Dr Helen reviews Nicolas Taleb’s book – “Never Trust Anyone Who Doesn’t Have Skin in the Game.” | Dr. Helen

Politicians make all kinds of laws and regulations on healthcare such as the ACA even if they don’t work because their own healthcare is fine. The media glorifies killers and blares their antics 24/7, giving the next mentally unhealthy person the urge to copy such crimes — but they never pay a price. In fact, they get higher ratings so there is no reason for them to restrain themselves or think that — ethically — it might not be the best option.

We are fast becoming a society where some people have little or no skin the game (such as those who pay no taxes) and others have a lot of skin in the game (those who pay high levels of taxes). Where will it end? What are the repercussions to our society? How different would our institutions be if administrators had skin the game?

Skin in the game or conflict of interest? I’ll take skin in the game.

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And that’s being nice –When It Comes to Pot, Pain, and Cancer, Jeff Sessions Is An Idiot – Reason.com

Our top federal law enforcement officer has no idea what real pain is really like—or what doctors do to manage it.

Taking sessions to task…

Watch Sessions tell the story here. It is itself quite painful. It’s like your crazy great uncle’s circa-1950s-liquor-fueled rants you are subjected to once every year at Thanksgiving dinner. The difference is that your crazy great uncle is kind of endearing when he’s drunk, and his opinions are harmless. This crazy uncle is the Attorney General of the United States, and he has all the power to act on his feelings, and he clearly intends to do so.

“The plain fact, I believe, and I am operating on the assumption that this country prescribes too many opioids,” Sessions told a gathering in Tampa a few weeks ago. “I mean, people need to take some, uh, aspirin sometimes, and tough it out a little.”

“Believe.” “Assumption.” “Too many.” Forget the fact he doesn’t have the slightest notion of the difference between acute pain, like when a surgical scalpel cuts into your flesh, and chronic pain, that can last indefinitely. And I wonder what exactly “Dr.” Sessions means by too many? Which patients, with what conditions, under what circumstances will be determined by the federal government to be deserving of pain relief? And who, exactly, is just going to have to “tough it out a little bit?”

The Attorney General probably doesn’t have any specific patient in mind. He doesn’t exactly appear to be focused on individual patients. He just wants to make sure that fewer patients are prescribed opioids to manage their pain—and he is weaponizing the federal government in order to accomplish this goal.

Is Sessions putting doctors in a corner?

Sessions is forcing doctors to make an ugly choice: Either do best by their patients and adhere to their Hippocratic Oath—or suffer the bureaucratic harassment from the powerful Drug Enforcement Agency, and risk the loss of their license to practice medicine. If incentives matter, and they do, expect doctors to start making bad choices for their patients.

I have clients on opioids they need for pain management and they are scared. Specifically they are scared they won’t be prescribed enough medication to control their pain. That’s happened to one client of mine, who was able to change doctors and now has her pain under control. That said, what this creates is patients in severe pain, doctor shopping, not to get high, but to control their pain.

The author gives a nod to the opioid addiction crisis and speaks of how cannabis plays into the equation, yet Jeff Sessions shows up again…

Of course opioid addicition is a real problem, and opioid abuse is indeed dangerous. I have friends who have told their stories about managing pain, and addiction. They all sought other forms of treatment, settling on medical cannabis as a safer, more effective treatment for debilitating pain, and other chronic conditions.

I can recount countless stories of patients using cannabis to get off of opioids. But here comes the idiocy again. Jeff Sessions has said that “good people don’t smoke marijuana,” and that he believes that cannabis is the gateway drug that leads to opioid abuse. “We think a lot of this is starting with marijuana,” he says at that same piece of performance art in Tampa. The research, of course, says the opposite.

So Jeff Sessions yet again proves is an idiot, in fact that he’s a stoopid idiot. One gets the feeling he has watched and believed Reefer Madness.

The conclusion…

When I sat down to write this piece, I debated using the word idiot. It’s intemperate, you might say. So I Googled it. “Idiot: A stupid person. Synonyms: fool, jackass, knucklehead, numbskull, nitwit, asshat.” It might as well have just said “Jeff Sessions.”

Yes, Sessions qualifies.

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YouTube is stoopid – Lawsuit: YouTube stopped hiring white and Asian males to improve corporate diversity

The lawsuit states:

The lawsuit, filed by Arne Wilberg, a white male who worked at Google for nine years, including four years as a recruiter at YouTube, alleges the division of Alphabet Inc.’s Google set quotas for hiring minorities. Last spring, YouTube recruiters were allegedly instructed to cancel interviews with applicants who weren’t female, black or Hispanic, and to “purge entirely” the applications of people who didn’t fit those categories, the lawsuit claims.

But they have size, money and lawyers…

Google denies using any quotas in hiring (which would be illegal) and I have no doubt they have an army of lawyers who will “vigorously defend” that stance in court. Still, it’s interesting that people working for different segments of Google seem to be reporting the same kind of intentional discrimination aimed at creating racial and gender equity.

Google is stoopid.

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Instapundit » Blog Archive » “‘TRY NOT TO GET KILLED,’ A FRIEND WARNED. BUT I WAS GREETED WITH OPEN ARMS.” A Hillary Staffer Go…

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Jeff Sessions, Granny Beverly Hillbilies

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It should say “pathetic college dropout,” College dropout refuses to leave her dorm room | New York Post

And her name is Lisa S Palmer and she refuses to leave Room E579 at the school’s 425 E 25th St co-ed dormitory. The school that is tolerating this behavior is Hunter College.

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I’ve been “sittin’ on” an Amazon order, guess I’ll place it today – Alyssa Milano Leads Charge for Boycott of Amazon, Apple, and FedEx over NRA

Celebrity activist Alyssa Milano is calling on her three million Twitter followers to boycott Amazon, Apple and FedEx for one day, in hopes it will pressure them to break ties with the National Rifle Association.

This was the most preventable mass shooting that has ever occurred. It highlights both local and federal government incompetency. If you want to fix it, start with government incompetency.

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No surprise and probably cheered by many Barack Obama supporters – Barack Obama to Skip Billy Graham Funeral | Trending

Obama did tweet that Graham was “a humble servant who prayed for so many,” but the former president is still opting to skip the services. The message sent by this drops any pretense that Obama actually respects what Graham stood for.

None of this is overly surprising, at least for many American Christians. Obama, despite his claims of sharing their faith, routinely acted in a manner that showed disdain for the faithful. He rarely made an effort to reach out to Christians during his presidency, and actively targeted them with his policies and actions: See his stance on Hobby Lobby, and his never-forgotten feelings on rural Americans being simpletons clinging to guns and religion.

Obama worked to be divisive during his presidency, efforts that ran contrary to Graham’s outreach to politicians of both parties, so it’s not surprising Obama won’t be there. It’s not surprising that the best the former president can muster is a tweet for the fallen spiritual leader.

Yea, none of this is overly surprising.

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“Mistakenly,” I don’t think that word means what you think it means – YouTube’s New Moderators Mistakenly Pull Right-Wing Channels – Bloomberg
YouTube is stoopid.

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One UCLA student became so enraged after sighting a free-speech ball on campus that he stabbed it before departing the scene.

Offended snowflakes make me wanna puke – Liberal UCLA student stabs free speech ball, runs away

The school’s Young Americans for Liberty chapter routinely puts on free speech ball events, in which members of the club roll an oversized beach ball around the campus while encouraging their peers to write anything they want on it as a way of promoting the First Amendment.

This time, however, one student decided to take matters into his own hands by plunging a knife into the ball.

“We were handing out pocket Constitutions and bringing awareness to UCLA students when the student just stabbed the ball,” YAL California State Chair Tamineh Dehbozorgi told Campus Reform

This offends someone to the extent they destroy property? On what grounds? Suck it up, put on you big boy or girl pants and grow the fuck up.

I guess on the bright side, he didn’t stab a person. Anything seems possible from offended liberals these days.

An interesting side note is, the YAL and or Campus reform is making assumptions about the student, unless there’s something they aren’t telling us. Is he a liberal, is he a conservative trying to set up liberals, who knows? I’d say the odds are high the headline reflects reality but we don’t know do we?

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I think she’s being most gracious – Southern Poverty Law Center is a Joke | Dr. Helen. She concludes…

If I am to be labeled as a “male supremacist” because I think that male suicide deserves attention and treatment, that boys should have access to a good education free of bias, and that due process in college is a right, not a privilege, then sign me up! I just hope more fair-minded people will join me.

Thank you Dr. Helen and Christina Hoff Summers for standing up for men. Lord knows we due a suck ass job of standing up for ourselves.

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Disgraceful – Patient blindsided by $17,850 urine test that insurer said was worth $100 | Albuquerque Journal

Sunset’s billings “are in line with the charges of competing out-of-network labs in the geographical area,” lab attorney Justo Mendez said in an emailed statement.

So why did the doctor send lab work to an out of network testing facility? There’s a special place in hell for doctors and practices such as this. Houston anesthesiologist Dr. Phillip Phan seems to be the common denominator in this disgraceful scheme.

Sunset Labs has an “F” rating with the Houston Better Business Bureau, which on its website posts an August 2017 complaint from a patient charged $16,150 for a urine test.

“This is not covered under my health insurance so I am expected to pay this excessive bill,” the complaint reads.

In two lawsuits filed in 2015, three doctors seeking to quit working at pain clinics operated by Phan accused the facilities of improper billing practices, including unnecessary urine testing. The doctors said they feared losing their medical licenses unless they severed their ties.

Once again, disgraceful.

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From Time Magazine – ‘A Total F***-up’: Russian Mercenaries in Syria Lament U.S. Strike That Killed Dozens

Recorded phone calls suggest around 215 Russian mercenaries were killed by U.S. artillery and airstrikes in a battle in Syria on the night of February 7-8.

From a comment on facebook….

Wait a minute: I thought the Russians paid and bought for Trump’s election. What is going on here. (emphasis added)


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Say it ain’t so – Delingpole: NOAA Caught Lying About Arctic Sea Ice

NOAA says…

“The Arctic is going through the most unprecedented transition in human history,” Jeremy Mathis, director of NOAA’s Arctic research program, said at a press conference. “This year’s observations confirm that the Arctic shows no signs of returning to the reliably frozen state it was in just a decade ago.”

Well it’s sure as hell thicker today than 9 years ago. Is this a convenient comparison?



Even if it IS a convenient comparison, why should there even be a “convenient” data point with the draconian climate change that we are supposedly encountering? Why should the ice be thicker 9 years later and if you eyeball the graphs, there is more arctic ice sea volume in on Sept 30 in 2017 than in 2008. Of course, with thicker sea ice, that’s to be expected.

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Source: If you see something – MICHAEL P. RAMIREZ

Seeing a bunch of incompetent boobs who failed Florida

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The solution is not going to be brute force – The other side of the opioid epidemic — we’re people in severe pain | TheHill

When I went into the office one Saturday afternoon in August 1994, I planned to spend a few hours finishing a brief that was due in federal court Monday morning

.At the time, I was an attorney for the justice department.  After 30 minutes of working at my desk, my back started to burn; it felt as if acid were eating my spine. In rapid succession, my muscles seized and threw me from my chair. I landed on the floor, stunned, as my body seared with pain.

What I didn’t know then was that the pain would persist, and that I would be unable to sit, stand, or walk unassisted for almost twenty years. Nor could I have imagined that I would take opioids.

Opioids fill the news with a steady stream of stories of lives lost from overdose and abuse. What we rarely hear is the other side — opioids are also the most powerful pain medication we have. For me, they were life-restoring.

For some people, probably many or most that are on opioids…

Pain patients today are not so fortunate.  In our effort to thwart the genuine problem of drug overdoses, we are taking life-sustaining medicine away from suffering people.

Long-term, legitimate pain patients who have relied on opioid analgesics can no longer fill their prescriptions in the many states that set maximum dosage and supply limits, often of three to seven days.

Even in states that contain exceptions for long-term pain care, insurance companies and pharmacy policies use such laws as a reason to deny coverage or fills. Pain patients are being denied treatment and involuntarily tapered off of opioid medications, even if they’ve never shown any risks of abuse.

And this is an interesting factoid…

The Department of Veterans Affairs, which sponsored one of the first systematic efforts to discontinue opioid treatment, recently issued an abstract reporting that the results were not fewer overdose deaths but increased suicide mortality.

I bet you didn’t know this…

The prescribing of opioids has dropped every year since 2012 and is at 10 year low — and yet drug overdose deaths have skyrocketed. Meanwhile, our public policy looks backward in time, intruding on the doctor patient relationship and burdening patient care.

One of my concerns is that small minds like Jeff Sessions can’t possibly work constructively to come up with a reasonable solution and the author appears to think the same way…

The Attorney General recently responded to the concerns of pain patients by telling them to “take a few Bufferin or something and go to bed.”

His comment shows an astonishing misunderstanding of a condition whose quality of life index (QLI) is akin to that of late-stage cancer. Fifty million Americans suffer from severe or persistent pain, which twenty-five times more than those who misuse opioids.

Chronic pain is also the primary cause of disability in the US, and it costs the economy half a trillion dollars every year.

There is an important but often glossed over distinction between using medication for a health condition in a way that restores function, enabling work and participation in family life, and misusing a substance in a manner that destroys function.

Most people who take opioids for pain do not abuse them: studies show risk for addiction in such patients varying between .07 and 8 percent.  (Emphasis added, also that seems like a wide awfully wide range, 100: 1 basically) And, when opioids are prescribed properly with screening and follow through care, the risk of addiction goes down significantly.


And the authors concludes with a summary of her own personal situation…

Like many pain patients, I initially resisted taking opioids. I exhausted every other possible treatment first.

Because my condition resulted from a surgery when a doctor severed nerve plexuses in my spine, I tried infusions, nerve blocks and even a repeat surgery. I did physical therapy, acupuncture, and biofeedback. But nothing abated the pain.

Treatment with opioids and integrative care allowed me to maintain a job, a sense of purpose, and community until I found my way to healing.  Mine is a story rarely told of someone who took opioid analgesics for years and went off them without incident when the pain remitted.  Given the environment today, such stories may well become extinct.

Giving Jeff Sessions the benefit of the doubt, which is being way more than gracious, he is a man out of step with place and time. Seems like he lacks empathy as well, although that may be part of the job. But taking away the benefit of the doubt, which in my opinion he doesn’t deserve, Mr. Sessions is a product of the Reefer madness generation. For example, putting marijuana on the same playing field with heroin? From Reason magazine – Jeff Sessions: Using Marijuana Is ‘Only Slightly Less Awful’ Than Heroin. When it comes to addressing drugs in our culture, Jeff Sessions simply is not qualified.

Whatever the solution, I’m doubtful it’s by decree or putting more burden on doctors. Also, from above, we know what doesn’t work…

The prescribing of opioids has dropped every year since 2012 and is at 10 year low — and yet drug overdose deaths have skyrocketed. Meanwhile, our public policy looks backward in time, intruding on the doctor patient relationship and burdening patient care.

Here is another article on the valuable role that opioids play in those suffering severe pain from Jim Treacher at PJ Media: Jeff Sessions to Pain Sufferers: Take Two Aspirin and Stop Whining.

I also have clients that use opioids such that they can function in day to day life. I’ve had one change doctors to someone who will provide her with the Rx (read quantity) of opioids she needs to make it though the day.

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What? Journalist’s with principles? Newsweek Staffers Threaten to Resign, Claiming Company Tried to Silence Investigation of Owners

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So Boulder – Sacramento Trying Not To Leave Low-Income Drivers Behind In Push For 70,000 More Electric Vehicles – capradio.org

The strategy calls for around 75,000 new zero-emission vehicles and 2,200 chargers across the city in the next seven years. That’s huge growth from the 3,200 ZEV’s and around 500 chargers in the city today.

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Uugh? – WHO: Measles Outbreak Cases Quadrupled in Europe in 2017 | Health Care News | US News

Measure rates quadrupled in the space of a year. No clue how something like that could happen….

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Boys are bad. Read it until you believe it. – A letter to the boys & young men of America. – J. Ishiro Finney

  “Guns don’t kill people; men and boys kill people, experts say”

  “Michael Ian Black reacts to Florida shooting: Boys are broken”
  -New York Daily News

  “How Gun Violence And Toxic Masculinity Are Linked, In 8 Tweets”
  -The Huffington Post

  “Toxic white masculinity: The killer that haunts American life”

  “Toxic Masculinity Is Killing Us”
  -The Boston Globe

  “Toxic Masculinity Is Killing Us”
  -Harpers Bazaar

  “Don’t Blame Mental Illness for Mass Shootings; Blame Men”


So here we are, coming close to fifty years of single mothers raising their boys as if they were animals. Two generations of young men raised to believe they’re broken, immoral, and dangerous. That their natural state, if left unchecked and unmedicated, is a sexual ticking time bomb of rape and abuse. Half a century of academia peddling a grim version of history that holds your gender personally responsible for all the wrongs ever to have happened in the world. And a press, that at this very moment, is blaming YOU for every school shooting to have ever occurred.

After all this, how could there not be a crisis of masculinity?

How could there not be? Could men possibly have any redeeming value?

Seems like a good time to plug Helen Smith’s book: Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream – and Why It Matters

Posted in Men's rights, Toxic Masculinity | 1 Comment