We need more CO2!

Loveland ski area has it’s earliest opening in 40 years and Arapahoe Basin has it’s earlier opening ever, not to mention snow expected today and now we have a geologist claiming that CO2 doesn’t cause global warming.

Much of the global warming debate has focused on reducing CO2 emissions because it is thought that the greenhouse gas produced mostly from fossil fuels is warming the planet. But Steward, who once believed CO2 caused global warming, is trying to fight that with a mountain of studies and scientific evidence that suggest CO2 is not the cause for warming. What’s more, he says CO2 levels are so low that more, not less, is needed to sustain and expand plant growth.

Trying to debunk theories that higher CO2 levels cause warming, he cites studies that show CO2 levels following temperature spikes, prompting him to back other scientists who say that global warming is caused by solar activity.

I know, he’s not a “climate scientist” so he doesn’t count.

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