How big was the crowd?

Boulderites, that would be the Washington D.C. Tea Party. The article speculates as to the true number, but I like this comment from 9/13 @ 10:40pm….

I was there, and I have the pictures to prove it. There was no hate, there was no unrest, there were no politics of personal destruction, there WAS politics of POLICY destruction. Every one was peaceful, enthusiastic and respectful. It was a BEAUTIFUL DAY. If the press, if the libs (same thing) want to ignore it, belittle it, OK with me. We know we were there, we know it was important and we know we are not giving up. Deal.

Willie on September 13, 2009 at 10:40 PM

More on the crowd and their signs.

There were many, many signs, and I’d say that 95% + were hand made. The slogans ran the gamut, but most were on the general theme of spending and government intervention is out of control, we can’t afford it, we’re scared by where Obama is trying to take the country, and the like. Certainly, there were also signs against abortion, for gun ownership, and assorted signs about support for the military (we didn’t fight WW2 for “socialism”), but the proportion on the issue of big government out of control was very high, on the order of 90% or close to it I’d venture.

It was interesting talking with the wide variety of people there. Quite a few came as part of groups, but we encountered more who had come on their own — driving from California or Michigan or Texas, not to mention closer by. There were no production line signs or masses of folks in identical tee shirts. And we found that the people we met were generally well educated and articulate, and they had been paying attention to the issues.

Once again bold is my responsibility.

This isn’t the image the typical Boulder liberal/progressive has of the Tea Party movement. Much of that simply has to do with the liberal tendencies of the City itself but the local paper makes no effort challenge the misconceptions. Wonder why?

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