Does the President have a health care plan or not? Neil Cavuto comments.
You criticize those who say your plan stinks by telling them: That’s impossible, because you have no plan.
Fair enough. Then you go on and insist health care won’t be rationed. But again, how would you know? You have no measure to prove it will or won’t, because like you said, you don’t have a plan!
You swear on a stack of bibles this death panel stuff is nonsense, but I’m sensing you wouldn’t even know, since someone told me — oh, that was you — you don’t have a plan! On panels, bibles, or anything. So there’s really no way in hell you could know, because again, you don’t have a plan!
Then you tell those out-of-control town hallers they’ve really got to calm down because your plan won’t hurt the elderly. But wait a minute, you just calmly said you don’t have a plan!
And you call them crazy? Mr. President, does this ring a bell?
ding, ding, ding!
Video here.