Wozniak gives Zuck the metaphorical finger – Steve Wozniak quit Facebook – Business Insider

Steve Wozniak, who founded Apple alongside Steve Jobs, said his old company did a much better job respecting user privacy.

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“A-listers get schooled – Restaurant workers tell A-listers to shove it after call for higher wages

“You’ve been misled that we earn less than minimum wage and that we’re somehow helpless victims of sexual harassment,” the restaurants’ workers said in their letter, which was organized by Maggie Raczynski, an Outback Steakhouse bartender in Clifton Park, NY. “Thank you for your concern. But we don’t need your help and we’re not asking to be saved,” they wrote.

These poor restaurant workers must be misguided, the elite know what’s best for everyone don’t they?

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Your State and Federal tax dollars at work – Federal audit raps Colorado’s $10B Medicaid program for poor safeguards against fraud, abuse

Of the 28 states audited by the federal regulators in the past three years only three states — West Virginia, Alabama and California — had a poorer track record of overpayment recoveries from managed care providers than Colorado did. In contrast, Missouri collected $31 million in overpayments in three years from three providers reviewed there. In Pennsylvania, state officials recovered $443 million in Medicaid overpayments billed to a sampling of four providers, according to that state’s audit.

Having interfaced indirectly with the Medicaid system, I’ve seen the incompetence of this organization on display. Where IS my shocked face.


Posted in healthcare, medicaid, Shocked face, single payer | Leave a comment

It takes a physicist – Miami study finds news consumption is polarizing Americans | Miami Herald

A University of Miami study shows polarization is a natural effect of being heavily engaged with news.

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News Boulderites don’t need – Keep Facebook From Spying on You Without Deleting Your Account

This helps protect your privacy but it does come with a few downsides. It may break services if you log into them with Facebook and it will break “Like” and “Share” buttons that are embedded on non-Facebook pages. Of course, that’s part of how Facebook tracks you around the web, so it’s a feature not a bug.

We’re talking the Mozilla Firefox browser with the Facebook Container extension.

Posted in Facebook is stoopid, privacy, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

HMMMM: Notice anything missing from Mark Zuckerberg’s statement on Cambridge Analytica? – twitchy.com

Comment at the link by tweeter I’m a M’Fin Pickle in a Top Hat…

“We didn’t mean for our longstanding creepy privacy destruction policies to benefit a Republican rather than a Democrat this election cycle, and we promise it won’t happen again”

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California, is it a great place or what? Seen in Facebook comments….

We moved from San Diego to Florida two years ago. Our property taxes went from $12K a year to $2K a year for a similar sized house. We had a six percent effective state income tax rate in California and pay nothing in Florida. The sales tax rate was 7.75 percent in San Diego and we pay 7% where we are in Florida. For the same kilowattage, electricity is a third of the price. Gas is cheaper. With the exception of produce, food is much cheaper. And coastal Florida weather is better than coastal California weather!!!

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This is how you get more Trump – Democrats’ Obstructionism Is Unprecedented | Power Line. We’re talking about refusing to confirm President Trump’s appointments.

When the Democrats say, ‘He’s not my president,’ they aren’t kidding. Most Democrats still refuse to accept the result of the 2016 election, and their party consistently refuses to extend to President Trump the routine cooperation that makes our democracy function. The most blatant example of this is the Democratic minority in the Senate. The Democrats under Chuck Schumer have abused longstanding Senate rules and courtesies in a way that we have never seen before.

Once background checks and interviews have been one, the vote on the nominee moves to the Senate.

Traditionally, the Senate routinely confirms the administration’s nominees once out of committee. It is there to respect the will of the American people and the election for an administration to fill out its roles under a new President. Instead, what Senator Schumer has done is to require cloture votes to essentially slow down the process and to obstruct.

The clotures vote effectively is a filibuster and inserts a 30 hour delay in the confirmation process. So compare what the Senate is doing to the Trump administration vs. the list 4 administrations…

Senator Schumer is essentially weaponizing a Senate procedure and demanding cloture votes on our nominees that he even eventually supports. Eleven of the President’s nominees have been approved without a single dissenting vote, yet still forced to go through a 30-hours of debate to essentially slow down the Senate calendar simply for the purpose of obstruction. Even Senate Democrats have begun to call this out and to say it is getting to the point of ridiculous.


In the first entire term of the George H.W. Bush administration, his entire four years, he faced one cloture vote. In the entire four years of the Clinton administration, he faces 10 cloture votes. Under the George W. Bush administration, the entire first term, he faced four cloture votes. Barack Obama faced 17 in his first entire four years. We have faced 79 in our first 14 months. That adds up to 32 combined in the entire first four years of those administrations, relative to 79 in our first less than a year and a half.

There will be a price to pay for these maneuvers. This is how you get more Trump.

No one ever said draining the swamp would be easy. Democrats in contested races are going to have to run against both Pelosi and Schumer.

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Question of the day and week if not longer – Where’s Zuck? Facebook CEO silent as data harvesting scandal unfolds | News | The Guardian

“If this data still exists, it would be a grave violation of Facebook’s policies and an unacceptable violation of trust and the commitments these groups made,” Facebook said in a statement.

LOL, it’s a great example of the lack of Facebook’s concern about it’s users privacy.

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Hey Google, you’re stoopid!

WTF, why did you spider my website 5 times in 5 minutes this morning? You’re the top visitor. Good grief.

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Both Hands clapping for the Direct Primary Care movement – Announcing the Formation of a New, Grassroots Organization Supporting Patients and Physicians — DPC Alliance 


The Direct Primary Care Alliance Supports Patients

In this context, direct primary care patients can expect to have a better, more personal relationship with their physicians.  Many Direct Primary Care Alliance physicians offer direct access between the physician and patient via email, texting, or videoconferencing.  Others offer flexible scheduling, after-hours visits, and home visits. Not only are patients offered transparent pricing for their primary care needs, many direct primary care practices have worked to negotiate low, cash-based pricing for their patients for labs, radiology, and specialists visits as well.

Read the whole thing and suggest to your primary care doctor that they investigate starting a DPC practice.

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Glenn Reynold’s typical pithy comment summing up the Rotherham rape situation –

Well, you were raped, and feared being killed, but they couldn’t risk being called racist.

“THEY” is are the problem.

Source: Instapundit » Blog Archive » DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH: As a Rotherham grooming gang survivor, I want people to know about the religious extermism which inspired my abusers.

Added: How embarasing, “THEY is!” I left it in place to subject myself to the appropriate ridicule. Of course, since no one reads, I don’t have much to worry about.

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Men in America

Something ominous is happening to men in America. Everyone who pays attention knows that. What’s odd is how rarely you hear it publicly acknowledged. Our leaders pledge to create more opportunities for women and girls, whom they imply are failing. Men don’t need help. They’re the patriarchy, they’re fine, more than fine.

But are they fine?

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Law enforcement’s drug addiction is money. Interesting how they circumvent state law so they can continue to feed their addiction. What Forfeiture Reforms? New Hampshire Police Bypass State Law, Keep Taking People’s Stuff – Hit & Run : Reason.com

What always gets left out when prosecutors, police, the FBI, and Justice Department officials defend civil asset forfeiture is that this process turns concepts of justice and innocence on their head. Instead of the state proving citizens are guilty of crimes, the citizens have to prove they’re innocent. They’re not entitled to an attorney, and they have to shell out to try to get their stuff back, which can be a challenge when the police have seized your money. And the government’s thresholds for evidence are lower. Prosecutors do not have to prove guilt “beyond a shadow of a doubt” in order to win the case.

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Why do I get this strange idea this won’t end well for most people? – LSD: Drug “harmonizing” on brain, changes personality for years, studies from Scientific Reports and Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews find | Miami Herald

The study found that taking LSD is “harmonizing” because it helps connect different parts of your brain in new ways while “reorganizing” it. The effects were temporary, but Newsweek reports that it’s a positive sign for people with some psychological conditions.The brain could more efficiently make those new connections while a person listened to music, the study also found.Atasoy told PsyPost that because changes in a brain with LSD were “structured” instead of random, this “suggests a reorganisation of brain dynamics and the emergence of new type of order in the brain.”Another study, this one published in the journal Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, found that taking a psychedelic drug — such as LSD, “magic mushrooms” and ayahuasca — can change a person’s personality for up to years.


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It must not be showing in Boulder – Metaphor Alert: ‘Young Karl Marx’ Loses Tons Of Money | MissLiberty.com

In real life, Marx was something of a spendthrift, forever begging from his family and friends and yet somehow always able to live a high lifestyle well beyond his means, which were limited in the first place since he never had a real job other than as agitator. He was in essence the first limousine liberal. It’s fitting that this gushing biopic will likewise require someone else’s money.

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If it pleases the BoCo government elites….
Boulder County Roads SUCK

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Say it ain’t so Yes, It Was The ‘Affordable’ Care Act That Increased Premiums

However, in the first four years of the ACA, every age group and household type experienced an increase of between 56.0% and 63.2%. For something as complex as health care, that’s a pretty narrow range. The dollar amounts of the increase varied from $2,524 for an individual between the ages of 31 and 40, to $12,040 for a family headed by someone over age 60. But the percentages are remarkably consistent: The ACA raised premiums by about 60 percent.


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THOUGHT EXERCISE (followed by a rant and plea!) If you were allocating your health care dollars, what % of the total…

Posted by NeuCare Family Medicine on Thursday, March 1, 2018

Read the whole thing.

Please consider working with a Direct Primary Care provider and getting the insurance company out of your day to day medical care.

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Power corrupts, absolutely power corrupts absolutely – Sessions greenlights police to seize cash, property from people suspected of crimes but not charged – The Washington Post

A Washington Post investigation in 2014 found that state and local police had seized almost $2.5 billion from motorists and others without search warrants or indictments since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The Post series revealed that police routinely stopped drivers for minor traffic infractions, pressed them to agree to searches without warrants and seized large amounts of cash when there was no evidence of wrongdoing.

Police then spent the proceeds from the seizure with little oversight, according to the Post investigation. In some cases, the police bought luxury cars, high-powered weapons and armored cars.

Pathetic. If there isn’t a better way, we should legalize drugs. Jeff “Reefer Madness” Sessions is an idiot.

Jeff Sessions has said that “good people don’t smoke marijuana,” and that he believes that cannabis is the gateway drug that leads to opioid abuse. “We think a lot of this is starting with marijuana,” he says at that same piece of performance art in Tampa.


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