Category Archives: amazing

Gotta love it – Teen builds working nuclear fusion reactor in Memphis home | Fox News He began working on the fusion reactor at 12 years old, after concluding that he didn’t want to dedicate his leisure time solely to playing … Continue reading

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Once in a lifetime experience….

and the non-sarcastic version of the “you can’t make this stuff up” label! h/t to Althouse.

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Vetoing nanny state laws!

Amazing, simply amaazing, Governor Jerry Brown pushes back on the nanny state. Both hands clapping. h/t Ann Althouse. Added 9/10@16:00Think that Boulder City and County government can learn anything from Governor Browns actions. Not likely, at least until people like … Continue reading

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How Digital Detectives Deciphered Stuxnet, the Most Menacing Malware in History The fact that Stuxnet was injecting commands into the PLC and masking that it was doing so was evidence that it was designed, not for espionage as everyone had … Continue reading

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Money for nothin….

From cell phone to a Porsche Boxster S. Makes one wonder about the “chicks” and were any transactions taxable?

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Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer

Wow!More pictures here.

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Wow! From near total blindness to sight…

Walking along a dimly lit, simulated street route, the children were able to negotiate barriers they bumped into before the surgery. Another child, who since birth, could only see light and shadows, stared into his father’s face and said he … Continue reading

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