Timothy Geithner == Idiot

Let’s see, Mr Geithner

1. Hired an illegal alien
2. Cheated on his taxes taxes
3. TARP fund was his idea (certainly he can’t take full credit for that!).

He doesn’t have the trust and credibility to be Treasury Secretary.

Also, good insight on Mr. Geithner in the letters to the editor section of today’s Wall Street Journal.

Rob Augusta from Simsbury, CT states…

…Therefore, it is my view that Mr. Geithner’s behavior admits only two possibilities. Either he intentionally committed several years’ worth of tax fraud, for which he should face prosecution, or the man is dumber than a box of rocks. In neither case should the job of Treasury Secretary await him….

From Jeffrey Fleman of Beachwood, Ohio…

My friends employed at the Internal Revenue Service state that if they committed the same of similar violations for even shorter periods of time as Mr. Geitherner, on federal, state or local tax laws, they would be terminated, let alone get hired of a new job….”

Ron Kunzelman, Sun lakes, AZ…

Mr. Geithner seems to be a member of the Leona Helmsley culture: “Taxes are only for the little people.” What a farce.

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