2014 was the ninth consecutive year during which the U.S. economy grew by less than 3 percent (Democrats hate Capitalism)

The Pelosi-Obama-Reid (POR) economy continues to wobble badly. | PJ Media.


Some reasons for the wobbling…

Rising minimum wage…

Not satisfied with the number of job prospects they have already ruined for those who most need their first gainful employment opportunity, President Obama continues to push for a minimum-wage increase to $10.10 per hour, while leftist fever-swamp cities like Seattle are heading towards hourly rates as high as $15. More unemployment and more of the harmful effects of idleness await.

No doubt this is coming soon from the enlightened populace of the People’s Republic of Boulder. Me… I’m for no minimum wage at all.

And the big 3 mentioned by author Tom Blumer are…

  •  The Obama administration has spent six years passive-aggressively dithering over approving the 1,200-mile Keystone Pipeline — even though the nation currently has 2.6 million miles of oil and gas pipelines in place functioning virtually without incident.

  • Operators of certain legal but politically incorrect businesses have seen their banking relationships terminated by financial institutions intimidated into their decisions by the government’s Operation Choke Point. This is a development which one observer correctly noted should be “terrifying to business owners in every industry.”

  • The administration has been operating a “shadow immigration system,” which during the past six years has issued 5.5 million work permits to non-citizens. No wonder legal U.S. citizens aren’t impressed by the government’s reported job-growth numbers.

I especially like the passive/aggressive dithering on the Keystone pipeline which amounts to 4/100 of 1% of the total pipeline mileage in the United States. Yes this pipeline requires new technology but give our pipeline engineers some credit.

Tom’s conclusion is spot on…

Thus, agenda-driven regulators are deliberately holding up economic progress and bullying existing businesses, while illegal competition undercuts citizens who want jobs. It’s utterly amazing that the U.S. economy is growing at all. Given a recent report that “fewer native-born Americans are working today than were at the end of 2007,” perhaps the “U.S. citizen economy” really hasn’t.

Madnesses such as those just described, and so many others, will continue as long as Congress is unwilling to fully exercise its power of the purse. Unless we see a miraculous change in outlook, that’s not going to happen.

Prepare for two more very rough years.

One issue that quickly comes to mind when I hear the phrase “agenda driven regulators” is the FCC’s “sudden” desire to regulate the internet. We’re looking at one of the most successful, life changing inventions in the last 20 years and suddenly the well is polluted enough that utility style government regulation is needed? Show me the problem, please. Not an imagined problem, not an isolated incident, show me the real problem.

And let’s not forget the graph at the top of this article and the correlation between Democratic control of Congress and the economy.

Two years of Democratic control of Congress followed by six years of Obamanomics have given us the worst economic performance in 62 years. (see above graph)

It’s very simple really…  Democrats hate capitalism.

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