Energy “Leadership”

GOP Turns Up Heat After Obama’s Keystone ‘Double Back Flip’

Senator Kaye Bailey Hutchison:

“What the president does favor is the Saudis increasing oil production, and increased use of solar, wind and algae here at home,” Hutchison said. “Mr. President, does that really substitute for an energy policy? Is that something that Americans can count on to increase the supply of energy in our country?”

Senator Roy Blunt:

Blunt referenced a 2008 quote by Obama’s energy secretary, Steven Chu, to the Wall Street Journal. “Somehow,” Chu said, “we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe,” where now gas averages $9 a gallon in Italy.

“We’re not Europe,” Blunt said. “We’re a big country that is dependent on transportation.”

While “every other country in the world” looks at its natural resources as economic opportunity, though, Blunt charged, the U.S. looks at its energy resources as an “environmental hazard.”

(emphasis added – Ed)
Boulder desperately needs Mr. Chu to succeeed in his goal to allow them to achieve their “clean energy” goals when they municipalize Xcel’s power grid.

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