Category Archives: census

Census suggestion

List your race as “American”. Sounds like a great idea to me!

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Hey I got one too!

I got a letter from the census todayWhat idiocy.

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Michelle takes on the reckless census spending. A website called keeps track of various census idiocy including Michael Steel and the RNC’s idiotic fundraising mailer that imitates a census form. feels that Michael Steele and the National GOP’s … Continue reading

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Census boondoggle

Boulderites should and probably are quite proud of this list of groups that will help with the 2010 census. AARP A. Phillip Randolph Institute AFL-CIO American Federation of Government Employees AFSCME American Federation of Teachers Coalition of Labor Union Women … Continue reading

Posted in ACORN, census, stoopid Democrats | Leave a comment

Census Bureau drops ACORN

Ya don’t say! In the wake of devastating video reports revealing corruption at local offices of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, the U.S. Census Bureau has cancelled its agreement calling for ACORN to work on … Continue reading

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ACORN and voter fraud

What an ‘ffing’ surprise. Why, oh why, do we want these guys involved in the census? … and who is “we”? Inquiring minds want to know.

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Acorn Role in Census Challenged

Seems like anyone with half a brain would support the goal of removing ACORN from invovlement in the 2010 census. Therein lies the problem I suppose.

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ACORN and the 2010 census

Who in their right mind would want this corrupt organization involved in the census? h/t to Michell Malkin. Looks like I should add the word “Obamacorn” as a label! Photoshop credit: Leo Alberti

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Voter registration fraud

Guess who’s involved? You get three guesses! It would take me a nanosecond to guess correctly. Unfortunately, the typical Boulderites would probably need all three guesses! Yep, that would be ACORN. For the uninformed, that translates to the Association of … Continue reading

Posted in ACORN, census, stoopid government | Leave a comment

No wonder Judd Gregg withdrew

Judd Gregg mentioned irresolvable conflicts when he withdrew his nomination to serve as President Obama’s Commerce Secretary. Now we know why… The U.S. Census is supposed to be free of politics, but one group with a history of voter fraud, … Continue reading

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