Category Archives: United Nations

U.N. an ally of the United States

Don’t think so! I had no idea the general public had developed such a distaste for the UN. Bravo. From the Rasmussen article… Fifty-seven percent (57%) of political liberals classify the U.N. as America’s ally, but just 15% of conservatives … Continue reading

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OPEC countries take their place in the world…

Seems OPEC countries have no “spare change” available when it comes time to help those with less, especially when it comes to food. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and his top lieutenants on Monday are convening the first meeting of … Continue reading

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UN halts aid to Myanmar…

What a government, eh? YANGON, Burma – Myanmar’s junta seized U.N. aid shipments today meant or a multitude of hungry and homeless survivors of last week’s devastatingcyclone,forcing the world body to suspend further help. The aid included 38 tons of … Continue reading

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The United Nations keeps the corruption going

As reported by the BBC, UN peacekeeping troups have been providing arms to militia’s and smuggling ivory and gold in the Democratic Republic of Congo. But an 18-month BBC investigation for Panorama has found evidence that: – Pakistani peacekeepers in … Continue reading

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UN/North Korea

Fox news poll: I couldn’t find an article referring to this. I’ll keep an eye on it.

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I Love the UN Part xxx

If only this was a surprise… Among accusations being investigated is that pimps are using the presence of U.N. peacekeepers to lure vulnerable girls to go and work as prostitutes in areas of South Kivu where they are deployed, the … Continue reading

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Cavuto on the UN

Neil let’s the UN have it with both barrels here. Surely they have more important things to do??

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Let Freedom Ring

Poor Al-Zarqawi, doesn’t want the light of freedom shining in Iraq as you can read in this New York Post article. The quote I like best is: The speaker said democracy was based on un-Islamic beliefs and behaviorssuch as freedom … Continue reading

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More $$’s to the UN

The editors of the Boulder Daily Camera, in a pang of typical liberal guilt, want more US $$’s to go to the UN (read here, free registration necessary). The admirable goal is to cure/control the “silent tsunami”, malaria. The UN … Continue reading

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