Idaho on Obamacare: We’ll take it from here.
Of the 16 states gearing up to operate online marketplaces — a central feature of the effort to expand coverage to millions of people starting in January — Idaho is the only one where Republicans are in total control of state government. Republicans outnumber Democrats 4 to 1 in the state Legislature, and only a third of Idahoans voted for Obama last fall — the third-lowest tally nationwide.
Idaho’s situation is exactly the opposite of Colorado. The constant Progressive chant that implies that any insurance prior to Obamacare isn’t/wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on is most distasteful and echoes throughout the State. I wonder where the $250,000 +/- came from that my insurance company has paid out to cover our younger daughter over the last few years.
It will be interesting to see the difference in plan pricing especially over time.