1000 days part 3 (and 4)

From Powerline blog:

John Hinderaker: What Can You Do In 1,000 Days?

Lots of difficult and important things, as this excellent video from the Heritage Foundation points out. One thing you can’t do, however–at least, not if you are the Democratic Senate–is fulfill your legal obligation to pass a budget. Today is the 1,000th day since the Senate last fulfilled its legal duty by adopting a budget. The fault lies 100% with Harry Reid and his fellow Democrats, who have been in control of the Senate throughout that time:

Steven Hayward: Footnote to 1000 Days

Further to John’s post below on the shame of the Democratic Senate for failing to pass a budget for 1,000 days, Rep. Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Republican Study Committee, notes that the last time the Senate passed a budget, “you had never heard of the iPad, Tiger Woods was only known for his golfing abilities, General Motors had never declared bankruptcy, you had never heard of Swine flu. And the national debt was $4 trillion smaller than it is today.”

It’s so interesting, when the Democrat’s have problems such as this, once the press finally has to acknowledge it, taking all of a sentence or two on a Friday afternoon before a 3 day weekend, then it’s time to put it behind us and let’s all work together to move forward. Yet, if it’s the Republican’s, no such allowances. Is it STILL George W. Bush’s fault? Just wonderin’.

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