‘Free’ benefits in ObamaCare come with hidden costs | Fox News.
The administration points to a host of free services as one of the early benefits of the new law.
“That means free check-ups, free mammograms, immunizations and other basic services,” President Obama said last year.
First of all, you are paying for them with your premiums. Second of all, if you’re receiving a subsidy, they someone else is helping you pay for them.
This sums it up, for those of you with any economic common sense…
The new health care law promises all sorts of free benefits — but analysts argue nothing is ultimately free, and ObamaCare is no exception.
“P. J. O’Rourke famously said that if you think health care is expensive now, wait until it’s free,” said Avik Roy, of the Manhattan Institute. “Once you lard on all these additional things, all these extras that insurers must provide, you have to pay for that.” (emphasis added)