Category Archives: stoopid boulder cyclists

The trip home: The tale of two Cyclists

Probably 7:15.  Not dark but close to it.  I was driving from Longmont to home. Cyclist #1 heading towards Longmont on Nelson Rd East of Hwy 36.  Has a front light, a “forehead light” and a flashing rear light. Cyclist … Continue reading

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Stoopid Boulder cyclist alert

So easy to find in Boulder… This is at the intersection of 28th and Kalmia. For the inquiring minds, the cyclist did NOT turn onto Kalmia but appeared to stay in the turn lane headed out of town. edited 5/17 … Continue reading

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Stoopid bicyclists….

Last night I was leaving Boulder on Hwy 36 headed north towards Lyons. I passed at least 5 bikes heading into town all with no headlights and only one with a rear flashing LED. This was all after 7:51pm. Truly … Continue reading

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Highway 36 cyclist madness

Driving into town on Highway 36 from the North this evening at about 5:15, there’s pretty much a constant stream of cars heading from Boulder North towards Lyons. Near the old Beach Aircraft building there’s a huge peloton of cyclists, … Continue reading

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Bicycle Blockade

The temperature is rising as drivers and cyclists find it hard to co-exist on Boulder county mountain roads… Tensions between drivers and bicyclists in rural Boulder County have reached a new level, with fliers circulating in mountain neighborhoods asking drivers … Continue reading

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Who would have guessed….

Daily Camera has noticed a tension among mountain drivers and cyclists. All I can say is “what a surprise”. I left out the language I’d really like to use. Readers of this blog, which there are very few, know I’m … Continue reading

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Idiot cyclists

Leaving the Bolder Boulder on Hwy 36, we approach the infamous N. Broadway intersection. Cyclists (as in two) cross from North Broadway right in front of us as we’re driving 50 – 55 mph on 36. Cyclists, just because you … Continue reading

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Cyclists as pedestrians

Andrea Sedlmayr remarks on cyclists ability to morph between being a driver or a pedestrian. It seems there’s a certain percentage of cyclists that ignore the rules of the road, no matter what road they’re on. Andrea concludes… They may … Continue reading

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Bicycle law

The Daily Camera weighs in and concludes… In the near-term the laws will result in harsher punishments for willful lawbreakers, which is a good thing, and could increase road safety, which is a better thing. I don’t get out much … Continue reading

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Hwy 36, 8:30pm

Once again a cyclist coming up the hill on Hwy 36 towards Broadway (bustop) at night. To his credit he did have a (weak)light on the front. There was a reflector under his seat on the back. No active light. … Continue reading

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Drivers: “Be careful out there”

The cyclists will be out in full force exercising their rights under Colorado Senate Bill 148. Technically the bill becomes effective August 5th, but if you haven’t already, it’s time to start driving like it’s already in effect. The way … Continue reading

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Cyclist story #1

Heading out of town on Monday night, I turned onto Hwy 36 going north from Broadway (i.e. at the Bustop). It was 8:20pm and a few hundred yards down north on 36, heading into town was a cyclist with no … Continue reading

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Sheriff Pelle nails it

Commenting on the new Cyclists Rights bill that Governor Ritter is about to sign, Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pelle states “Bill would give cyclists ‘carte blanche’ over roads”. To which I say, “Where in the hell have you been all … Continue reading

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Stoopid bicyclists on Hwy 36

Auto drivers beware, the stoopid bicyclists are out on Highway 36 north of Boulder heading south into Boulder during “dusk” times. Last night I headed into Boulder to pick up our younger daughter. It’s about 7:40 PM and the first … Continue reading

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State Bill 148 (Bicyclists)

The Longmont Times Call editorial staff chimes in supporting Colorado State bill 148. Brophy’s bill, Senate Bill 148, would require drivers to put 3 feet of space between them and bicyclists they pass. It also would stiffen penalties for people … Continue reading

Posted in stoopid boulder cyclists, the weekend | 1 Comment

Boulder bicyclist idiot(s)

Had to go into Boulder to pick up the daughter this evening. It was just before 8pm and the bicyclist comes through an unlighted intersection (29th and Valmont)going north on 29th and turning east on Valmont as shown by the … Continue reading

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