Category Archives: obesity

Nanny state pushback

Looks like even New Yorkers are getting fed up with Mayor Bloomberg. It would be nice to think that these are but the opening skirmishes in a democratic revolt against a health department that is the least democratic, least accountable … Continue reading

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Obesity: A tale of two columnists

Ericka Stutzman of the Daily Camera: Comparing apples to oranges: Why ‘pizza’ food fight is a worthy one meet Vince Carrol of the Denver Post:Carroll: Americans’ obesity isn’t the potato chips’ fault One is looking for a government solution the … Continue reading

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Fatest nation on earth

Qatar named as the fattest nation on earth where HALF of all adults are obese Here’s some ammunition for the Daily Camera’s next obesity editorial. It’s a very serious problem but I hope it’s at least a few weeks until … Continue reading

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It’s for the children

Good grief… The “he” in the above line is not Santa Claus. It’s Big Brother. And thanks to a $2 million dollar grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, he will be keeping an eye on schoolchildren in San Antonio … Continue reading

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