Trickle down brainwashing

Update to 5:02pm. (9/30/08)

From the Sing for Change website

As Sunday approached, a neighbor volunteered a home. Production wizards got wind of the project and offered their help in recordingit. The likes of Jeff Zucker, Holly Schiffer, Peter Rosenfeld, Darin Moran, Jean Martin, Andy Blumenthal, and Nick Phoenix rearranged schedules to participate. Holly Schiffer was able to get three High Definition cameras (Panasonic HVX250’s), and an AVID editing facility. When Jeff Zucker went to pick up the camera package, Ted Schilowitz happened to be there and offered a RED camera set up on a SteadiCam.

What we accomplished in a few hours on a Sunday afternoon embodies the nature of the Obama campaign: its grassroots inspiration, its inclusiveness, its community building. People pitched in quickly for a cause that resonated with them. There were not many conditions: “Think this is a good idea? Want to help? Great. Sunday at 12:00.” At the heart of the project were 22 children and their music. The willingness of all involved to come together for them was a testament to our hope, unity, courage, joy and belief in the future represented by these children.

Ed Morrissey over at Hot Air notes (scroll to bottom):

“Production wizard” Jeff Zucker appears to also be President & CEO of NBC Universal Jeff Zucker. At least David Zucker (apparently no relation) sticks with adults for his political work. Will Sing for Change get its own variety-hour special next?

Hat-tip to Hot Air for the updated part of the posting.

My girls are both excellent singers and the older one has many honors singing. I would never let them participate in an event such as this for either party. Pawn to King Four.

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