Delete your google search history. Here is how, courtesy of….
(apologies for the formatting, which I’m sure is from copying this from an html email)
Delete your google search history. Here is how, courtesy of….
(apologies for the formatting, which I’m sure is from copying this from an html email)
“Her parents must be so proud of their little Antifa darling!” Antifa Thug Didn’t Want Her Picture Taken – Let’s Make Her Famous! – Chicks On The Right
Is this what happens when you aren’t allowed to play cops and robbers or cowboys and indians when you were a kid? Let’s have a picture of Emily meeting law enforcement….
Someone should tell Google and almost every “Progressive” in the developed world – PC Corporate Culture Is a Plague That Government Helps Spread | The Weekly Standard
The problem is that the scientific evidence doesn’t support the liberal view. Sex differences in interests emerge within several hours after children are born, with girls showing more interest in people and boys in systems/things. One-day-old girls look longer at faces than one-day-old boys, who spend more time looking at mechanical objects.
The article goes on to say that basically Google (technically Alphabet) is between a rock and a hard place…
Google executives acted as they did, at least in part, because they feared legally imposed consequences. The government created conditions that encourage private companies to restrict speech among their employees and declare some ideas to not “even have basic legitimacy.” The government should fix the problem that it created. If it can implement protections based on race and gender and religion, it can institute protections for free expression.
But why is it that anti-discrimination laws—which have been on the books for decades—are now interpreted to mean that everyone in the workplace must hold only politically correct beliefs? The new interpretation seems to be motivated by the recently popularized idea that “words are violence.” (emphasis added) According to this doctrine (widely accepted on college campuses), expressing non-PC beliefs constitutes violence. Thus, Zunger explains that because Damore created a “hostile work environment,” “a good number of the people [he] might have to work with may simply punch [him] in the face.” According to the old standards, punching someone in the face, not expressing an opinion about a scientific debate, would create a hostile work environment. According to the new standards, Damore initiated the violence by saying something politically incorrect.
I guess I’m a violent person, although I keep my beliefs pretty much to myself in public (guess the PC folks have already won).
Read the whole thing if you dare.
Seen on Facebook…
I just had lunch with a friend who’s a 50-year-old partner in a Manhattan law firm. He’s a Republican who voted Trump, but told me over lunch in a whisper that he can’t discuss his politics with anyone else at his very large law firm, because he’d be sacked for sure if they found out he voted Trump. He also said that after Charlottesville, his managing partner put out a memo to all employees assuring them that the firm does not support Klansmen or White Supremacists. Why she should do this is a mystery to the employees, since the firm doesn’t have any Klansmen or White Supremacists. This is the politically toxic atmosphere in Manhattan right now, which resembles a police state. People are afraid of being ratted out as Trump supporters.
So Boulder.
Income equality will solve everything – Starvation: It’s a Small Price to Pay for Socialism! | Power Line Video at the link.
This video is pretty entertaining. Ami Horowitz interviewed New York millennials, asking about their views on the all-important question of income equality. Actually, anyone who thinks about the subject for two minutes should be able to figure out that a society without income inequality would scarcely be worth living in. But these people are without a clue. Horowitz continues with questions about Venezuela, where starving people are fighting over dead
Oh, NO, income equality will not fix anything. It will pretty much make everyone broke except the well connected elite.
Wonder how long it will be until a government agency (or front for one) asks, no demands, their customer list? America’s Last Confederate Flag Manufacturer Says Sales Are Through the Roof | MRCTV
The last known Confederate flag manufacturer in the country claims to have seen a surge in sales as a result of the violence in Charlottesville and the push to remove Confederate monuments. reports Alabama Flag & Banner owner Belinda Kennedy received more than 100 orders for Confederate flags in a single day after the Charlottesville rally. The surge appears to have no end in sight, as Kennedy claims to still be receiving orders “day and night.” The store has typically sold between 600-800 Confederate flags per year since 2015.
“Everybody’s got a different reason (for buying),” Kennedy told “By and large, I think people are afraid they may not be able to get it one day.”
Wow. I think it means these issues aren’t going away. Politicians taking action in haste are sewing the seeds for future demonstrations.
Goodness Boulderites, no don’t jump to any conclusions. For the time being, it’s still (mostly) a free country and it’s not illegal to offer for sale or purchase a confederate flag.
I’m not sure of a category for posts on the whole category. Gonna have to think about this one for awhile.
Google, you have a problem – Ex-Google Engineer Hires Lawyer Shortlisted as Trump Nominee – Bloomberg
The engineer who was fired by Google after he criticized the company’s diversity policies for ignoring differences between the sexes has hired civil rights lawyer Harmeet Dhillon, who was widely reported months ago to be a contender for a top job in the U.S. Justice Department.
Dhillon confirmed Wednesday that she’s representing James Damore, who has said he plans to sue his ex-employer over his firing. He set off a firestorm this month with a 10-page memo blasting Google’s “left bias” for creating a “politically correct monoculture.”
Her firm is also seeking other potential plaintiffs who feel they’ve been discriminated against at Google based on their political views or their opinions about the company’s hiring practices.
Another slow motion law suit but hopefully the popcorn won’t fossilize before the info gets interesting.
As I said on August 11th, “Google has a problem, I don’t think they appreciate the magnitude. They will.”
You can’t fix stoopid, but at least ESPN has self identified as such although it’s been obvious for quite some time – ESPN cautioned: These football announcers’ names are guaranteed to offend someone; avoid if possible –
So Boulder. So Facebook. DeFrates column: Try taking your Prius out of your bubble |
So I thought I’d draft up a quick test, and you can decide for yourself if you live in a bubble.
You might live in a bubble if:
Your children have spent more time in other countries than they have in other states.
You regularly leave your house or car unlocked.
You only break a sweat for fun.
You have time to heatedly debate exactly what qualifies as “privilege” over a $14 six-pack or home-brewed kombucha.
You spend more than two days a week engaged in activities relegated to the pinnacle of Maslow’s hierarchy: self-actualization. Just look on the Carbondale Facebook page for a current list of offerings.
You can afford an all-organic diet, or you have the time to grow it yourself.
You have ever bought a $4 coffee drink while wearing your $100 road bike clip-in shoes.
You have time to wonder if you need all the stuff you own.
You are offended by this list because you have at least two token Republicans on your friends list on Facebook and reject the idea that you live a bubble.
You have repeatedly sighed, “I can’t understand how anyone would think …” in the last few weeks.
You equate your political ideology with the indisputable moral high ground.
Yes, this tongue-in-cheek quiz is aimed at the liberal end of the spectrum because that is the one I know best, and yes, I have to admit that I definitely live in a bubble based on my responses. I am, however, also getting tired of being surrounded by a community where everyone is determined to agree with each other that a lifestyle centered tightly around intellectual liberalism is the only best one.
And we haven’t even gotten to the Prius story yet. Read the whole thing.
Park your Prius in the middle of sea of Dodge, Ford and Chevy trucks, and take a moment to soak up how out of place you feel. You don’t even have to learn a new language or update your passport to feel like you have stepped into another country. And isn’t that diversity?
Another check on living in a bubble: Do You Live in a Bubble? A Quiz
Trigger alert, this link involves Charles Murray and libertarian political scientist that hasn’t been allowed to speak at various institutions of higher learning.
Keep it up, this is how you get more Trump. The Shouters Win Town Hall Battles But Lose the War – Bloomberg
And the DUMBER THAN A BOX OF ROCKS award goes to –ESPN, the worldwide leader in liberal idiocy | Power Line
ESPN likes to promote its “Thirty for Thirty” sports documentaries by saying “what if I told you. . .?” So let me ask, “what if I told you that ESPN decided to pull an Asian-American announcer from calling a University of Virginia football game because his name is Robert Lee?”
ESPN goes on to say
It’s a shame that this is even a topic of conversation and we regret that who calls play by play for a football game has become an issue.
You stoopid idiots, it’s a shame that you let someones name alter your decision on what game he (or she or whatever gender pronoun you care to use) should be broadcasting. Did every ESPN management employee go to an Ivy League school? I’m hard pressed to come up with any other justification for how you could be so stupid. Perhaps someone put ‘stupid pills’ in the ESPN water supply. Here are two words of advice:
A picture (and more reporting ESPN’s stupidity) of Robert Lee. The comments are worth a read too.
ESPN’s slow spiral down just started going faster. Somehow I don’t think the spiral stops at the ground floor. Don’t forget who owns ESPN, that would be Disney.
The wheels of justice turn ever so slowly. From the Tax Prof Blog – The IRS Scandal, Day 1563: Judge Orders IRS To Disclose Names Of Employees Who Targeted Conservative Groups And To Prove That It Has Stopped The Practice
Judge Walton approved another round of limited discovery in the case and laid out six questions that the IRS must answer, including the employees’ names, why the groups were targeted and how the IRS has tried to prevent a repeat.
At a hearing earlier this week, Judge Walton said it was time to get everything on the table. “Lay it on the line. Put it out there,” he told attorneys for the IRS, who are continuing to fight some tea party groups’ demands for full disclosure. …
Judge Walton came down in the middle, writing his own set of inquiries for the IRS. “Why hide the ball?” he asked the tax agency. “If there’s nothing there, there’s nothing there.” Mr. Walton told the IRS to go beyond searching a basic agency database for records and ordered it to scour “other relevant resources containing documents from the relevant time period.”
I’d say “get out the popcorn,” except this case is moving so slowly it would be fossilized by the time the IRS produces the evidence. Here’s hoping I’m wrong!
Remind me one more time, which party is running Chicago and for how long? Violent weekend worst since July Fourth: ‘It’s so bad out here’ – Chicago Tribune
More people were shot in Chicago over the weekend than on any other this year, except for the long July Fourth holiday.
The “good” news?
Despite the bad weekend, fewer people have been shot in Chicago this year than at this time last year: 2,435 compared with 2,710.
How come this doesn’t make the national news? Just wonderin’. I’m going to file this under “the weekend” just for grins.
We’re talking just Kentucky – Estimated $72 Million in Medicaid Payments Made to Ineligible Beneficiaries
An estimated $72 million in Medicaid payments were made to potentially ineligible beneficiaries in Kentucky, according to an audit.
I wonder how Colorado is doing?
Copied from Instapundit...
WEIRD HOW THIS NEVER HAPPENED AT TEA PARTY RALLIES: In Charlottesville and elsewhere, U.S. journalists are being assaulted while covering the news. Note the Stockholm Syndrome though.
Professor Salil Mehta qualifies for the dumber than a box of rocks award – Google Folds, Restores Accounts Of Banned Statistics Professor | Zero Hedge
Thank you all very much again, in recent days, for the outpouring of support in my Google predicament. I love you, and together we can and will always achieve great things. Have also spoken with the leadership there, and they restored accounts. I also don’t carry any grievance towards any part of Google, and have no intention of further comments. (emphasis added)
A very simple question for Professor Mehta, who obviously has more intelligence than I do, but apparently not so when it comes to common sense.
What part of google arbitrarily suspending your account and bouncing your emails do you not understand? It’s really easy to set up an independent server and get your own email all at the same time. There’s either a part of the story you’re not telling us or you’re dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to common sense.
Here is the original story – One Statistics Professor Was Just Banned By Google: Here Is His Story
This seems to be happening more and more lately – Camping World Tells Trump Supporters to Shop Elsewhere — NASCAR Legend Mark Martin Cancels His $150K Order (Updated)
However, unlike Mark Martin, most of us are not in a position to have the CEO of the company call us. From the update….
UPDATE: Mark Martin later updated his stance on the company after speaking with the CEO.
“After a call from Marcus Lemonis today regret my tweet yesterday. I believe many articles about his statement were misrepresented.”
Kicking Google (Alphabet) out of my life. Bryan Lunduke of Network World started what appears to be an incomplete series of how to get Google out of your life. It’s more pertinent than ever. Below is what has been posted:
There series seems to end there.