Lessons from the Rush Limbaugh debacle

It’s time for conservatives to make the marketplace work for them

And therein lies a lesson for conservatives: we should consider making the marketplace work for us. This means, for example, organizing boycotts of the goods and services of those whose actions (I’m less inclined to say “views”) offend us.

I’m not talking about trying to boycott the NFL. Let’s not be ridiculous. Conservatives (including me) are at least as addicted as the rest of the country to sports, and professional football is the narcotic of choice for the American sports fan. I’m talking about directing our efforts at more vulnerable enterprises.

In a sense, this is already happening. Many conservatives have deserted the mainstream media, and a number of MSM outlets are suffering in part as a result. But this represents natural gravitation, not punitive behavior.

We deserted the Daily Camera many years ago. I’m sure at least 3 and it could be 5 or more years ago. The spouse has been given permission to cancel the Denver Post whenever the mood strikes her. If it was up to me, it would be long gone.

We also try to do the majority of our shopping outside of Boulder, but we don’t take it to extremes. I think it’s safe to say over 90% of our grocery shopping occurs outside of Boulder. Not because we have issues with the grocery stores in Boulder, but we would prefer to spend our tax dollars in other communities that aren’t so anti-capitalist.

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3 Responses to Lessons from the Rush Limbaugh debacle

  1. Paul says:

    It seems to me that all the negative vibes this blowhard (Rush Hudson Limbaugh A.KA. Jeff Christie) has been spewing over these many years has come back to blow back on his face (A classic “Blow Back”). He always tries to give off the airs that he can have anything he wants but as we all witness those with more money and more influence tossed him aside like sack of potatoes and the ultimate insult was that it was done in public (money don’t buy you everything butterball).

    Now of course he blames everyone else (Michael J. Fox, Perez Hilton, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Sonia Sotomayor, Hillary Clinton, Olympia Snowe, ESPN, NFL, the media, basically people of color, the handicapped, women and gays) when of course all you have to do is listen to his show and plainly hear his daily prejudices filled sermons. So NFL, I salute you decision, job well done. And to the whaling cry baby perched on his self made pedestal, quit your whining it was your own fault. Don’t we all feel better?

  2. Paul says:

    The NFL decides who becomes an owner not the other way around.

    All this blowhard (Rush Hudson Limbaugh A.KA. Jeff Christie) has to offer is his money and his opinions, (which in my opinion are on the fringes of racism, one mans opinion). There are many more groups biding for the Rams, not just his group. Lets face it there are more men with money (Marshall Faulk) that will gladly fill the slot and the Rams will win or lose depending on how well they work as a team and not on whether or not Rush is an owner.

    As for Vick, well he is a player (he has talent not like you, Rush or I, unless you are a NFL player?) and he served his time and the NFL decided we live in the land of second chances, so why not (I personally don’t like it but, oh well). Life has never been fair (NEWS FLASH!)

    Now as to the “Free Speech” argument, I guess many of you like myself heard Rush on Thursday “Almost in tears”, priceless. But the last couple of days he now is in his normal ranting and will continue until someone surpasses him, “Free Speech” continues, so what is being stifled, it simply is not true, of course, you may not have a radio, so you might want to get one.


    PS – I am sure someone is working to put the tapes together maybe all you subscribers can help, since you are all about getting to the truth?

    PPS- Beauty Pageant Judge – Now I understand why he lost the weight, to find a new wife, creepy.

  3. ChrisA says:

    Paul, what a loudmouth, post your canned responses somewhere else. Your obviously trying to fit a square peg into a round hole as it pertains to this posting.

    If you can't be relevant to the actual post, this will all end up in the trash can.

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