That’s Investor’s Business Daily’s prediction. Not to mentione that “disasterous global warming’ won’t occur either…
We have a prediction all our own — that disastrous global warming will not occur. Then the greenies will take credit for preventing it and ask us if we’re glad we spent trillions in fighting it. Al Gore will be laughing all the way to the bank. (emphasis added by me)
… and is global warming occuring at the present time?
Except, as we recently noted, the trend in the world’s oceans — as shown by measurements taken by a fleet of 3,000 high-tech ocean buoys first deployed in 2003 — is toward cooling. As Dr. Josh Willis, of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, noted in a separate interview with National Public Radio, “there has been a very slight cooling” over the buoys’ five years of observation.
As Joseph D’Aleo, the Weather Channel’s first director of meteorology, told National Review Online’s Deroy Murdock that the slight warming trend “peaked in 1998, and the temperature trend the last decade has been flat, even as CO2 has increased 5.5%. Cooling began in 2002.” He added: “Ocean buoys have echoed that slight cooling since the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration deployed them in 2003.”
and the most important question and answer?
So why the hype? Well, global warming is a growth industry designed to keep Earth and some bank accounts green.
Do the greenies recognize what a hard core capitalist Al Gore is? Didn’t think so.