Longmont near “breaking point”

Longmont Times call reports that the Longmont is near the “breaking point”. I’m not impressed. Here are some snippits…

This makes sense too me…

“Let’s look at it realistically, not with rose-colored glasses but not with the outlook that the world is going to end,” she said.

Others said that optimism is great but being cheery doesn’t change the need for the city to be prepared to deal with a potential budget crisis.

Councilman Gabe Santos said the City Council must prioritize the needs and wants of the community and define the role of city government in meeting those.

“We want our garbage picked up. We want our water to work. We want our police and fire to respond,” Santos said. “We’re going to have to really look at what is our function, what are we supposed to provide everyone.

Here’s the explanation of “the breaking point”…

City manager Gordon Pedrow said Longmont already has been doing all it can to cut costs and improve efficiency, including a selective hiring freeze that’s been in effect for more than a year.

But the city is close to a breaking point, and something has to give: either staffing levels or service levels.

“There is a point when things break. I’m just saying we are near that point. … We can’t continue all the services at the same level,” Pedrow told the council.

My goodness, they might have to downsize and they call that a “breaking point”? Get over it. Just off the top of my mind I can think of many local companies that have downsized such as Seagate, Sun, LSI and Crocs.

I find the idea that downsizing city government is a “breaking point” very troubling. Perhaps they should reinvent themselves instead?

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