Category Archives: stoopid math

Sage on the Stage

Joanne Jacobs: What works? The sage on the stage Discovery learning, problem-based learning, inquiry learning, constructivist learning — whatever the label, teaching that only partially guides students, and expects them to discover information on their own, is not effective or … Continue reading

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Essay test…

in Calculus class. Why am I not surprised?

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Math and Direct Instruction

Darren over at Right on the Left Coast posts about his experience using “Discovery Math” techniques. I would be thrilled to have Darren as my daughters math intructor. Direct Instruction, BRING IT ON. I would really like to see how … Continue reading

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Math Wars: The Heat is On

The dumbing down of math just continues. Scientific American has a report on the math wars… Numbers Wars: School Battles Heat Up Again in the Traditional versus Reform-Math Debate GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO?: Debate continues on the merits of … Continue reading

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Math: Exposure or Mastery?

That IS the question. The answer… I’ll take mastery for $100. In the war over school math — in which a judge recently ordered Seattle Public Schools to redo its choice of high-school math — Schmitz Park is a redoubt … Continue reading

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Math Fads

Joanne Jacobs weighs in on the repercussions of the Seattle court decision regarding “Discovery” math. She references an Education News article by Barry Garelick and the excerpt below echoes my experience… It is obvious to parents that the discovery programs … Continue reading

Posted in stoopid math, you can't make this stuff up | 2 Comments

Discovery Math and St. Vrain Valley School District

In Seattle the Key books Discovery Math Series is coming in for hard times. Guess what series of books is used for math in the St. Vrain Valley School District? Yep, that would be the one. From a recent editorial … Continue reading

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CSAP and opt out

For readers outside of Colorado, CSAP stands for Colorado Student Assessment Program. My question…. I have heard of Parents opting their students out of CSAP. Is it possible to opt your student out of a single CSAP test but have … Continue reading

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