Category Archives: airline stocks

Find more, use less (oil that is)

Lamar Alexander makes some excellent points regarding the need to find more oil, use less and the Republicans plans make it happen. “Find more” means we would increase U.S. oil production by one-third through offshore exploration and Western states’ oil … Continue reading

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Stop oil speculation now

The airline execs are screaming “no mas”. Below is the letter they are sending out to their customers. Visit their new website, StopOilSpeculationNow. The airline execs appear to be blind to the very simple message the markets are sending… 1. … Continue reading

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Airline stocks

Well the market is open today, have you sold your airline stocks? Oil’s up around $4.65/barrel, have you sold your airline stocks? Let’s review the relationship between oil and airline stock performance… (click to enlarge) The green trace is the … Continue reading

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