Nancy Pelosli, the anti-gravitas Speaker of the House

Katie Allison Ganju of Knoxnews blogs on why Nancy Pelosi must go

However, the speech was incredibly inappropriate. At a moment when the Speaker should have been rallying the entire membership of the House to pull together as Americans and solve the crisis before them, Pelosi chose instead to use her pulpit to lay blame and point fingers. There is certainly plenty of blame to go around, and some finger pointing is going to have to occur as we decide what specific mistakes were made and how we can avoid repeating them. But yesterday was not the time.

Yesterday was a time for statesmanship and gravitas, qualities that are critical in the individual who is only a few degrees away from the presidency, and who is vested with representing the entire body of the House of Representatives. In our two party system, there is no way to leave partisan politics out of the Speaker’s role, but Pelosi acts more like a House majority or minority leader, or a whip – or even like the DNC Chair – than she does like the great Speakers of yore, like Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.

Perhaps she would like to move out to Colorado and the Daily Camera could give her a platform?

Hat-tip to Instapundit.

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