This is a jaw-dropping revelation. The Obama administration had been lying to the American people about Lois Lerner’s missing emails. There are no “missing” Lois Lerner emails – nor missing emails of any of the other top IRS or other government officials whose emails seem to be disappearing at increasingly alarming rate. All the focus on missing hard drives has been a diversion. The Obama administration has known all along where the email records could be – but dishonestly withheld this information. You can bet we are going to ask the court for immediate assistance in cutting through this massive obstruction of justice.
In disclosing that Lerner’s (and others’) emails still exist, the DOJ also said, essentially, that it thinks searching for those emails would be too much work.
Would that excuse fly with the DOJ or the IRS, or would they frog-march anyone who used that excuse straight to a squad car?
More hubris.
It’s great to be King… until you’re not.
Yep. Called it. The system for record keeping and backup the administration was describing was insane. If it were the case, we would’ve heard gnashing of teeth from government IT professionals years ago.