Category Archives: land grab II

Meeting of Boulder Property Rights Group

The Boulder Property Rights Coalition had their inaugural meeting last night. I would have like to attended but had scheduling conflicts. You can read about it here. I surely would have liked to hear the details of the Marshall case. … Continue reading

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The Fox News video report

I found the link to the Fox news video report on the Salim/Marshall adverse possession case on the website. You can view the video here. After watching that video, it’s hard to take at face value Bill Hollander’s statement … Continue reading

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Friendly neighbor or silent thief….

asks the poster over at Blog the Rockies. There’s also a comment by Susie Kirlin regarding the meeting this Wednesday which I “stole”. Susie Kirlin said at June 13th, 2008 at 3:48 pmHello, I really enjoyed your funny commentary on … Continue reading

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Salim property privacy issues

Someone else agrees with me on the privacy issue.

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Video report from CBS Channel 4

Here’s a link to an article and video reporting by the local CBS channel.

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The Battle continues…

The war of words continues in the letters to the editor page of the Daily Camera regarding the “adverse possession II” case. It doesn’t appear there’s the same sense of outrage for the Marshall/Salim case as there was for the … Continue reading

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Adverse possession II: A neighbor speaks up

Ann Tagawa, another neighbor of Muhammad Salim and his wife has submitted a very interesting letter to the Daily Camera. She was a witness in the recent trial between the Salims and Dana Marshall and has some interesting insight to … Continue reading

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Land Grab II

I want to back away from casting Muhammad Salim as the bad guy in the dispute caused when his neighbor took down the fence. At present there’s more to learn and I advise reading the comments to get a taste … Continue reading

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Another Boulder adverse possession…

What is it with Boulder and adverse possession? The problem started when new owners took down the privacy fence to enjoy the creek… It’s a view worth seeing, Marshall said, which is why she decided to remove a 6-foot privacy … Continue reading

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