Budget pork vs. AIG bonuses

Commons Sense from Neil Cavuto…

Selective rage. Played out before TV cameras capturing it all today. Politicians furious, absolutely furious, over the $165 million in bonuses doled out by AIG that represent less than a percent of the $175 billion taxpayers have spent bailing out AIG.

But not a peep about double that percentage in pork in that $410 billion spending bill. So two percent is nothing. One percent is something. Two percent of our money going to pork is no big deal. One percent of our money going to bonus pork is a big deal. $165 million: big deal; nearly $8 billion: no big deal.

This is the “slam dunk” line…

You can’t rail against one and ignore the other. Better to ignore both, because you can’t have it both ways.

I’m not saying citizens, the press and politicians shouldn’t be upset about the AIG bonuses. That said, the press sure as hell needs to turn the magnifying glass on our politicians. Go ahead, make my day.

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