Boulder County Bar Association and Judge Klein

Judge Klein’s friends on the executive committee at the Boulder County Bar Association are trying one more time to ride to his rescue. In a guest opinion piece published in Sunday’s Daily Camera they conclude, incorrectly in my opinion…

This is precisely how our system should work. Legislators, not judges, should change laws. Unhappiness with the application of Colorado’s adverse possession law in this case has nothing to do with Judge Klein’s performance. The Colorado Judicial Performance Commission — an entity comprised of mostly non-lawyers — has thoroughly reviewed this case and hundreds of other cases handled by Judge Klein and unanimously recommended that he be retained. See the commission’s review at

The commenter’s do a better job of taking on Denean Hill, Karl Kumli and Rich Irvin then I could ever do, so follow the link, read the article and then the comments. I particularly like this comment from “strike3″…

Those who try to defend Klein on the grounds that he “followed the law” on this case are obviously totally ignorant of the absurd physical evidence McLean and Stevens presented.

It is crystal clear from the actual physical evidence (which I inspected) that Mclean and Stevens had no case. Or, at best, a very weak and extremely suspicious set of “facts”.

What McLean/Stevens really had was a malicious scheme, driven by greed and vindictiveness, to stop the Kirlin’s from building their dream home on the lot next door.

No jury would have decided this case in favor McLean/Stevens after viewing the evidence on-site. There is NO WAY an IMPARTIAL judge would have either.

But Judge “It’s an honor to have you in my courtroom Judge McLean” Klein is another story.

Why these guys can’t just “lay low” and hope Judge Klein squeaks through suggests that they seriously fear the vote will go against him. I suspect they aren’t all that concerned about Judge Klein but the citizens taking the law into their own hands. While potentially dangerous, I’d have to say the attorney’s of the world only have themselves to blame. Boy’s, if there’s a problem in the judicial system, I suggest you look in the mirror.

The wife and I voted last Wednesday and I’m proud to state that we both voted NOT to retain Judge Klein.

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