So Boulder – Do Single-Family Homes Threaten the Planet? | Cato Institute.
Owning a single-family home has long been part of the American dream, but Plan Bay Area embraces a dramatically different vision of the ideal community: crowded rows of high-rises and mass-transit platforms.
Population density in the region’s urban areas would increase by 30 percent during the next two decades under the plan. Nearly 80 percent of all new housing and 62 percent of new jobs would be located in just 5 percent of the region’s surface area.
Planners admit this will make single-family housing in the already high-priced Bay area even less affordable.
The Boulder City planners are certainly in lockstep with their SF counterparts. But increasing the cost of living to county residents is a good way to coerce migration towards urban living.
Alas, the subdivision paving efforts driven by the Boulder County Commissars and no doubt Plan Boulder somewhere in the background are a baby step towards this goal.