Ice Expert Predicts Lake Superior Will Completely Freeze Over

Ice Expert Predicts Lake Superior Will Completely Freeze Over This Winter | CNS News.

Austin, who studies the effect of lake ice, predicts that it will have a “very strong influence” on the regional climate this summer, with the “air conditioning [lake] effect” more pronounced than usual.
“Typically, the lake will start warming up in late June, but it will be August before we see that this year,” Austin told
As of February 10th, ice covered 80.4 percent of all the Great Lakes, compared to 38.4 percent last winter, according to NOAA. That’s considerably higher than the lake’s long-term average of 51.4 percent under ice.
The record for maximum ice coverage of 94.7 percent was set in 1979. The lowest ice accumulation occurred in 2002, when just 9.5 percent of the surface of the Great Lakes was frozen solid.

From the comments…

I still haven’t gotten an answer from any global warming kook on this question: If all these record cold temperatures and snowfall levels are still evidence of global warming, than what would evidence of global cooling look like? How would we recognize a coming ice age?

Good question.

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