Sarah Hoyt – Not Enough Sex? Stop Having Threesomes With the Government | PJ Media – Lifestyle

Does helicopter parenting take away from “free time?” Yes, but do you really have a choice in the two thousand tens?

There is only one problem with that. In those long ago halcyon days, now 12 years in the past, we hadn’t anticipated cases like the mother whose parental rights got curtailed for allowing her child to play in the park, or the parents brought into family court for allowing their children to walk home from school unaccompanied. Which we also did, I must confess, from first grade on, for each kid.

Had we known our children might be removed from our custody for allowing them any autonomy or self-responsibility, even we would have been hesitant to do it. After all, we were scared to leave the children under fourteen alone in the house for any length of time, because a couple in Colorado had gotten in trouble for doing so.

American women are privileged…

As for the why of psychological conditions, let me see: courts incredibly biased in favor of women in both custody and divorce proceedings have made a mockery of the “equal rights” of a couple. At the same time everything from entertainment to the news to political campaigns (I’m looking at you Hillary) have managed to turn American women into the unhappiest, most privileged and dissatisfied minority in the world.

American women who are favored in everything from hiring to promotion to marriage to—well, everything – due to subtle and blunt governmental pressure, are daily bombarded with the idea they’re downtrodden, mistreated and live in a patriarchy. And no matter how hard those of us who grew up abroad roll our eyes, some number of them will believe it.

Then there’s cyber sex:

Of course, they prefer the safety of their environment. And you know what part of it is that makes their own environment feel “safe”? It’s that women aren’t going out into what they’ve been told is a rape culture, and men, particularly men in college – the prime reproductive age – don’t have to deal with kangaroo courts and mattress girls should his partner decide that the sex wasn’t entirely to her satisfaction and thereby retroactively withdraw consent and claim she was raped. Do you blame them? When public officials and the cultural power structures spend so much time convincing both sexes the other is out to get them, we should thank our lucky stars some young people are still willing to risk sex, despite everything.

I can’t do the story justice, you need to read the whole thing.

BUT, what do men do? They go on strike.

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Looks like Seagate is at it again. I hear a significant layoff is coming on Wednesday in Longmont. I’m sure there’s more info at In fact, from what I read there, the layoffs are postponed because they’re not big enough. Me, I have no idea. I haven’t worked there in years and years and don’t really see Seagate employees much anymore.

All that said, I have a simple question to ask Seagate management and execs, which I’ve probably posted before.

If you keep laying people off, perhaps you’re laying off the wrong effing people?

Look in the mirror you stoopid twirps.

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President Bush makes a surprise stop at a local cafe on Saturday night, shaking hands and visiting with everyone from army veterans to young kids.

“It was like everyone’s grandpa walked in:” Diners surprised by President Bush at local cafe

Debbie said the former president took time to visit with every diner before leaving, but there was one conversation she overheard from a soldier eating at a table next to her that she won’t soon forget.

“There was another young couple he turned to and the man was in the army,” Debbie said. “He told him ‘it was an honor to serve you’ and President Bush said ‘thank you for your service, but you didn’t serve me, you served your country.”

Big h/t to Instapundit.

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Totally not fake news CNN:

  HanAssholeSolo’ confesses (parody)


And as Instapundit says, “it’s come to this,” linking to VOX lecturing CNN: CNN is being accused of blackmailing a pro-Trump Reddit user for posting things it didn’t like

CNN also provided a statement to me in its defense: “CNN decided not to publish the name of the Reddit user out of concern for his safety. Any assertion that the network blackmailed or coerced him is false. The user, who is an adult male, not a 15-year-old boy, apologized and deleted his account before ever speaking with our reporter. CNN never made any deal, of any kind, with the user. In fact, CNN included its decision to withhold the user’s identity in an effort to be completely transparent that there was no deal.”

A plain reading of CNN’s article, however, contradicts what the network and Kaczynski are saying. (emphasis added) If CNN really intended to withhold HanAssholeSolo’s information regardless of what he did, then why didn’t the news organization say it was withholding his private information simply because he’s a private citizen? Why did it go on to add all the conditions about his behavior? And why did it say it could release the private information with an explicit condition tied to his behavior?

Down goes CNN’s credibility, around the bowl and down the hole.


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Sarah Hoyt – Instapundit » THEY COULD MAKE COLLEGES MORE WELCOMING FOR MEN: Nah, that’s just crazy talk.

WTF is she talking about? You’ll have to follow the link.

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Former Provost: There are lessons to learn from the meltdown at Evergreen College – Hot Air Hot Air

The key word is “obvious” – Former Provost: There are lessons to learn from the meltdown at Evergreen College – Hot Air Hot Air

The lesson to other schools should be obvious: Treat the left-wing mob as you would any other group screaming at professors and administrators. Expect them to behave themselves, just as you would any other group of adult students. And when they cross the line, punish them for it. All it takes to avoid Evergreen’s fate is leadership willing to show a little backbone.

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Neil Cavuto: Media hypocrites lose it over Trump’s tweet


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People will die….

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Looks like Al Gore has met his match – Hawking Made A Bizarre Claim About Trump | The Daily Caller

Climate scientists and policy experts are criticizing famed theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking for arguing President Donald Trump’s policies would push the Earth “over the brink” towards runaway global warming.

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What’s up with that, err I mean Nancy? Pelosi gives another muddled speech, confusing details and mispronouncing words – Dennis Michael Lynch blog

Another strange speech by Nancy Pelosi caught the media’s attention Thursday, as the Minority Leader took the podium for her weekly press conference. Into a hot mic, she seemed to remind herself what time of day it was. “It’s afternoon. It is afternoon. Good afternoon everyone,” she began. Then, removed from her reminder by seconds, she said, “Thank you for being here. I’m honored this morning, or now afternoon…” It went downhill from there. Pelosi referred to a Democratic ranking member as the “chairman” before correcting herself, then denounced Republican attempts to replace Obamacare. “And what does that mean? Higher costs, fewer benefits, uh, terrible age

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So Obama – Obama warns Americans about too much patriotism – on July 4th weekend! – The American MirrorThe American Mirror

While most Americans are gathering with family and community this weekend to celebrate the most exceptional country in the history of the world, Mr. Hope and Change is halfway around the world talking doom and gloom — and criticizing his successor. Barack Obama visited Indonesia this weekend, and in a series of appearances, attacked love of country and the policies of Donald Trump. The Guardian reports: The former US president said some countries had adopted “an aggressive kind of nationalism” and “increased resentment of minority groups”, in a speech in Indonesia on Saturday that could be seen as a commentary

No one, or group of people is perfect, but we’re a lot better than our Democratic leaders are telling us.

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Arrogant spoiled brat reporter – Angry White House reporter: ‘I can’t take it anymore!’

‘We are bullied and browbeaten every day, and I pretty much have had enough of it.’

He has a name, but it’s not worth my blogs space. Follow the link.

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Too blind to see – Obama Warns Against Income Inequality While Delivering $7,700-a-Minute Speech . The very definition of “elite.”

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Mugging Mr. Murray: Murray speaks | Power Line

Putting that to one side, however, Murray commented that the hearing “made me much more angry than the Middlebury thing.” After summarizing the JEC Democrats’ disparagement of him, Murray concisely responded: “The willingness of people who have not read a word you have ever written to libel you in a Senate hearing room for the Congressional Record is to me despicable.”

It takes a special combination of stoopidity, arrogance and ability to feel no shame to act the way these Democratic Senators acted. Let’s give them a special shoutout:

  • Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar
  • New Mexico Senator Martin Heinrich
  • Virginia Rep. Don Beyer
  • Michigan Senator Gary Peters
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Dumber than a Box of Rocks

In a photo shoot leaked on Tuesday afternoon by TMZ, far-left lewd comedian Kathy Griffin posed with a bloodied, fake severed head of President Donald Trump in the same vein ISIS fighters would in videos showing the beheading of their prisoners.

CNN, Call Your Office: Kathy Griffin Channels ISIS, Holds Up Fake Severed Trump Head

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Has Anyone Ever Leaked So Much To So Little Effect? | Power Line

So it is entirely appropriate that our leaders should seek common ground with the Russians, where possible, in pursuit of our national interests. George W. Bush did it, Barack Obama did it, and Donald Trump is doing it. The main difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama was a pushover for Putin, and Trump isn’t.

All of this is so obvious that I have stopped paying attention to the Left’s coverage of alleged “scandals” relating to Russia. The Democrats desperately hope that someone on Trump’s campaign team may have conspired with the Russians to phish the DNC’s email server, as well as the RNC’s. (Not sure how that works, but liberal conspiracy theories don’t have to make sense.) But we know there is no such evidence. If there were, Democrats in the intelligence agencies, who, it now appears, were violating the law to a massive extent in search of dirt on Donald Trump, would have leaked it before the election.

Absent evidence of collusion, the Left’s hysteria over Russia is going to fizzle out. In the end, it will look silly. Meanwhile, everyone knows that the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, the Associated Press, etc., are using anonymous leaks in an effort to bring down the Trump administration on behalf of their party, the Democrats. I doubt that ten percent of the population could deny that proposition, and pass a lie detector test. So if nothing else, we have achieved clarity. (emphasis added)

Trump’s triumphant foreign trip is a reminder, as Steve notes, that the antidote to the Left’s torrent of ineffective leaks is simple: govern. Here, the biggest concern, in my opinion, is Congress, not the president. Republican representatives and senators should get out of Washington and observe how little the people who voted for them are impressed by the Left’s assault on our president. Congress needs to pass the legislation the voters want–tax reform, Obamacare repeal, and the rest. And they need to do it soon.

Well, I think it’s been clear for awhile, except to Republican’s in Congress, who would be wise to heed Mr. Hinderaker’s advice in the final paragraph.


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Watch Gov. Bevin Set the Record Straight on FAKE NEWS

The MSM doesn’t grasp how much a large portion of the american public holds them in complete disdain. It’s one thing to be arrogant when you’re good (still not a particularly admirable trait), but it’s another to be arrogant and mediocre at best. The MSM falls in the latter category. I know it seems obvious to many readers, but the MSM is too stoopid and arrogant to understand.

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Remy: The Venezuela Diet! – YouTube

Boulderites, fill your socialism Rx, book your one way ticket to Venezuela today.

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No kidding, or in the language used by today’s infantile Dem’s, “no fucking kidding” – Finley: Obamacare lies keep coming

The current big lie is that the GOP’s Obamacare fix, passed by the House last week, would strip millions of America’s most vulnerable citizens of health insurance and drive up premiums for those who manage to keep coverage.

Obamacare is already doing that, thanks to the economic naivety of the Democrats who crafted the law.

In 11 states last year, average premiums rose by 40 percent or more. Obamacare exchanges across the country are in crisis because insurers are bailing out, burned by the unfulfilled promises of the Affordable Care Act. Unchecked Medicaid expansion is ravaging state budgets.

On and let’s not FORGET that coverage for pre-existing conditions is being struck down by the evil GOP…

Democrats and their media chorus are pushing the canard that heartless Republicans are ending protection for the sickest Americans, including those with pre-existing conditions. The GOP plan doesn’t do that.

Mandates remain in place for guaranteed coverage, and for controlling premium prices for those most at risk. It does allow states to seek waivers if they believe they can craft better plans for less money, but only if they agree to tap into a $100 billion high-risk pool.

That pool will shift the burden of subsidizing the sickest policyholders from their healthier neighbors to the federal government, which promises to both lower premiums and end the unsavory practice of insurers filtering out the costliest customers with onerous co-pays and deductibles. It could fix a major Obamacare cost driver.

Remember Obamacare was going to insure everyone? Let’s refresh your memory…

Cost of Obamacare to federal taxpayers rose to $110 billion in 2016. What are they getting for that money? President Barack Obama sold Obamacare on the promise that it would provide coverage to the 45 million, or 15 percent, of Americans who lacked it in 2009.

Not even close. Seven years later, 28.4 million people, or roughly 10 percent of the population, remain uninsured, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.

So Obamacare upended the insurance market for all Americans, and sharply drove up their health care costs, to reduce the number of uninsured by 5 percentage points, or just under 17 million people. We could have let the market be and given all of the uninsured vouchers for private plans and produced a better outcome.

Just in Colorado we’ve had the following issues:

  • As of 2017 no PPO plans available
  • Only a portion of plans available from a single carrier has Children’s Hospital in network
  • 14 of 64 counties in Colorado only have a single insurance provider
  • Colorado Coop went bankrupt
  • Humana and United Healthcare left the state in 2016
  • Only one company has a statewide network
  • Most coverage networks are regional
  • With minor exceptions coverage outside the network region is not covered
  • Rural areas in Colorado have some of the highest insurance rates in the nation

But no worries, Obamacare is a winner. Head meet sand.


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Boulder is a stoopid place – Kombucha brewers, liquor stores and others plea for Boulder soda tax exemptions – Longmont Times-Call

It was the voters of Boulder who approved the nation’s steepest sugary drink tax in November, but only the city has the power to implement it.

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