Edwards fallout

Slate tries to make the John Edwards story something it isn’t. Frankly, this is a John Edwards problem, not a Democrat or Republican problem. It doesn’t bother me in the least when a smooth talking snake oil salesman gets caught with the goods, but that’s pretty much the story as I see it.

Update: 8/9, 1:25pm

I won’t to modify my stance a little bit. As Edwards was a VP candidate his actions reflect even more poorly on him and it certainly put him in danger of truly embarrassing the Democratic party. If he had been selected as Obama’s VP, it would have been a body blow to the campaign. Still, at this point, that reflects much more on Edwards than on the Democrats. If I were a Democrat, this wouldn’t change how I felt about Obama.

Also, this has been bothering me as well…

Parts of Edwards’ story don’t fit – namely why would he be slinking around to avoid being seen with Rielle at the Beverly Hilton this past month. If Elizabeth already knew about the affair in 2006, then why hide it? Why stretch things out and not simply admit the affair to the Enquirer then and there? Hot Air has much more.

I’m with lawhawk, we haven’t heard the whole story yet. If Edwards chooses to drop the political scene entirely perhaps we don’t need to. Somehow, I don’t think the National Enquirer will let it slide.

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