Category Archives: loser

Vice President Joe Biden is a L O S E R

There can be absolutely no doubt.

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Capitulation not “compromise”

Writing on the passing of the stimulus package, Pat Toomey concludes… Senator Specter cites John F. Kennedy, who said: “In politics, nobody gets everything, nobody gets nothing, and everybody gets something.” In this case, the Democrats get almost everything, and … Continue reading

Posted in loser, stimulus, stoopid politicians | Leave a comment

Rule #5

Hey, hey, hey, see previous post! Rule No. 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grand-parentshad a different word of burger flipping. They called it opportunity. Theyweren’t embarrassed making minimum wage either. They would have beenembarrassed to sit … Continue reading

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Where’s the “L” on this guys forehead?

Posted in loser, stimulus, the weekend | Leave a comment