Once again “real weather” shows up a global warming debate, this time in the UK…
Snow fell as the House of Commons debated Global Warming yesterday – the first October fall in the metropolis since 1922. The Mother of Parliaments was discussing the Mother of All Bills for the last time, in a marathon six hour session.
Of course, as the politicians act, supporting public opinion starts to recede…
Recently the American media has begun to notice the odd incongruity of saturation media coverage here which insists that global warming is both man-made and urgent, and a British public which increasingly doubts either to be true. 60 per cent of the British population now doubt the influence of humans on climate change, and more people than not think Global Warming won’t be as bad “as people say”.
Both figures are higher than a year ago – and the poll was taken before the non-summer of 2008, and the (latest) credit crisis.
Yet anyone looking for elected representatives to articulate these concerns will have been disappointed. Instead, representatives had a higher purpose – demonstrating their virtue. And for the first 90 minutes of the marathon debate, the new nobility outdid each other with calls for tougher pledges, or stricter monitoring. Gestures are easy, so no wonder MPs like making them so much.
The politians have kept drinking the kool-aid as the general public starts to realize the truth.
Global warming junkies, your cause is starting to lose momentum. Time to trot Al Gore out and attempt to create a new crisis. After the current financial crisis it might be harder than usual to grab the general public’s attention.