Up to 6 months for the retaliator

Gotta love it…

For more than two years, Sydney Davis’ house has been under siege from stone-throwing youths. And more than two hours into the latest attack on his family home, the police had yet to respond.

So after a particularly large missile landed in his kitchen, the 65-year-old grabbed a plank of wood and ran towards the gang to scare them away. But his desperate act came just as the police finally arrived on the scene – where they promptly arrested him for possession of an offensive weapon.

He now faces up to six months in prison.

Read more of the story over at Rachel’s blog.

Updated at 9:15pm on 7/8:

Instapundit, commenting on Rachel’s post muses…

When the police are widely seen as the dependable allies of hoodlums, you’ve got a country that’s ripe for some sort of revolution. Any wonder that so many Brits are emigrating?


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