CNN ratings tanking

It’s a bitter pill for CNN co-founder Reese Schonfeld to swallow…

Now, seven months after Barack Obama’s victory, CNN’s ratings have gone down the drain. From May of last year to May of this year, CNN lost 22% of its total primetime audience. MSNBC was down 2%, while FoxNews was up 24%. In the key advertising demographic (25-54), Fox was up 31%, CNN was down 37% and MSNBC was down 26%. In hard numbers, Fox had 109,000 more viewers than last year while CNN lost 113,000. CNN averaged fewer than 200,000 25-54 viewers in primetime. Even MSNBC averaged more viewers than that.

The article has some constructive criticism, but there’s no danger CNN will take it into consideration. I’m certain of that, the culture is too strong. They will go out of business before they change. Sorta like some Newspapers!

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