“Damn” was her audible response
I recently heard a surprising story: A female CEO was briefed on a stellar candidate for a top job at her company. “Sounds ideal,” she said to the group in the room. “Male or female?” Male was the answer. “Damn” was her audible response. The guy wasn’t even interviewed. Why Are Men SilentSearch BIS
Goolag T Shirt
Men On Strike
- “This has been the coldest season with the most ice since we started Arctic Watch in 2000. Almost no whales. The NWPassage is still blocked with ice. Some of the bays still have not melted!”
Richard weber, owner/operater Arctic Watch Generation Screwed
And rather than follow the conventional path of indebting yourself for 13-years so that you can attend university for four, and then fork over the bulk of your pay to the government, instead focus on learning tangible, valuable skills overseas.Government Cheese
Boulder County Fairness in Road Maintenance (FIRM) On November 5, 2013, residents and property owners of subdivisions in unincorporated Boulder County will go to the polls to vote on 5C. A group of your fellow citizens has banded together to provide you, our neighbors, with facts and information about why you should vote NO on this tax increase. To learn more, click on the button below.-
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Category Archives: healthcare reform
Obama lies about Medicaid enrollment
Obamas Claim About Medicaid Enrollments Under Obamacare Gets Four Pinocchios. The Fact Checker states, “In any case, no matter how you slice it, it does not add up to seven million. It is dismaying that given all of the attention … Continue reading
“Good morning! 11 million will pay higher rates for health insurance sz CMS. So wait, who saves $2500?”
‘So wait, who saves’? Martha MacCallum nails POTUS on another Obamacare lie | Twitchy. Remember when the president and other Dems promised that Obamacare would cut family premiums by $2,500? Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum does. Any member of the … Continue reading
“They’re not scaring me. Cancer scares me,”
Cancer patient defends ObamaCare criticism after Dem goes after ad | Fox News. But AFP and Boonstra are defending the ad and the claims. Boonstra acknowledged that her premiums have been cut in half, but said the out-of-pocket expenses are … Continue reading
Obamacare Amateur Hour: State Exchange Incompetence
Maryland fires Obamacare exchange IT contractor Some may say it’s a couple of months late and $65 million short, but Maryland finally fired the contractor that designed its botched Obamacare exchange. But at least they have signed up 33,000 people, … Continue reading
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Medicare Advantage cuts on the way and Democrats don’t like it
Democrats rushing to cancel Medicare cuts they asked for in Obamacare « Hot Air. Just remember who voted for these cuts. For those of you from Boulder, that would be the Democrats.
We’re looking at 2.5 million discouraged workers thanks to ObamaCare
We’re looking at 2.5 million discouraged workers thanks to ObamaCare | Fox News. But how can raising the costs of people working be seriously sold as a good thing? It’s like the frog in the slowly boiling water, by the … Continue reading
Republican congressmen request a federal probe of Md. health insurance exchange
Republican congressmen request a federal probe of Md. health insurance exchange – The Washington Post. “Despite all of these warning signs, Maryland chose to continue to waste and abuse federal taxpayer money by opening up what they knew was a … Continue reading
Doctor “opts out” of Obamacare
Notification of Termination to Aetna | krisheldmd. Obamacare, the “law of the land”, contains ever-changing-at-the-whim-of-HHS, politically-expedient mandates, rewards, penalties, rules and regulations with which I cannot rationally or morally treat my patients and run a practice, much-less interpret, implement, or … Continue reading
“the stuff that you do in a banana republic.”
Krauthammer: New ObamaCare delay is ‘stuff you do in a banana republic’ | Fox News. “It’s as if the law is simply a blackboard on which Obama writes any number he wants, any delay he wants, any provision. It’s changing … Continue reading
Keep your “junk plans” just a little bit longer, like 3 years!
Central planning amateur hour continues – Obama Considering Three Year Extension To Obamacare | Zero Hedge. That is, Obama is considering allowing insureds to keep their “junk” plans for up to three years. Actually, the only reason why Obama is … Continue reading
California: Obamacare Turning Cancer Patients Away
Followup on previous post – California: Obamacare Turning Cancer Patients Away. The Los Angeles Times reports that once Obamacare customers navigate the confusing websites and pay the (often higher) premiums, they face a new problem: many doctors do not accept … Continue reading
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More Healthcare Cancellations Coming Down the Pike
The websites will not be able to handle this inrush – More Healthcare Cancellations Coming Down the Pike Thanks to Obamacare – Katie Pavlich. We’re talking the employer mandate… Healthcare experts estimate nearly 80-100 million private and employer provided policies … Continue reading
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Obamacare: Keeping your doctor
Hey, I thought you could keep your doctor? – Obamacare enrollees hit snags at doctors offices – latimes.com. The examples here are people who DID their due diligence to make sure their doctor was in-network. Sigh… I thought you could … Continue reading
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Obamacare, worker’s hours and minimum wage
Michelle Malkin | » Wreckonomics: Worker says hours cut due to Obamacare; Obama cites as reason minimum wage has to increase. If raising the minimum wage to offset the hour cuts and other hits to the economy Obamacare hath wrought, … Continue reading
House Democrat slams Obamacare
House Democrat slams Obamacare after announcing retirement | The Daily Caller. 12-term Virginia Rep. Jim Moran, an Appropriations Committee member who said this month that he will not seek re-election in 2014, said that not enough young people are signing … Continue reading
Target to Drop Health Insurance for Part-Time Workers
Target to Drop Health Insurance for Part-Time Workers – Bloomberg. Target Corp. (TGT) said it will end health insurance for part-time employees, joining Trader Joe’s Co., Home Depot Inc. and other retailers that have scaled back benefits in response to … Continue reading
Oregon spent $200 million and all they got was a lousy website
Video: CoverOregon has cost $200 million so far without any successful signups « Hot Air. Repeated warnings, however, even to senior officials in the governor’s office and elsewhere and multiple layers of intended oversight, went unheeded. Winning. There’s a … Continue reading
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Tagged amateur hour, fiscal trainwreck, Obamacare, you can't make this stuff up
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This is a failure by President Obama’s own standard.
The Young and the ObamaCare-less – WSJ.com. The Health and Human Services Department still won’t say how many people have enrolled in a plan by paying the premium. But even assuming an implausible 100% success rate, the exchanges are still … Continue reading
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Obamacare social media: Amateur hour continues
New Obamacare Facebook Photo Ignites Mockery. A photo posted on Sunday by the official HealthCare.gov Facebook account has prompted an avalanche of mockery. The Obamacare Facebook photo reads: “The first thing I’m going to do after my coverage begins is … Continue reading
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Obamacare: You can leave but you can’t check out
‘Parallel universe’: Woman spends 6 weeks trying to disenroll from ObamaCare | Fox News. Missouri resident Lesli Hill learned the hard way that terminating an Affordable Care Act plan can be far more difficult than navigating the website to buy … Continue reading