Heller: Won but still losing

Read about the red tape obstacle course the DC government is throwing up to thwart the spirit of the Supreme Court order and prevent hand gun possession by law abiding citizens.

Perhaps it’s time to join the NRA:

The National Rifle Association has signaled it also will challenge the new D.C. regulation, describing the law as extreme and in “complete defiance of the Supreme Court’s decision.” “The current D.C. proposal requires the complete cooperation of the criminal,” NRA spokesman Andrew Akulanandum. “It would require the criminal to call and tell you when they plan to come and attack you.”

This is what Boulder County (and the City as well, not to leave them out) does to prevent development they don’t approve of. In many cases they can’t outlaw it, but they can make it expensive and painful. Of course, they have the citizens convinced that’s what makes Boulder such a great place.

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