The Great Medicaid Swindle – The Daily Beast.
Far from being cretins who hate the poor and the uninsured, the states that have thus far refused to expand Medicaid are declining to increase the number of people trapped in a health care program that (at best) does no harm to its patients. And they’re actually thinking more clearly about where taxpayers will be a decade from now.
As I’ve mentioned before, a doctor at one of the local “mini-clinics” found out I was a health insurance agent, she immediately asked me what I thought of Obamacare. Her immediate gripe was the low reimbursement rate for Medicaid as it has a direct affect on her livelihood. From a big picture point of view, not necessarily any particular doctor, PA, etc, significantly lower pay will result in lower quality care. That’s common sense to Republican’s, a detestable though to Democrats/Progressives.