BBC News – Climate slowdown means extreme rates of warming ‘not as likely’.
Seems like if there was actually “science” to this, there would be predictions of some of these apparent “anomalies”. Explaining, or handwaving, after the fact is not science, much less “settled science”.
Added: Another Wrinkle in the Climate Story
Not so great for the settled science crowd…
But this revision is bad news for alarmist greens, who are finding that once again, their exaggerated claims turned out not to be true. This, in turn, is bad news for their less alarmist peers, since green scaremongering is the leading cause of climate skepticism. Add this to the impracticality, and in many cases sheer absurdity, of green policy recommendations and it’s clear why this movement keeps punching well below its weight.
And I can agree with commone sense….
We aren’t taking sides on the data here, but it’s worth noting that even the greens are hemming and hawing about just what the science actually means. The safest conclusion: we still have a long way to go before we really understand the earth’s climate, but the risk of serious and unwelcome climate change should encourage us to move quicker and faster on common sense policies—supporting telework, for example—that would accelerate the world’s transition to a post-industrial, information-based economy. This shift is good in itself, and is exactly what we should be doing even if climate weren’t an issue.