

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So Boulder, well So Lafayette in this case – Letter endorsing anti-fracking violence penned by author of ballot issue to hike oil-and-gas tax – Colorado Politics

Reached by phone today, Andrew O’Connor, of Lafayette, unapologetically reiterated his hardline stance on fracking to

“I wouldn’t have a problem with a sniper shooting one of the workers” at a drilling site, O’Connor said, noting that he is not threatening violence himself or calling on anyone to engage in it.

“I see fracking as murder, and there’s medical and scientific evidence of that,” he said.

Frack baby frack.

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USA Today – Hate speech is free speech, Gov. Dean: Glenn Reynolds

In First Amendment law, the term “hate speech” is meaningless. All speech is equally protected whether it’s hateful or cheerful. It doesn’t matter if it’s racist, sexist or in poor taste, unless speech falls into a few very narrow categories — like “true threats,” which have to address a specific individual, or “incitement,” which must constitute an immediate and intentional encouragement to imminent lawless action — it’s protected.

Professor Reynolds concludes (picking up at the tail end of a paragraph on hate speech)…

But “fighting words” aren’t hate speech. Fighting words are direct, person-to-person invitations to a brawl. Expressing political or social views that people don’t like isn’t the same thing, even if people might react violently to those views.

And that’s good. If, by reacting violently to views they didn’t like, people could get the government to censor those views as “hate speech” or “fighting words,” then people would have a strong incentive to react violently to views they don’t like. Giving the angry and violent the ability to shut down other people’s speech (the term we use for this in constitutional law, Gov. Dean, is “heckler’s veto”) is a bad thing, which would leave us with a society marked by a lot more violence, a lot more censorship, and a lot less speech.

Is that really what you want? Because that’s what we’d get, if we followed the advice of constitutional illiterates.

So Berkeley.

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Cuomo’s war on pipelines is crushing New York’s economy | New York Post

When Team Cuomo blocked a gas pipeline this month, and another last year, we warned of the fallout. A new report out Monday puts a price tag on such bans — and points out what’s really going on.

The study, by the US Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for 21st Century Energy, found that the Northeast (New England, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania) is paying more for natural gas, losing tens of thousands of jobs and emitting more greenhouse gases than necessary thanks to “self-imposed” local “pipeline constraints.”

The projected loss to the region by 2020 adds up to 78,400 jobs and nearly $7.6 billion in economic activity and “the displacement of $4.4 billion in labor income.” New York alone would see $1.6 billion less in state GDP and the loss of 17,400 jobs. Youch.

Sounds like something Boulder would do except except for the greenhouse gas part, and they’d just lie about that.

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Tom Sullivan show – Doctor Explains How ObamaCare, Entitled Patients Chased Her Out Of Medicine … (audio at the link)

When she says Medicare at the beginning, she is actually referring to Medicaid.

Bring back fee for service. I’m all for it.

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If Enviro Power is successful, Boulderites will have an option for inexpensive electricity when their 30% renewable energy turns out more expensive than projected – Startup Profile: Enviro Power Is Bringing Microcogeneration to the U.S. – IEEE Spectrum

Not to mention that Boulder’s green energy goal is 100% renewable by 2030.

Mike Cocking, of consulting firm MicroCogen Partners, says market conditions are currently ideal because gas prices are low and electricity costs are rising.

Thank you fracking!

Of course, I suppose the State could always outlaw using natural gas to produce electricity in non-business environments.

Posted in #GREENFAIL, Boulder is stoopid, energy, enviro wackos, fossil fuels, fracking | Leave a comment

General Motors Quits Venezuela After Officials Seize Plant – NBC News

General Motors Venezolana, GM’s local subsidiary, did not provide any details about the seizure, other than to say the facility “was unexpectedly taken by authorities, preventing normal operations.” It said other assets, “such as vehicles,” had also been stripped from the site.

Unexpectedly? Is GM management dumber than a box of rocks?  (Don’t answer that.)

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John Hinderaker – 60 acres solar farm Minnesota National Guard’s facility at Camp Ripley
Solar Power: An Environmental Disaster | Power Line

Solar power is expensive, unreliable and environmentally destructive. So it doesn’t come into being through consumer demand; rather, by government fiat or subsidy. The federal government controls the military, so, sadly, our armed forces have been dragged into the government’s alleged fight against ‘climate change’ to a humiliating degree.

Tell me again how much energy this 60 acre facility provides?

The solar facility can provide electricity for only 1,700 homes, a ridiculously small number, at “full capacity.” But solar installations never reach full capacity, and if it is dark or cloudy, they are irrelevant. No one would argue for ugly 60-acre scars on the landscape based on a cost/benefit analysis.

In Duluth, the best proxy for Camp Ripley, there are an average of 77 sunny days per year. Hey, that is better than one in five! Of course, they don’t have any sunny nights in Duluth, so there’s that. (emphasis added)

Seventy seven, that is 77, sunny days per year and they build a 60 acre solar farm!? The people behind this are dumber than a box of rocks and the citizens who allow their tax dollars to be spent that way are just as stoopid. Then leave it to a local politician to bring up the “save the planet” vision.

It was left to Lieutenant Governor Tina Smith (D) to deliver the most mind-numbingly stupid commentary on the occasion:

“With four megastorms in the past seven years in Minnesota, we don’t need any more reminders of the impact of a changing climate on our state,” Smith said. “Projects like you see behind us will be helpful to mitigate some of that damage.”

Perhaps Ms. Smith is unaware that no respectable scientist claims “megastorms” have increased as a result of purported global warming. Perhaps she doesn’t know that hurricanes in the Western Hemisphere–to take just one example–are at a historic low. Perhaps she is unaware that the models on which global warming hysteria is based forecast fewer extreme weather events, not more.

Hinderaker concludes:

But maybe it is irrelevant to point out how wrong the global warming alarmists are, and how severely their uneconomic installations damage the environment. Their doctrine is a religious faith that has nothing to do with science or history, and everything to do with government greed, so rational arguments are wasted on them. (emphasis added)

Could NOT agree more.


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